Chapter 14 ~ A New Chapter.

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Daehyun's POV

The door had opened and closed, normally Hye-Mi would talk to me straight when she came in and ask how I felt, even if I couldn't answer and then she would go into a deep convocation with me, not caring about me not talking to her back.This wasn't like Hye-Mi at all. I wish I could ask her what was wrong, had she gotten some bad news or something?

"Dae? Dae, it's me Jae. Oh god I have fucking missed you." Youngjae? It's my Jae! Relief washed over me when I heard that he wasn't angry, he seemed a little surprised yet extremely happy, maybe even as far as overjoyed!

"I can't remember what happened to us three days ago, but I know that we had both been hurt by someone or something. I'm fine though, a couple of bumps and bruises but I'm okay." It was a relief that Youngjae was okay but I really have been puzzled as to what had happened that day, if I could have hit my head at that moment I would have. Yet the coma restricted me from feeling anything. For all I knew Youngjae could be kissing me right now, well not that I'd stop him if he was I mean look at him he's beautif- No Daehyun! He's your friend nothing more! I knew that if I could I would be blushing right now.

How long had I liked Youngjae for? I mean I know I thought he was cute when I first saw him, but I didn't like him like that! I couldn't like him like that! I'd make him feel even more uncomfortable than he is around me now.

"My parents... My parents, uh they um. They kicked me out of my house. I'm homeless, but not for long. I have found this really nice studio apartment that I am going to see if I can move into and rent. I'm going to try really hard to get a raise in work and I might even start a couple of shifts a week, when I'm not giving study lessons or working at the coffee shop, at the diner. I should be just about able to pay for all the bills every month along with essentials like food." What the fuck?!?! His parents kicked him out?!?! I wonder if I will be kicked out of my house when I wake up? I wouldn't mind that, I knew that they hated Jae, and I also knew that Youngjae's parents wouldn't have any problems with telling my family all about us being friends again. And someone who didn't accept or like Jae was nothing to me, I learnt that the hard way.

"I feel like Daehyun, like I wouldn't care about you as much as I do if I wasn't giving you another chance. Or that if I didn't have any feelings for you that I wouldn't have spent these last few days thinking only of you and how you were. I really do miss you Dae. And I promise this won't be the last time I come to see you, my nurse and yours are going to secretly let me see you. But it's risky, it's illegal Dae, I'm not supposed to even be seeing you right now. But I am so happy that I am here right now. I really hope you are okay Daehyun." My parents aren't letting him see me- wait... He's giving me another chance?!?! Oh My Fucking God! This is the best news I have gotten in a very long time! Then it struck me, he just said that if he didn't have feelings for me he wouldn't have constantly thought of me these past few days. He likes me! I like him! I may even have a chance for something a bit more than friends, I haven't been this happy in a very long time.

His voice was soft, almost inaudible. He must have been whispering to me. 'I miss you too and I like you also' I thought, I knew he couldn't hear me, yet I felt better if I thought about what I would be saying right back to the beautiful boy. I couldn't get over my amazing news that I had just been given! He was mine. No matter what happens I will never let him go again, he has given me one more chance.

I heard the sound of a chair scraping across the floor and feet quietly descending. "I'll be back soon Dae. Trust me, I won't ever leave your side, ever."

And like that he was gone again. It's like without him my heart is missing a fatal piece, and that at any second my heart would give in. Cheesy, I know, but true.

I wonder what Youngjae's apartment looks like. I bet he will find a way to make it his, cute shit everywhere. Maybe a photo wall! He'll ask for permission to put up wallpaper and paint walls, I know Jae, and if they don't let him he will be throwing a big fit. Nobody can take an angry Youngjae seriously, he's just too cute, yeah, the owner can't say no to Jae.

-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- In the diner

Youngjae's POV

"Of course you can rent it! But you do seem quite young if you don't mind me saying Youngjae. How are you going to pay all of the bills?" I was currently on the phone to the owner of the studio apartment. He seemed more than happy for me to rent the apartment. However I understood his worries about the bills. If only he knew how much planning I had done in the past couple of days.

I was confident that I had enough money to rent, if not I will just get a job at the diner, helping Nari and get a raise at the coffee shop.

"Don't worry, I have made sure that everything will be paid for each month. But does this mean that I can move in?"

"Okay, I'm trusting you Youngjae. Well, congratulations, you have bought your first house!"

"Thank you thank you thank you! I promise I won't let you down!"

"I believe in you Youngjae. So, when do you want to pick up your keys and move in?"

I didn't want to sound desperate, yet I needed the apartment right now, ASAP. My family were just waiting for me to pick up all of my furniture and clothes, and then they wanted me gone. "Whenever is good for you, preferably I would need it to be today, however I know that that's unrealistic. So whenever you can give me the keys."

"Today will be fine! The sooner I can get you in the better. Are you available to pick up the keys now at the apartment? The apartment is all ready for you."

"Oh wow, yes I can pick them up now, I'll be there in 10, thank you again Sir."

"No problem Youngjae, I'll see you soon. Goodbye." He hung up and I smiled at Nari.

"Is it yours?" Nari was smiling largely at me, most likely mirroring my expression.

"It's mine! I need to go pick up my keys, do you want to come?"

"Um, duh! Come on, I'll drive you. Then we can go and pick up your stuff from your parents' house."

I'm happy that Nari still accepts me, I know that she is my mother's best friend. But not all best friends agree right? This is going to be a whole new chapter to my roller coaster of a life. And it is going to be a hell of a good chapter!


Hey guys! I'm sorry I haven't updated, I was visiting family and had no access to my laptop. So how have you all been? And did you like the chapter? I started it before I went away, but obviously didn't finish it in time. So instead I am here now, when I should be doing homework, eating cheesecake whilst listening to 5 Seconds Of Summer and updating. So I hope you enjoyed, because I am now behind on my homework. Aaaaannywaaaay... So yah! Bye!

Love From Jess XOXO(Just Like EXO's Song!)

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