8 - Photos

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Tons of pictures of Izuku are posted all over the wall farthest from his window. 

His old man knows about it, and has told him he could move it into the basement, a space his old hag never visits because 

"Why the hell would I want to go down there? The stairs are all fucked up, I could fall down em."

So now Katsuki is taking each and every one of them down, making sure to not ruin their perfect condition. 

The first one he ever took was in December, the date and time scribbled in Katsuki's handwriting on the back of the photo.

Even if it's creased with age, he can clearly see Izuku, pulling his scarf closer and letting out a deep breath that leaves as a puff of air in the cold. 

His cheeks and ears are red, his curls are covered by a warm hat.

 Katsuki remembers taking it, making sure to position himself far enough Izuku wouldn't notice and close enough to actually get a decent photo.

Standing out there in the cold hiding behind the corner of his house, Katsuki remembers admiring his first photo from his new camera his old man got him for Christmas.

From then on, he knew he'd be using it a lot more, and spending tons of money on camera film and printing equipment. 

At least five more photos were taking that week, most of Izuku in the snow or in his house, cuddled up with a warm drink in his room.

Katsuki sees a photo of Izuku in his school uniform, wearing a bright smile. He looks at it fondly, then notices something in the back. A blurry figure with red and white where it's head should be.

Katsuki stares at it, silent. How had he not noticed that before? 

He puts that photo in a separate pile and continues to look through the photos, noticing the same figure every now and again, until it's face is staring right at him.

In the photo Izuku is drinking Boba in a orange straw, while pink cheeks and cheap sonic are sharing one, seemingly in their own little world with smiles on their faces. 

Then the icy hot bastard comes into view, staring at Izuku with a small smile.

No one else would notice, but he did. Even in the photo Katsuki sees the admiration in his eyes.

 The want. 

Clearly icy hot is hiding something important, and Katsuki will find out what it is.

He hopes it isn't what he thinks, but at least it would give him a reason to kill him besides the fact he makes Katsuki's blood boil.

He puts the separate pile on his desk, continuing to put his photos down and moving the box of them into the basement only to put them up on that bigger space instead. 

He'll have to collect a lot more photos of his love if he wants to cover the walls.

Also, to collect evidence that the icy hot bastard is stalking his Deku. 

The thought of some creep taking pictures of Izuku when he doesn't know and putting them in their room makes Katsuki's skin crawl with irrational disgust and anger.

What kinda creep would do something so disgusting to his Deku

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