6 - Red like blood

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Izuku never really thought about it that much. He grew up with Katsuki, so it was normal for him to see the way he acted. 

Katsuki was protective of him, and he would sometimes blow up if someone touched him the wrong way. 

And the wrong way was always in any way. He hadn't really thought it wasn't normal until he entered middle school, and everyone reacted like it was a bad thing. 

His peers would talk to him any chance Katsuki wasn't around, which was rarely. They would ask him tons of questions, questions he never really thought about. 

"Don't you think Katsuki is a little obsessed with you?" 

Again, he hadn't really thought about it. Plus, when he asked Katsuki if he really was obsessed with him, he just laughed with a mocking look and turned his chin up at him. 

"You got it all wrong Deku, you're the one who's obsessed with me!"

 Izuku guessed he was. 

Another question from his nosy classmates, 'useless extras need to learn to mind their own damn business!' 

As Katsuki would say. But Izuku doesn't really mind the questions, he likes talking about Katsuki any chance he can get. "What do you even like about him?" 

Now, for some reason this question made him stop. He liked everything about katsuki, there wasnt just one thing he could say to completely summarize everything he loved about the blond. 

The way he never stooped to a challenge, his determination and willpower should be admired by all, even though he can sometimes be misunderstood by others around him as arrogance. 

But the more Izuku thought about it, the more it became clear. The window to the soul. 

The thing that showed the fire in Katsuki's heart and in his mind, blazing like crazy every time he got excited or pumped up. 

Katsuki's eyes were a treasure, and once Izuku came to the conclusion, he couldn't help but think about taking them and putting them in a jar so they would never be lost. 

But Izuku found that since they were Katsuki's, that's what made them beautiful, and taking them for himself would only ruin them. 

"I like his eyes." 

His peers asked more questions. 

"What about his eyes?" 

Izuku was silent for a while, then he finally spoke, his voice echoing in the quiet classroom full of waiting classmates. 

"I like that... they're red like blood." 

The door of the classroom burst open and Katsuki entered, hands letting out explosions.

 "Get away from Deku asshats!" 

They scattered and Izuku and Katsuki walked home, Izuku staring into his eyes every now and again to Katsuki's pleasure.

 "See Deku, your totally obsessed with me! I'm just that great huh?! i know i am!" 

Izuku only smiled. He didn't have to deal with anyone's questions for a full week after that. 

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