Chapter 13 ~ I missed you...

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-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- 2 Days Later.

Youngjae's POV

I was coming out of Hospital today. Yet I had no home any longer, I had tried to find a couple of cheap apartments near my school that could have been a possibility to live in for awhile. I had been working a few shifts at a coffee shop near Yongguk's house lately, along with giving study lessons to some of the younger kids that were struggling in school at the moment and needed some help with their subjects, parents were usually able to pay for the lessons, for two hours of a study lesson with children under the age of 12 was £15 (I hope you guys don't mind my English terms but in dollars I know that it is around $20) and £20 (around $30) for a 13-16 year old. It wasn't much but it got me somewhere.

There was one small studio apartment around the corner from my school, which I really liked, I didn't have much stuff and I could probably pay the rent. I hope that I can, I was planing on giving the owner of the apartment a call today to see if I could rent it.

I had talked to Nari about what had happened and she said that she would be willing to help me out if things didn't go well, or that I could get a third job at the diner, which I may take up the offer for. Actually, it isn't as hard being alone and finding a house and more money as I thought it would be, it seems to be all going quite well.

I got put on the pills late yesterday by Woohyun, they were happy pills. I knew that I was becoming depressed again but the happy pills really did help how I felt, I would never be able to plan out what I was going to do once I got discharged from hospital if it weren't for them.

Daehyun's parents say no to letting me see him, yet apparently they won't come to see Daehyun themselves, like my family, any longer. Woohyun and Hye-Mi are planning on finding a way to let me see him without his parents knowing, yet we all knew that that was illegal. But was it worth breaking the law for an extraordinarily strong friendship, almost as strong as the emotion of love? To me, it was so much more important, but he is my Daehyun. I missed Daehyun, and I just have to see him, I don't think without him I could live. I wanted to see his smile and how his eyes glowed when he laughed, his laugh, I love his laugh. I wanted to hear him laugh at my bad jokes again and tell me that they are only funny because they are that bad.

I heard a knock and the door open, I turned and gave a small smile towards Woohyun and Hye-Mi, lately they had both been coming to see me, Woohyun to do all my medical stuff and see if I'm okay emotionally and Hye-Mi to update me on Daehyun and just for company, she really was easy to talk to, If Daehyun can hear everything like I have heard you can in his coma then he must feel comfortable around Hye-Mi she just had a lovely friendly aura.

"Hey Jae. well, it's time. You're free to go. I'm going to miss you Jae, you are the best and most eye opening patient I have had the pleasure to meet in a very long time. So have you got yourself somewhere to go?" Woohyun held a genuine smile yet it seemed to be slightly mischievous in some unknown way.

"I might, I don't know yet, I am asking the owner today if I could move in, but I obviously am not sure what he will think about a boy in high school, not even 18 moving in. But I don't think the man will care." Woohyun nodded along to what I said, with an even bigger smile growing on his face.

"That's great Youngjae! Well, good luck to you! And I have a present for you." Hye-Mi seemed to beam. Nothing was in her hands, I wondered what it was.

"You didn't need to buy me something!" I didn't know what to say, they had been so nice to me these last couple of days. And for that I couldn't thank them enough.

"Oh no Youngjae! Our present to you doesn't cost anything!" Woohyun interjected this time, were they joking around with me or were they really being serious?

"Come on, we'll lead you to your present." Hye-Mi was in little fits of giggles. I don't know why, but she was one of those giggly, always happy women.

I picked my things up from the plastic chair and walked down the white hallway along with the two nurses, they really were best friends, they walked arms linked and skipping down the hallway, children at hearts, that's what they are. Complete children, that just happen to have had a very good education, good enough to be professional nurses.

We only walked through two hallways before stopping at a door that read 'room 214' why were we at a patient's room?

"Well go in! I bet he wants to see you!" Hye-Mi patted my shoulder a huge smile caressing her face. That is when the realisation kicked in. This was-?!?!

"Is this?!?!"

"Shhhh, go find out!" Woohyun and Hye-Mi were now descending down the hallway that they had come from.

"Thank you!" Thank you wasn't enough, yet it was the only words I could muster out.

My hand rest on the door handle, I was scared as to what was behind the door. I knew that Daehyun, the boy I had been so worried about for days now was behind it, yet I was scared to see him, cause if I saw him, I knew that everything would click in my brain, that this was reality and that he really was is a coma. However, now I knew I just had to get in there and see him, I was desperate. And with that I flung open the door and shut it after me.

There Daehyun lay, beautiful as ever. I now felt like I hadn't seen him in an eternity. He was so gorgeous just lying peacefully there in his too deep sleep.

I smiled, yet I knew that I shouldn't be. Yet I didn't feel any sadness, just relief, he was okay. In a coma, yet okay. He still looked healthy, his lips plump and pinky and his skin not pale.

"Dae? Dae, it's me Jae. Oh god I have fucking missed you. I can't remember what happened to us three days ago, but I know that we had both been hurt by someone or something. I'm fine though, a couple of bumps and bruises but I'm okay." I paused to take a breath and just stare at his completely still body.

I slowly walked closer and grabbed his hand and rubbed his palm with my thumb.

"My parents... My parents, uh they um. They kicked me out of my house. I am homeless, but not for long. I have found this really nice studio apartment that I am going to see if I can move into and rent. I'm going to try really hard to get a raise in work and I might even start a couple of shifts a week, when I'm not giving study lessons or working at the coffee shop, at the diner. I should be just about able to pay for all the bills every month along with essentials like food." I felt like that must have been some very fast sentences to take in. Especially to someone who was just listening to his best friend tell him that he is homeless whilst he is stuck in a coma, unable to do anything to help. And now I felt guilty.

"I feel like Daehyun, like I wouldn't care about you as much as I do if I wasn't giving you another chance. Or that if I didn't have any feelings for you that I wouldn't have spent these last few days thinking only of you and how you were. I really do miss you Dae. And I promise this won't be the last time I come to see you, my nurse and yours are going to secretly let me see you. But it's risky, it's illegal Dae, I'm not supposed to even be seeing you right now. But I am so happy that I am here right now. I really hope you are okay Daehyun." I don't know why I was whispering to him, but I felt the need to. Like I would wake him up from a light slumber with a loud voice.

"I'll be back soon Dae. Trust me, I won't ever leave your side, ever."


Hey Guys! Oh. My. Fucking. God. 1K!!!!!!!!!!!! I cannot thank you guys enough for all the support you guys have given me so far! So what did you think of the chapter? Sorry if I have just awoken you with a notification for an update on the book! Okay so that is about it! But just so I am clear, I cannot seriously thank you enough. I love this book and I am so happy that you people do too! So yah! I hope You are having a fabulous day or have had! And bye!

Love From Jess XOXO(Just Like EXO's song!)

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