Chapter 19 ~ I Want To Be A Stripper.

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Daehyun's POV

To say that me and Youngjae slept that night would be an understatement. Yet waking up to Jae next to me cuddled up into my chest breathing warm air onto my bare shoulder was the best feeling in the world.

I am so lucky to be here, what if I had died? What would Youngjae be like? I guess he would carry on like the rest of us. He would forever have hated me, I would have left him a second time, this time for good.

Last night after the guys had left and Jae had gone off to bed I was searching for a glass when I found Jae's 'happy pills'. He told me he had been on these since he was five years of age, a year after I left. And slowly as he got older the medication just got stronger, yet he told me that he was taking them less often now. Knowing that I was the cause of his pain sometimes killed me inside. I'm the reason he takes the pills. I'm the reason he has depression. It was all because of me. Not to mention that his parents are not the most compassionate people you have ever met, however mine aren't any better.

I never even told my parents that I was gay, apart from my brother and closest friend Hansuke nobody knew. My brother seemed to be the only one that really would loved me for who I was in my family. Yet he hasn't called me yet. Neither had he talk to me when he had come to the hospital each and every god damn week when I was in my too white rainbow coma land when our parents came to visit. Maybe even he had given up on me, it wouldn't surprise me. The only people that seem to care now were Jae, our friends, Nari and Hye-Mi and Woohyun. But to me they were all I needed right now.

The sun had started to seep through our curtains and into the room, causing Youngjae to groan next to me and move his head farther into my body in a pathetic attempt to block out the light.

"What time is it Pabo?" Youngjae groaned moving to sit up in bed still not opening his eyes.

"Good morning to you too Jae. It's 9:00 AM." I let out a small chuckle rubbing his head causing his bed hair to become x10 worse and him to fling his hand up to swat my hand away with a groan.

Jae's eyes opened and he gave me a happy smile and wave. "Morning Dae-Dae. We have the shoot at 11:00 so you may want to think about getting into the shower and getting dressed, I'll make us something to eat and drink whilst you do that.

"Are you sure you don't want to shower with me? It'll save water and give us some fun time?" I smirked jabbing Jae jokingly in the ribs whilst moving my eyebrows in an up and down motion.

"Yah! You horny bastard, get in the fucking shower before I push you in there!" Jae laughed shoving my elbow away.

"I'm joking!  I'll see you later." 

Pushing the covers off of me and putting my bare feed onto the cold wooden floor I made my way over to the bathroom.

I guess I don't take that long in the shower, but just enough time to contemplate your whole life and what your beautiful boyfriend is making for breakfast.

By the time I had gotten out the shower, into my clothes and dried my hair I had Youngjae knocking on the door telling me to hurry the fuck up cause he also needed to get ready at some point. 

"Are you done yet?!?! Come and eat! I'm waiting and fucking hungry!" Youngjae knocked for the third time in the matter of 10 minuets screaming through the door.

"Yah! Calm the hell down! I'm coming pabo!" 

Opening the door I walked out and over to the table where Jae sat on his phone laughing at something.

I sat across from him and he put down his phone still giggling as we started to eat the rice and soup that sat in front of us. Wow this takes a while to make. I must have really been there a long time. 

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