Chapter 3 ~ Fuck...

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Youngjae's POV

I ran down the hallway and out of the schools doors to the field. I tried to stop my tears so that no one would ask me any patronising questions, but they would not stop as I ran across the pitch. I just ran, I don't even know exactly where, as long as I was as far away from Daehyun as possible it didn't matter.

I didn't know how long I had been running for. But it didn't seem like long before I found myself outside of a 50s styled diner, this had been here since before I was born, and was owned by my mother's best friend Park Jong-Nari and her husband Gun-Hoon. It was a small, not very busy diner that sold lots of different Western styled drinks, pastries and fast foods. I always thought this place to be a beautiful diner, they even had an old duke box that still worked in the corner, the music from that old thing was incredible!

I stepped in and the bell rung ontop of the door signaling a customer had arrived. I sat at one of the red stools at the bar and waited for somebody to come to take the order, a few seconds later I was greeted by Jong-Nari.

"Youngjae darling! I haven't seen you in such a long time! How are you? Shouldn't you be at school? I can see that look in your eyes mister. Come on, lets go round the back to talk about it. I'll even make you up a burger and milkshake!" Nari smiled at me befor leading me towards the back. This is what I loved about Nari, she always knew when something was wrong just by one small glance towards the person. I didn't even worry about Nari telling my parents. She wasn't a snitch that would tell your secrets to anyone and everyone she met.

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Himchan's POV

"Fuck... So, let me get this right. You are the Daehyun that left when Youngjae was four. Oh fuck fuck fuck! Where the hell did he run off to? Guys we can't just leave him to wonder off! Who knows what he might do!" I panicked looking to all of my friends, including Daehyun.

"Can we first just make it clear about what we are going to do about Mr Jung Daehyun the friendship breaker over here." Yongguk pointed an accusing finger towards Daehyun. It was obvious that Yongguk was mad, me and a confused Zelo seemed to be the only ones not on a side. But they hadn't really met Daehyun yet, he didn't seem like someone who would ruin a friendship, let alone his own with his old best friend. I believe that Daehyun most likely did not mean what he said to Jae, he isn't that type of guy. Or I hope he wasn't because that would mean I am a really bad judge of character.

"Look guys, leave Daehyun alone! We can talk about what actually happened once we find Jae. Isn't he more important than the guy who caused him pain?" I asked the two angry boys, the clueless Zelo and the slightly offended Daeyhun to which I gave an apologetic look through my eyes and a reasuring smile.

"You know, I guess your right. Come on we can talk about what we are going to do with this piece of shit later." Yongguk said pushing one finger deep into Daehyun's chest before walking off down the hall with us following him.

"Don't listen to him. We can talk about what actually happened through your point of view once we find Jae and make sure he is ok to come back to school." I smiled patting firmly on Daehyun's shoulder before letting my hand slip back down to my side.

"I hope so Himchan. But I know Youngjae will never forgive me. I said some mean things that although I didn't mean, still were excruciatingly hurtful. I don't deserve to be forgiven." Daehyun looked to the ground and then to the ceiling, and then to anywhere but me. I knew he was trying not to cry right now, and that's when I knew how hard this actually was for both Youngjae and Daehyun.

"Don't say things like that Daehyun. Everyone deserves one more chance." That is all I said before walking infront of him, leaving him to think about what I had just said. One more chance. Please Youngjae, just give him one more chance...


Hi guys! So I'm sorry about if you live somewhere with a time clock close to Englands because this is going to be very fricken late at night! But what else can you do when you are thinking over your French exam results at 10 at night? I totally hope you enjoyed this chapter and please if you did like it don't forget to vote and comment tank ya ma dearies!

Love From Jess XOXO (Just like EXO's song!)  

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