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Donte: 11/ Jay: 31
It was an ordinary day for Jay. Taking his kid to school, Catching criminals and working cases. So he thought...
The intelligence unit were currently chasing a suspect involved in a huge drug operation and wanted for multiple homicide. So far the case had gone smoothly until the suspect began to open fire. Jay quickly pushed his partner Erin out of the line of fire and began to send shots back in the direction of the shooter. Jay shot the offender multiple times however as they dropped to the ground they released the trigger. Jay walked towards the offender checking for a pulse
Jay: No pulse
Jay then walked towards Erin as they headed towards the rest of the unit. Erin was talking to Jay when she realised.
Jay: What?
Erin: Your bleeding
Jay: Shit

Jays pov
I'm bleeding. He shot me. How did I not feel it?
The adrenaline was running out and I began to feel the pain. My body felt so heavy and everything started to spin.
Erin: Jay, Jay?
I then collapsed. My eyes were beginning to feel heavy.

Erin's pov
Jay dropped to the floor so I rushed to his side and put pressure on the bullet wound. Shit his eyes are fluttering.
Erin: Hey Jay I need you to keep those blues open for me okay
Jay: mhm
I then radioed for an ambulance so we now what for it to arrive.

Just as the ambulance arrived Jay lost consciousness.
While they check his vitals and pack the wound
Gabby: What happened?
Erin: We were chasing an offender and he started firing at us so Jay shot back and as the offender dropped he released the trigger.
Gabby: Okay we're ready to go you jumping in?
Erin: Yeah

Within 5 mins we arrived at med.
Maggie: Gabby talk to me
Gabby: Detective Jay Halstead. 28 years old. GSW to the right shoulder. Unconscious when we arrived and has been since.
Maggie: Connor, April going to Baghdad.
They got him admitted and sent him for an X-Ray.
Intelligence pov
We all followed the ambulance to Med.
Antonio: Someone needs to tell Donte
Hank: Shit I will I'll go get him
Hank left to pick him up

Donte pov
We were in the middle of English . The worst subject in the world. It was so difficult for me and I don't know why. I do what i do in every lesson and just say there daydreaming. I was pulled out my thoughts by a familiar rough voice. Hank.
Hank: Hey kiddo get your stuff
Donte: Okay?
We made our way to his car in an awkward silence. I didn't know what was going on but I had a good idea.
Donte: is it dad?
Hank: huh?
Donte: Is dad hurt? Is that why you pulled me out of school?
Hank: Yeah bud he is hurt
Donte: What happened
Hank: He got shot
Donte: Is he gonna die?
Hank: Connor and the rest of med are gonna do everything they can
Donte: mhm
I knew it was bad by the way Hank couldn't tell me that he won't die. This made me way more anxious than I was before. I zone out for the rest of the journey

Hank pov
I can see the kids anxiety rising. His leg is bouncing 100mph. He's zoned out. Picking the skin by his nail. Biting his nails. After seeing this I knew what would happen next.

Donte pov
My mind is racing with everything that could happen next. Dad could die. He could be put in a coma. Anything could happen. These thoughts replayed in my mind over and over. It all got too much. My hands began shaking. I was sweating. It was getting harder to breathe. I felt the car stop. Next thing I know Hank opens my door and begins to try and calm me down.
Hank: Hey kiddo I need you to take deep breaths for me okay?
Donte: c-can't h-hurts to b-breathe
Hank: I know I know.
Hank put my hand on his chest and started breathing slowly but exaggerated so I can copy. After about 10 minutes my breathing slowly returned to normal.
Hank: you okay now kiddo?
Donte: yeah thanks
Hank: No worries let's go see your dad now shall we?
We arrived at med and were met by the unit in the waiting room.
Hank: what have they said?
Kim: um the bullet is lodged into his shoulder and is millimetres close to an artery so they took him up to surgery.
Donte: surgery?
Kim: Yeah bud
Hank: How about we go find uncle Will.
Donte: sure
We walked around the hospital for what felt like ages until we found uncle Will in the break room.
Uncle Will: Hey trouble
Donte: Hi
Uncle Will: I know everything is scary right now but daddy's a fighter just like you.
I smiled a little. We found different things to do as I get bored very easily which sometimes frustrates everyone.
While I was playing on uncle will's phone, Hank dragged him outside to talk.

Will's pov
Will: Hank what the hell?
Hank: We need to talk about the kid.
Will: Why what happened?
Hank: I picked him up and he already had an idea about what happened so when I confirmed it it only increased his anxiety. He tried to bottle it up and this then lead to a panic attack and after he calmed down that's when we came to find you.
Will: damn I'll let Jay know

3hr later
Dad had finished surgery and Conner brought him back in.
Will: How did it go?
Connor: It was very touch and go. He coded twice but was able to get him back. He won't be cleared to go back to work for a couple weeks and then a couple days desk duty then full duty
Hank: No worries I'll make sure he doesn't come back
Connor: He won't wake up till tomorrow so maybe go home then come back in the morning
Donte: No I wanna stay here
Connor: Alright kiddo I'll bring in a bed for you to stay
Will: Thanks Connor

Next morning
Jay Pov
Jay began to wake slowly, groaning as he was trying to adjust to the light that was currently blinding him.
Jay: Fuck
Donte: Morning
Jay: Hiya kiddo you okay?
Donte: mhm
I could tell there was something on his mind but as I was about to ask him Will strolled in.
Will: How you feeling little brother?
Jay: Just peachy. When can I get out of here?
Will: Not sure you'll have to ask Connor.
Jay: I'm going crazy in here
Will: like I said talk to Connor
Jay: your annoying
Will: love you to
This little interaction made Donte laugh.
Will: hey trouble
Donte: hi uncle Will
Jay: Kiddo why don't you go and ask April for some jello. I need to talk to uncle Will quickly.
Donte: okay
Donte then left and Will looked at me confused.

Donte pov
I know exactly what he wants to talk about. How I reacted when Hank picked me up.

Jays pov
Jay: How did Donte take it?
Will: Not good at all
Jay: how?
Will: well Hank picked him up from school and Donte already had an idea about what happened. When Hank confirmed his thoughts it increased the anxiety. He tried to bottle it up and this then lead to a panic attack and after he calmed down that's when they came to find me.
Jay: shit
Will: why'd you ask?
Jay: well when I saw him he seemed distant like he didn't know what to do.
Will: he's just like you
Jay: what do you mean?
Will: trying to avoid feelings by not talking and letting it build up until it gets too much.
Jay: I guess

Connor came in to look at the stitches
Connor: All looks good you can go home once you sign the discharge papers
Jay: Thank fuck for that. I'm going crazy in here

This made them laugh. Connor brought in the papers and Donte arrived with a handful of jello cups
Donte: look what i got
Jay: I see that buddy.
Connor: How did you get that much they only give me one?
Donte: they love me I have the Halstead charm.
This made the us all burst out laughing. The things this kid says.

Donte HalsteadWhere stories live. Discover now