Chapter 30 ~ It's my turn...

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Daehyun's POV

2 year skip

My palms were so sweaty and my heart thumping out of my chest. This was the moment that would determine how my next 10 years of career would run, if I didn't get along with these boys, who I was yet to know the names of, my chances as an idol would be screwed. 

And I swear as I stood in front of the closed practice room door I felt a scream of fear wanted to pass through my lips. 

2 years back Youngjae my ex boyfriend, that I had lost because of my own stupidity, had given me the idea of becoming an idol. My friends Kai and Sehun from EXO had then backed up the career idea after they had become idols a year or so before me. After passing the auditions I got placed into a band called B.A.P that consisted of 5 other boys not including myself.

My phone vibrates in my sweats pocket and looking at the name that lit up the screen a smile falls onto my nervous face.

(Phone call)

"Leah! Long time no see! How's Canada?"

"Hey Dae, It's amazing thank you! I met this girl called Alice, I really think I have a chance at dating her! How was meeting your band? Are they all nice? Are they cute? Are they your age?"

"Woah there Leah! For one: I cannot answer any of your question yet since just before you called I was literally just about to meet my band. And 2: I am so happy for you, and to be honest I'd much rather talk about Alice then be meeting my future career right now."

"Shit sorry! I'll skype you tonight and we can talk about Alice then yeah? Besides I need to be getting to my meeting soon and I'd rather not be late to my first meeting in the first week of my new job."

"No please don't leave! I'm panicking here!"

"Dae, just be you. They'll love you, trust me! I'll talk to you tonight my lovely. Bye!"

"Thanks Leah, talk to you tonight. Love you!" 

"Love you more!"

(End of phone call)

The line goes dead and all of my feeling of dread and fear had subsided due to one little phone call with my best friend.

The door knob is cold under my finger tips as I push the door open with apprehension, once the door is fully open and my awkward body stands in the doorway, unable to move, frozen in place with 5 familiar faces staring at me with confused expression.

I soon saw realisation and anger, which of course did not come as a surprise to me.

"Shit. Look what the cat pulled in." Himchan coughed his fingers scratching at the nape of his neck from the awkward tension in the room.

"Dragged in Himchan. Dragged in." Jongup corrects. Nobody dared pull their eyes off of me, as if I were going to take Youngjae right form underneath their noses if they so much as blinked.

"What are you doing here?" Yongguk crosses his arms looking down at Youngjae before looking back to me, one eyebrow raised and threatening eyes staring me in the face.

"I'm in this band Yongguk. If there is a proble-"

"Yeah there is a problem. You. Now fuck off." Yongguk cuts me off as he gestures to the hallway behind me.

I turn and beginning to walk out when I hear a small voice behind me. "Wait Dae. Let's go for a coffee. I need to talk to you alone" I turn to see Youngjae standing behind me with sad and pleading eyes.

"Come on, let's go." Looking at the 4 boys that stood behind us, they all wanted to say something but knew that was not Youngjae would want.

-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- At the coffee Shop  

"Look Jae, I'm so fucking sorr-"

"You have nothing to be sorry about. I was so angry that I wasn't thinking straight, I wasn't letting you speak and explain. Even if you were cheating on me it wasn't right of me to act the way I did. Are you still dating her Dae?" Youngjae stares deep into my eyes with sad eyes and an apologetic smile.

"That's the thing Jae. She was my nurse, and what I said was true; she was showing me around London. The reason I was holding her hand was because I'm not good with heights and he was talking to me at the moment you saw Leah and I about suicide. Not to mention the fact that Leah is a lesbian, so she doesn't find me in the slightest bit attractive. I missed you so much whilst I was stuck in London, and I was told by doctors and Woohyun and Hye-Mi that I wasn't aloud to tell people about my whereabouts. I am so sorry fro keeping it from you though Youngjae, I loved you and didn't want to upset you, you were my world." My eyes slip down to look at my takeaway coffee cup whilst small tear drops began to fall onto to table we sat at.

"Hey, look at me Dae. I'm in the wrong here. I didn't take the time to listen to you because I was a stupid child, but I promise you that I am listening now. I'm sorry for overreacting and upsetting you. I'm such a shit boyfriend, but I want to make things better. It's my turn to ask you for one more chance." Youngjae places two fingers under my chin and softly pulls my face up so that our eyes locked together, like two puzzle pieces that fit perfectly together, as if we had both found the missing pieces to our lives.

"I missed you Jae. Two years, and just as I thought I may have been getting over my broken heart, here I am having coffee with the boy who I never stopped loving. Sorry, too far?" My hand slips into Jae's as we smile at eachother.

"No, just far enough. But the boys hate you." Youngjae chuckles pointing and looking out of the window at a bench where 4 angry boys just happened to be watching our every move.

"It wouldn't be the first time." I laugh with Jae waving to the boys earning glares and a greeting from Yongguk's middle finger in return. 

"So what are we going to do about 'us' then?" Youngjae's thumb rubs over my hand whilst I talk, his eyes never leaving mine. 

"Why can't we just not do anything? Just see what happens. Why do we need to be labelled as something? Because frankly nobody, including ourselves, know what we are." 

"Yeah we can do that. But seriously what am I going to do about them?" Looking back to the bench we find the boys gone and instead they stand at our table.

"You don't need to do anything about us. We respect Youngjae, if he is okay with you, we're okay with you. But that doesn't mean that we aren't going to treat you like shit for at least a couple of months." Yongguk smiles at me laughing and patting my shoulder.

"That's fine by me, anything to be friends with you guys again." I laugh with the rest of the boys. I missed this, feeling wanted.

Standing up we group hug, not caring about how stupid we must've looked. Eventually we got kicked out of the coffee shop for disrupting customers with our loud voices, which only caused us to laugh more as we left.

And like that we were back to the best absolute perfect six that we were two years ago. And we carried on like we hadn't been missing each other for those long 24 months, and regretting our words and actions, and staying up till unholy times thinking about whether things could have been different. We're only human and we have made mistakes since the start of time, but mistakes can be forgiven. Us 6 are what friendship truly is, rough, smooth, cold, lovable, unique, and sometimes sad, but through it all we always find a way to fit the pieces back together when they seem unfixable and start back from where we left off. And I could not ever ask for a better group of best friends. 


Shit, we have only the Epilogue left! How was the last real chapter?! dontbeabarrel did it live up to your expectations? I'm just mind blown by how far this fanfiction has come! And I wake up everyday so thankful for all of you guys that read this silly little story that I just one day decided to start writing. Anyway I don't have much to say today apart from I hope you have had or are having a lovely day! And yeah... Bye!

Love From Jess XOXO (Just Like EXO's Song!) 


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