Chapter 15 ~ Picture wall

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Youngjae's POV

"So Youngjae, here are the keys! Are you excited?" I stood in front of my landlord. To say I was excited would be a very big understatement! This was going to be my own place! I felt mature, I felt like I was finally safe to be myself fully.

"I'm very excited! But I do have two very big requests."

His smile faltered ever so slightly, almost unnoticeable.  I think I may have just made my requests seem worse than they actually are.

"Yes Youngjae what is it?" Okay he was scared! I can tell! Am I really that scary?

"My boyfriend may move in with me later on if it is okay with you. And secondly, can I decorate by painting the walls and decorating the apartment?"

"Ah! You have a boyfriend! Yes that's fine! And as long as nothing is too over the top with the house, you can do whatever you want to do with the place. It's your home!" 

I loved this man! He is so kind! And not homophobic!

"Thank you! Well I shall see you soon Sir. And thank you again!" I smiled beginning to run back to Nari's car.

-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- Youngjae's apartment

The apartment wasn't as small as I thought it had been. There was enough space for a average sized couch and coffee table in my living area, and space for both me and Daehyun to be in the kitchen at the same time. I really know since seeing him that he will be okay, he's in good hands!

"It's big Jae! Can't I just come and live with you?" Nari laughed. She seemed happier than me!

"I know! But It will only be a house not a home if I don't have my furniture!" 

"Do you want me to collect your furniture and clothes? I don't mind doing so if you are not up to seeing them.

"It's not me not wanting to see them, it's them not wanting to see me. I already miss them Nari." Tears started to form in my eyes, it really hurt knowing that your family, the people that I thought would be there for me through absolutely anything and everything, hate you. All because you like and are friends with someone they don't like. You can't help the people you love, my mother used to say when I used to get teased for hanging around with Himchan in kindergarten because he was the 'weird child'. Yet my Mother was now judging me for who I love. I guess to her it isn't the same.

"I know baby. But they will come around, your family are good people and I know that they just feel angry and betrayed right now. Just like how you feel about their un-acceptance. Everything will turn out okay. I promise!" Nari held my hand as we stood in my soon to be living area, this was what I wanted. I wanted to be independent, maybe not this independent but this is what I got. And I ever since I was a very young boy knew I wanted to live with Dae.

I remember as a small child Daehyun and I had been sitting in a old tree in the now demolished park, and he had said 'Jaejae I want to live with you when I'm older. Cause then we can do whatever we want together. You are my best friend Jae and that will never change'. A tear slid down my cheek just thinking about the heart warming event, he was right. We will live together. Whether that be as boyfriends or best friends. We will stay together.

"Alright honey, I'll see you soon with my truck's back full with furniture." She laughed unclasping my hand leaving it to slightly hover in the air before I brought it down to fiddle with the end of my shirt.

"Thank you Noona. I honestly cannot thank you enough."

Nari smiled before exiting through my apartment's door, leaving me alone to dwell over my thoughts of both Daehyun and my family. I sat on my wooden floor. Tomorrow this will be getting painted white, along with all of my other floors apart from my tiled bathroom and kitchen.  My kitchen is in a good state, so maybe just put up some shelves that  have been painted turquoise to the empty white wall. And then my living area can have some wallpaper put up, maybe golden stripes or some other pattern. The couch in my room is white leather so maybe white will look nice with a golden wall. My television is very small but it will have to do till I have the money.

And slowly I began to design my new home in my head. It was perfect, just perfection. It was my own little painting canvas and I couldn't wait to start creating my dream.

But as I planned all the rooms in my head one room stood out as being too bland. My bedroom needed more creativity! More of an eye catching detail. My empty pastel blue wall needed something beautiful and eye catching, yet sweet and unique. Something that would make me smile every time I walked into the room, something that just screams Youngjae...

A picture wall! I had just gotten many of my photographs from my camera and phone printed! I could use a combination of both my camera and mobile phone's  pictures along with my polaroid camera photographs! The wall would be just bright and bold enough and absolutely beautiful on my wall if I can set up some fairy lights around my room! This idea was perfect! And although some would find it upsetting there will be plenty of lovely family pictures up there for me to remember the good times.

This picture wall will tell a whole story of my life in a beautiful and creative way. And I think that once Dae gets to see it he will love it.


Hey guys!

So before everyone is like Jess where in the fucking world did you go?!?! Listen! A lot has been happening to me lately and I honestly have not felt up to even getting out of bed let alone writing a fanfic! Yet I know that this is like my little job and I have a responsibility to keep it up to date and all pretty for you guys who read it! But oh my god guys! You guys have been going crazy about me not updating and I have gotten sooooo much support that it's just crazy! And for all the people that have been urging me to update I want to say thank you soooo much! And thank you to all of you guys who have waited up for me! It means a lot to know that you actually like my writing! Anyway this has gone on for way too long so I am going to love you and leave you, but not for another month I promise! Bye!

Love From Jess XOXO(Just Like EXO's Song!)        

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