Chapter 9 ~ Rejection?

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Youngjae's POV

I felt the cool air hit my skin and I felt peace as I sat on the small wooden bench along with Woohyun, he didn't seem to mind my head that rest comfortably on his shoulder. I knew I shoudn't be happy or calm, my best friend was on death's doorstep inside that hospital and I was here enjoying the park! That thought made my stomach churn and let go of the little food I had left into the bin close to me. Woohyun's hand rested on my back, his calming voice comforting me as I threw up everything that I had left in my stomach.

I rose from where I had been leaning against the bin for support as I vomited and gave a weak smile towards Woohyun to thank him for the comfort.

"Sorry, I thought of Daehyun and couldn't hold it back." I was ashamed and embarrassed that everyone close to me in the park had just seen me vomit into a bin, yet no one seemed fazed by it, maybe most people in this park really were patients.

"Don't apologize, we have all done it before. So do you want to talk about it on the way back to your family?" Woohyun rubbed my back comforting my shocked body, and speaking in a slightly hushed tone in order to not embarrass me any farther.

"I think I'd rather not think about it at all. Cause I know my family will ask questions about what happened and who was around." I sighed walking towards the hospital entrance, guided by Woohyun.

"Okay, I understand. But if you could tell me why you are worried about telling your family that you were with him, it's just that if it causes anything that may cause you harm I need to know, don't take it the wrong way." explained Woohyun as we continued towards the elevator.

"Well, that's a very very very long story. But let's just say that me and Da-him were very close friends until something happened that caused our friendship to be broken. My family hates his and visa versa. They won't take the fact that I am rekindling my friendship with him well at all." I looked at him worried to what he would think. It isn't everyday you meet someone who is best friends with a boy that is hated fiery by their family. It's the perfect plot for one of those romantic dramas I'm always forced to watch with my mother because everyone else is 'busy'.

" Hey it isn't as bad as you think it is. I've heard stranger stories. There was this one woman who didn't want to see her husband and son because they didn't bring the dog with them. And this other man who didn't care that he had a massive bandage around his head and a broken arm but that he wasn't wearing his leather jacket that he had promised he would wear to meet his friend an operation all because it had been his friends who had given it to him because the dog had peed on it! That man really was weird!" Woohyun laughed with me as we arrived on my floor, and from where I stood I saw my family. They seemed worried, had I really caused so much grief?

"Were they okay when I was out?" I stopped just before my corridor and Woohyun stopped along with me.

"Yeah, they were sad that someone had done that to you. But after a while they came to realize that the negativity wasn't helping, like you with 'he who shall not be named'. You are much like your mother, you are both straight thinking, and hard to crack, however with the right talking spill like a drink that has been knocked over." He smiled looking between me and my mother sitting on the disgusting plastic seats down the corridor outside my room.

"Yeah, yet I do not hold grudges on many people unlike my mother. Sometimes I used to feel so bad for the Jungs. But they had also gotten themselves into this feud. I don't know, I just don't find them at all what my family made them out to be. I don't even know anymore Woohyun." I sighed running my hands through my messy hair and closing my eyes, picturing the Jungs. They really were a perfect family.

"Mhm. Well it's a shame you can't pick your family isn't it? But if we could do that what lessons would we learn? Exactly, none. And you may now not understand their ways but wait till you are their age." Woohyun turned to me fully a small smile on his face.

"Okay Mr Wise man lets go I don't want to spend anymore time with your smart thinking changing my mind!" I laughed walking quickly off again causing Woohyun to have to run to catch up to me whilst laughing.

I started to slow as I neared my family. The feeling of dread had made it's way back into my stomach and I was beginning to sweat out of fear. But what did I fear? Rejection? I knew I would get that anyway once I mentioned Daehyun. Oh god, Daehyun. I don't want to think about what will happen to him once his family and mine find out. What if he is taken away again, without an explanation of any sort? Will things just become as shit as fucking before?!?! 

I had now reached about two meters away from my family and they had now noticed me. This is it. No going back now.

"Hi guys."


Hey guys! So I'm really sorry this update was put up so late at night for anyone with a world clock close to or compatible with the English one! It is just what I found comfortable, I feel like this chapter had way too many comfort words aha! I know this chapter had like a week or more between my last one as well and about that I am sorry! So most likely a update on Monday so look forward to that! And another little thing, I am starting my next book really soon, any ideas, just tell me! I would like some help with what ship to do next anyway so go ahead and let your creative minds run free!!! Anyway if you have read this whole freaking authors note well done! Okay so thanks for reading and bye!!!

Love From Jess XOXO (Just Like EXO's Song) 

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