Chapter 2 ~ My Youngjae.

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Daehyun's POV 

I looked around the classroom. My Biology class was big, however none of the students seemed welcoming except one. He was smiling and waving me over to him. I looked behind me to make sure he was implying for me to go over there and not one of his friends, nobody stood behind me.

I walked slowly over to him and gave a smile, still not sure if he meant me.

"Hey, are you the new boy?" He asked me looking up at me from where he sat at his desk.

"Uh... Yeah. I just came from Japan. My named Daehyun." I smiled slightly, this guy seemed nice maybe he could be my friend.

"I know who you are! Everybody does! Didn't you notice that big crowd around you this morning? Me and my friends were waiting for Youngjae to arrive but we saw him get distracted by the crowd." The boy let out a small chuckle thinking about Youngjae. Was he speaking about the Youngjae I had met this morning?

"Oh, I think I may have met him this morning actually after the bell rung. He helped me find the secritary. He's nice! Can I sit?" I asked motioning to the chair next to the nice boy. I smiled thinking about Youngjae, he was really sweet this morning to agree to help me out even when he had to get to class. He must have missed half of his first lesson.

"That would explain why Younjae came in half way through our art class! I'm Kim Him Chan by the way but everyone just calls me Himchan." The boy I now knew as Himchan said turning his chair to look at me.

"Oh yeah. Well it's nice to meet you Himchan." I gave him a smile before turning to the professor who had just walked in.


It turnes out that me and Himchan got along well and by the end of the lesson me and him were friends and he had invited me to meet the rest of him and Youngjae's friendship group.

I trailed behind Himchan, watching carefully where I was going, trying not to bump into anyone. I felt eyes on me as I followed Himchan up to a group of five other boys, one being Youngjae.

"Hyung, who's that?" I turned to a very tall yet young boy, he seemed a year younger than Youngjae and had pink hair.

I smiled to him reassuring him that I did not just stalk Himchan over here.

"This is the new guy. He's nice and look at his features! not bad huh?" Himchan put a hand on my shoulder and patted it. I felt uncomfortable with lots of eyes on me. I looked up and met Youngjae's chocolate orbs. He laughed, with a big happy smile etched onto his face.

"Hey! How did finding your way around go? I'm sorry I couldn't have shown you to your first class, but Miss Kim would have killed me! Oh and I never got your name?" Youngjae questioned looking deep into my eyes as if looking into my soul. He definitely reminded me of my Youngjae That's for sure.

"Oh! I'm Jung Dae Hyun." I smiled, but this time a smile was not returned. What? Did I say something wrong?

"Daehyun? I swear to god I will rip your fucking head off if you are playing around with me!" Younjae burst out shouting. Oh my God, what did I do?!?!

"I'm not lying Youngjae! What did I do?" I was starting to panic. What had I done in order to be shouted at?

"You know exactly what you did wrong Jung Dae Hyun! Exactly what you did! A note! A fucking note is all I got from you!" Youngjae began to cry and people were staring. Was this my Youngjae? Is this boy really my Yongjae?

"Youngjae? Oh my God Youngjae! Do you know what it's been like over these years?!?!" I let a tear slip down my cheek. This was my Youngjae. No wonder he looked like Youngjae, he is Youngjae!

"Just shut up! I don't want you here! And don't you tell me what these past years have done to you! You didn't just get a letter saying about how your supposed best friend only hung out with you because you were a loner! You didn't have to watch as your old best friend's house became empty and watch the furniture slowly all get sent away in trucks! You weren't left wondering where your best friend had moved away to! You didn't lose so much weight from being so upset that you didnt want to eat or do anything and have to watch your parents become so worried that you had three doctors appointments a week because you were that upset! And lastly Daehyun, you didn't have to wake up one morning and watch the person that you were closest to drive away. Not a fuck given!" Youngjae now had his cheeks covered with tears and they just kept going and going. And that is when he ran off down the hallway and out of sight. 


Hey guys, so here is chapter 2! If you ever get the chance it would be great if I got some feedback. Good or Bad just let me know! I hope you are all having a good week and that you are happy! I'll be most likely updating on Wednesday or Thursday and then again on the weekend, so expect lots of chapters! See ya soon!

Love Jess XOXO

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