Chapter 7 ~ The darkness.

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Youngjae's POV (WARNING: This chapter will included violence and homophobic terms, read at your own risk.)

_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-  2 Weeks later

"Yah Daehyun, tonight I'm telling my parents about meeting you again and asking them about our families history together. Do you want to come with me or something? I mean, uh, you don't have to, but, um, i-i-if you want to, for support, them you can?" I asked awkwardly in a questioning way, me and Daehyun did talk often now, however we both still have our awkward moments. We were currently in the corridor of the science block waiting for my lesson to start and so that Dae could get to his next lesson, English easily. The boys had walked off and left me and Dae alone, Himchan called it 'bonding time', we knew how to bond, we were bond, but just in an strange used to be best friends way.

"Of course I'm coming! I may not exactly be loved by your family but it's worth a go! And plus your my squishy bum Jae Jae, I can't leave him to defend himself like the manly man he isn't!" Daehyun laughed as I giggle along, although I know he just made a joke about me not being manly, he was right, I'm not very manly at all.

"Yah, don't push your luck Mr Jung my cheesecake hyung!" I laughed pushing his shoulder lightly with a bright smile. I had gotten used to Daehyun and as much as I don't want to believe this, I am starting to believe his story, he does seem too nice to be going around breaking up friendships.

As we laughed together, just me, him and a couple of younger years, I heard a door open and slam shut from behind me. I didn't bother to turn, it was probably either one of the guys or another younger year.

"Hey faggot, what are you doing hanging around someone like Daehyun? Are you trying to get in his pants? Yeah? I'm pretty sure Daehyun like no dick up his ass, especially your tiny dick, so don't even try dirtbag." I heard being shouted down the hallway, directed obviously to me. This was Illsoo and his friends coming to pick on me again, Daehyun stared of into the space where by what I was judging from they were standing.

"Piss off Illsoo, nobody cares about what you think of me. Look, I don't care what you and your petty friends think about gays, but what I do care about is that yo are hurting other peoples feelings that may not be as able to stick up for themselves as I am. But just go back to where you came from, go have a fag or fuck a girl in the changing rooms, I don't give a shit, but don't come round here, trying to bring me down!" I didn't turn around, I didn't want to turn around. If I were to turn around then and there they would of seen the fear on my face, I would have ran off, not gone to my lesson and instead headed to the diner. It had become my friend group, including Daehyun's hang out, we spent almost every weekend in there, dancing around and learning how to cook western food from Nari. However back onto the subject at hand, I couldn't let them see my fear.

" What did you just say?!?! Do you want me to beat the shit out of you?!?!" Illsoo shouted approaching me.

Before I could know what was happening my head was against a cold, hard wall, with two hand holding both sides of my collar and being shaken so that my head every few seconds smashed against the wall.

I was beginning to become dizzy and feel like I would vomit and pass out any minuet now, I didn't know how long I was shook for, but all I know is that when the shaking stopped I saw one unforgettable moment, Daehyun was beating up Illsoo for me.

After that I began to slowly feel myself drifting into sleep, I saw black dots everywhere and I couldn't feel anything in my body. My head was buzzing, but felt empty as the dots enclosed on me, the only thing that was straight in my mind was... Daehyun. From the very little senses I had left, I felt warm arms wrapped around my back and the movement of heavy breathing coming from the chest, where my head lay. My hearing was very distant now, but I kept hearing these same words being repeated over and over again, 'stay with me Youngjae, don't let those bastards win the fight, just please stay with me.' it was Daehyun.

I fought hard which felt like 1000 years passing slowly by in my fuzzy mind. Now almost all I could see was black, my hearing was gone, my whole body was numb, I felt nothing, and that is when I slipped into the darkness...


Hey guys, so I'm sorry if this chapter wasn't long enough but I thought I would leave it on a little cliff hanger until I arrive back from London, which starts tomorrow by the way! I hope you are having a great start to you Easter holidays and have loads of fun! I know I'm looking forward to the supposed heat wave! So peace, and I shall see you on Monday or something! 

Love From Jess XOXO (Just like EXO's song!) 

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