Chapter 5 ~ My Perspective.

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Daehyun's POV

My hands were shaking vigorously as we stood outside of Nari and Gun's 'rock and roll diner', It had been so long since my last visit here, it hadn't changed however, there was still a neon open sign on the glass door and the small building was still painted a bright shade of red. Looking through the window I noticed Nari at the counter, she was already looking at me, with a wave of her hand she gestured me in.

As the boys waited at the door I walked to the counter where Nari had stood outside of now. She smiled and hugged me, taking me off guard.

"He is over there in the corner, don't hurt him please Dae, I know what he thinks you did is most likey not true, so go over there and talk to him." Nari whispered almost silently into my ear whilst she held me in her embrace and waited for an answer.

"Thank you." I whispered back giving her a quick squeeze beore letting go and heading in Youngjae's way. He hadn't noticed me, he was immersed in the fast pace 50's song playing in the background as he stared down at the milkshake in his hands. I saw the tears running down his face, my heart had a shot of pain that lingered in the pit of my stomach. I wanted to vomit, cry and just hug him, but that would only make matters worse between us.

Instead of saying anything I sat down in the chair across from him. This was our corner and he was listening to our favourite song on the jukebox, I smiled although I didn't know why, he missed me. I thought I was the only one that missed our friendship but he missed it too.

"I know your there you know? I just don't want you to be." Youngjae's voice cracked from crying. He didn't look up into my eyes, and I couln't blame him, I wouldn't want to look at me either at this moment in time.

"Do you want to hear my perspective of the story Jae? Cause I know your friends do. Look just here me out and then hate me but don't just carry on thinking that the story you were told is how the story really goes." I whispered looking at his still bowed head and at his beautiful dark brown hair.

"I don't hate you Daehyun, I never have. I just can't forgive you. I will listen to your story but it doesn't mean it will change my mind. 12 years Daehyun, has been spent wondering where you were, what you were doing, If you had a real best friend now. It hurt Dae, It hurt a whole fucking lot." Youngjae now brought his head up to look into my eyes. His eyes were red and puffy from crying and they held so much sadness at that moment that they could drown you. He was right, he was hurting and saddest part about it all was that his best friend, the one he trusted his life with, the one he trusted everything with had broken him.

" I'm sorry okay I'll tell you the story. And guys you may want to come over here aswell." I didn't turn around when I was talking to the boys, but instead I kept my eyes firmly on Jae.

"Yeah, I think we all want to know what Mr Jung Daehyun the friendship breaker did wrong. And then it would be fine for me to beat the sh-" Yongguk was cut short by Nari shouting about his language, waving her wooden spoon all over the place.

"Okay. This is a long story, but unless I go from the beginning nobody will understand. So it started when we met when I was 3 years old and Youngjae was 2. Our parents got along very well until they started to fight over who had the best sons, this happened a year after we had met. Me and Youngjae were so close and did everything together, therefore our parents hated eachother's families even more thinking we would take the other families side when all we had wanted was for them to get along, they became obsessed with wanting to be better than the other. Youngjae hadn't understood this and that is one of the reasons you think the story goes the way you were told. But that is not the full story an-" I was about to carry on when I heard a voice. I turned to see Zelo resting his head on his hand with a bored expression.

"How long is this story? I'm bored and hungry." Zelo was pounting and Jongup had started to laugh at him.

"Hyungs! If you are hungry ask the lady at the counter for something, but don't interupt the story!" Youngjae looked at the young boys giggling in the corner. They were weird but cute.

"Fine come on Guppie I'm not going alone." Zelo got up, grabbing Jongup and walking off towards the counter.

"Um... Okay. well anyway going back to the story. Well me and Younjae kept being friends and by the time Jae had turned 4 he understood that our parents did not like eachother but still didn't understand the full extent. We made sure we weren't caught for at least half a year until I started to feel guilt from hiding my friendship away from parents, I next made one of the biggest mistaked of my life. I told them about our friendship, that's when my parents lost it, my mother started to get paranoid about Youngjae maybe visiting our house whilst we were out, and that is when I couldn't see you anymore. I didn't want to stop seeing you Jae, but I was not able to get out of my house without beinging watched. I tried for a solid week to see you. Picking locks, taking keys, jumping out of windows, but I never was able to see you. My parents had next told me that we were moving away to Japan, and that I was to write a angry, mean, disgusting letter to you about how I never liked you and that my parents forced us to be friends, they told me that if I didn't do this we would never move back. I was scared. I didn't want to lose you. And just like how you had told me that you had cried for weeks, I did the same, So once I had wrote my letter I put it into an envolope along with the only thing that I wanted you to have to rememer me by, that crystal, I still have mine, I put it on a key ring that I take everywhere. Do you understand why I left you that note now? And do you understand why I couldn't say goodbye? It killed me Youngjae, I didn't hate you, my parents hated you." I finished. I hadn't noticed that I had been crying until I felt hands wiping my cheeks.

"Hey, don't cry. I understand what you are saying Dae, just please don't cry." Youngjae pulled my face so that it was facing his. That moment felt like a fairytale, a slightly gay fairytale. Hey, what if Eric from Ariel never met the beautiful mermaid and instead fell in love with a man? It could happen!

"Can you give me one more chance?" I didn't let go of the eye contact whilst asking this very important question and instead held the hands that were resting on my tear stained face tighter.



Hey guys, so sorry this was quite long but it told you all about what you needed to know. So what do you guys think will happen next?!?! I'm really excited for this book now! And OMG can I just give you guys a big thank you for 100 reads! That is mad and I can't thank you enough for it! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I am now going to be trying to keep a schedule of when I shall be updated since all my exams are over and done with and Easter is on it's way! So thanks for reading and I shall see you again sooner or later bye!!!

Love From Jess XOXO (Just Like EXO's Song!)

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