Chapter 24 ~ Same Old Hospital...

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(Throwback to the old cover... Who was even around when I had this cover?)
Daehyun's POV
I woke up covered in sweat and shaking profusely, wrapped up in Youngjae's embrace. He was hushing me and stroking my hair to calm me down, but every time I closed my eyes I saw the demonic Youngjae laughing at me as he ripped my organs out of my body one by one and this made me cry harder than I already was without knowing.
The time on the clock read 8:45am and therefore I had slept through the whole night. Although Youngjae's demon still shattered through my peaceful dreams and ruining my deep slumbers.
"What happened? I woke up to you thrashing around and screaming for him to just kill you! You scared me Dae!" Youngjae kissed my forehead and hugged me tighter.
"He was awful Youngjae! I hated every second of it! He ate my organs and oh it hurt so bad! I wanted to scream for him to stop but that is what he wanted. I thought he was you Jaejae!" I cried into his chest looking for any warmth I could find.
And then I heard him. I heard the growl. But this time the sounds did not come from Youngjae cause he was whispering sweet nothings into my ear. It was all in my head. He had gotten into my head!
'Yep and I am staying. Forever Daehyun. Forever' he chuckled into my ear that Youngjae wasn't whispering into.
"Jae?" I whimpered and Youngjae stopped whispering into my ear.
"What's wrong Daedae?"
"He is here. He's in my head! Get him out!" I screamed pulling on my hair and sobbing.
"Wait here Dae." Youngjae had ran off to the kitchen and had come back with a cup of water.
"Baby I called Woohyun, there's an ambulance on its way for you. Please try drinking some water. Woohyun said it may just calm you down a bit." Youngjae smiled grabbing my hand but I quickly moved it away leaving Youngjae's hand hovering and a hurt expression on his face.
"Just don't Jae. I dot want him to hurt you." I sighed taking a long gulp of water.
'Pushing your boyfriend away because of me?' He questioned letting out an outrageously loud laugh.
"Please get out! Make it stop! Make it stop! Please help!" I screeched unable to control my voice. I heard the sirens getting closer and a couple of minutes later I was on a stretcher, emotionless, no voice, he just continually laughed from one ear to the other, the only thing I was able to do is cry and say to the paramedics "please help me! Get him out of my head please!"
-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- 2 hours later
"Hye-Mi I'm not crazy. I swear." I sat back in my hospital bed once again. The same exact room I was in when I was in the coma.
"I know your not Daehyun. But that doesn't mean we don't have to do mental checks. We did the same thing once you woke up from your coma. It's just to see your mental well being." Hye-Mi sat at the end of my bed her hand on my knee.
'She won't help you. She will just put you in a home for the crazies, because that's what you are. Crazy. But listen to me and I can help you stay away from there.' He sighed.
"Hye-Mi he's talking to me again. He's telling me that you are going to put me in the crazy home. Is that true?" I once again was crying. Is that all I am good for?
"Sweetheart no. I am going to make him go away." She smiled at me passing me two pills, one blue, the other purple and a glass of water.
"These will hopefully get rid of him for you Daehyun, and help you sleep peacefully.
-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- 2 hours later.
I thought I was supposed to sleep. I am not asleep at all, and he is still laughing at me and my stupidity!
Hye-Mi walks in clip board in hand writing something down before looking up.
"Daehyun your supposed to be asleep." To say Hye-Mi was confused was an understatement.
"Neither of the pills worked. Just like he told me they wouldn't." Tears began welling in my eyes and started streaming down my cheeks.
"I think I know what's up Daehyun." Hye-Mi nodded waking out of the room.
'She knows you're crazy Daehyun. You blew your one and only chance.' He would not stop laughing, I think I really am crazy. Why would he be there if not?
-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- empty meeting room.
Youngjae's POV
Woohyun and I sat in the empty meeting room drinking multiple coffees and eating biscuits. I was ever so worried about Daehyun.
"Do you think Daehyun is okay Woohyun?" I fiddled with my fingers as small beads of tears formed in my eyes.
"Honestly. I don't know Youngjae. What happened to make him be getting up every night and sitting and just staring at the table?" Woohyun sighed obviously just as confused as I.
"Well thinking back, it all probably started after I brought up the idea of moving to Seoul." I suggested still not looking up from my fingers.
"Wow. Seoul. That's a long way to go, and you two are very young. That would definitely give Daehyun the anxiety to be staying up late and worrying about moving away from here." Woohyun rested his chin upon his hand in deep thought.
"And he has been waking up at always the same time from the same nightmare. He always wakes up at 4:08am from a dream about a demonic version of me that is trying to kill him." The thought sends shivers running down my spine and causes me to physically shiver.
"Something very wrong has gone wrong in Daehyun's brain and I have a pretty good idea as to what it is." Woohyun nodded.
"What is it?" I whispered.
"It's called-"
"Schizophrenia! He has schizophrenia!" Hye-Mi burst into the room waving around her clip board.
Tadah! Yet another Chapter! I don't know if this is just too far or if it is a bit of a touchy subject for some of you guys but if it is just message me and I'll change the chapter don't worry! Anyway alright I'll be putting up another chapter after this. Extremely soon after this! Maybe even straight after this! Anyway never forget that I love you guys a hella lot and you'd better love yourselves too! Alright see ya later. Bye!
Love From Jess XOXO (Just Like EXO's Song!)

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