4 - ill do whatever it takes

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it doesn't matter who he has to hurt, it doesn't matter who has to die and it doesn't matter what he has to do. 

He will bathe in the blood of anyone who ever dared to take his Izuku away and enjoy it. 

So, when Izuku starts to talk about a girl who started giving him gifts at school, Katsuki knows exactly what he has to do.

 So, he waits till he can get her alone. 

He asks her to go out with him and give up on Izuku instead. She agrees, clinging to him everywhere he goes. 

This opens up a lot of closed doors, including Izuku being even more affectionate with him and it's the best thing ever. 

Until his fake girlfriend talks to him in private, saying it's about something important. She shifts on her legs nervously.

"Listen Bakugou, i like you, so I'm only going to tell you this once, i don't like how Midoriya clings on to you and i hate that you always let him do it. it's almost like you like it or something."

 Bakugou glares. 

"The nerd is my best friend, no shit we're gonna be around each other a lot." 

She lets out a frustrated huff, 

"You're not listening to me! i swear he's gay or something, he's always glaring at me when we hang out and he never stops talking about you!" 

Katsuki can't help it when his eyes widen and pink flushes his cheeks. 

"Has he really? Do you think he's jealous?" 

She angerly throws her arms out, her voice going higher and louder. 

"Do you really care about that?! Why the hell does it even matter?!" 

Katsuki glares, snarling at her and stepping closer. " Don't fucking yell at me! Who the hell do you think you are?!"  

The girl is almost close to screaming. 

"I'm your fucking girlfriend you asshole!" 

Katsuki grins, angry and done with weeks of pretending. 

"You think i fucking care?! i don't even like you! I only said id date you because you were trying to get with Deku and it was the only way to get rid of you without killing you! But now i fucking realize that i should have just killed you bitch!"  

She steps back and puts her arms up, scared and trying to get away, But the area that they are in only has one exit, which means she would have to go through Katsuki to get away.

 They are in an area outside next to the school, the windows reflection shinning down on them. She screams when Katsuki goes towards her 

"Stay away from me you crazy bastard! You're sick!" 

Katsuki tackles her down easily, hold down her body by getting on top of her, and strangling her. He tightens his grip, feeling her tears roll down her cheeks as she gasps and sobs. 

He grins and clenches tighter tighter tighter tighter- 

she scratches at his hands and forearms, leaving ugly red lines, but he doesn't let go, he doesn't let go even after she stops moving. 

He catches his breath, panting slowly. He then gets off of her and looks at the red bruises on her neck. 

Finally, the bitch is gone 

But he still needs to get rid of the body which will probably take the whole night. That can wait though. 

Right now, he just needs to lay down and catch his breath. He could do this for the rest of his life, keeping Izuku happy by getting rid of any annoyance. 

Hed do anything for Izuku and he'd do whatever it takes to make everything go his way. Including getting rid of some bitch. 

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