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hello1234577564: So, Jay gets a call from the army, thinking he has to go back, but they're telling him that mouse died, and Jay drops the phone and shouts at donte and turns back to alcoholism and Erin finds him crying at a bar

Age 14
Dad was helping me with my homework which led to us both getting frustrated
Dad: Donte it's not that difficult. You just have to copy what I wrote
Donte: can you not see that that's what I'm tryna do?
Dad: well it looks like you're scribbling on the paper.
Donte: that's just what my fucking handwriting looks like dumbass
Liam: can you both give it a rest you're acting like little kids?
Donte: fuck off Liam
Dad: start again. Neater this time
Donte: I can't do it any neater. This is just what my writing looks like
Dad: I don't care. Do it again
Donte: fuck off
Liam: dad I'll help him with it
Donte: thank fuck for that
Dad walked off
Liam: do you really have to make things difficult for him?
Donte: I'm not. He's just not understanding
Liam: Donte give him a break
Donte: how about he gives me a break? Huh? Always on my case. Digging at every single thing I do
Dad's phone started ringing.
Liam: Dad your phone is ringing!
Dad: who is it?
Liam: it says no caller ID
Dad: leave it it's probably one of those scam calls
It started ringing again
Liam: Dad! It's ringing again!
Dad came down the stairs and answered the phone
Dad: hello? Colonel Graham? You want me to come back? Then why did you call? What?! No! I spoke to him! He was okay. No! No! No! He was okay! He was gonna come home!
Dad dropped his phone and me and Liam ran over to him. Liam picked up his phones and passed it to him but he just threw it against the wall
Donte: Dad are you okay?
Liam went to call Erin I think. I don't even know. He just went off
Donte: Dad? What happened? Who was on the phone? What did they say?
Dad: for fuck sake Donte! Do you ever just shut the fuck up?!
He stepped towards me and hit me. It was then he realised what he did
Dad: Donte
Donte: go fuck yourself. I fucking hate you
Dad: fuck!
Dad punched the wall before storming out the house slamming the door behind him. I went upstairs to Liam and he was just laid in his bed
Donte: what the fuck?! you just left me to deal with him
Liam: sorry
He then looked at my face
Liam: Donte? He hit you?
Donte: what do you think?
Liam: I'm so sorry
Donte: fuck off

Erin pov
I got a call from V saying that Jay was in the Alibi and he was drunk. I went there and Jay was downing a whole bottle of vodka
Erin: Jay
Jay: Erin! Have i ever told you i loved you?
He stumbled over and gave me a hug
Erin: what's going on baby?
Jay: I love you
Erin: I love you too. What happened?
He shook his head and i looked at V who shrugged her shoulders. He sat back down and went back to drinking. I took the bottle off him
Jay: you stupid bitch give it back
Erin: no I'm not gonna do that Jay
Jay: Erin give it back
Erin: V can you get Kev for me and call Hank?
V: yeah sure
Erin: you've done so well to get off the booze I'm not letting you go back to how you was. Think about Donte. You start drinking again, he'll go into care.
Jay: he'll be better off there
Erin: no he won't he needs you Jay
Jay: I hit him
Erin: you did what?
Jay: he was just going on and i lashed out at him. He hates me and i hate myself. I'm just like my dad
Erin: hey he doesn't hate you okay. Yes he's mad but he could never hate you. The fact that you feel guilty shows that you're nothing like your dad.
He grabbed another bottle and started drinking.
Erin: No Jay come on let's get you home
V walked in with Kev
Kev: Jay come man
Kev put his hand on Jays shoulder and Jay pushed him off
Jay: don't fucking touch me
Hank walked in
Hank: what's going on?
Erin: i have no idea. V called me telling me Jay was drunk
Hank: you've been doing so well kiddo what's happened?
He shook his head
Jay: i promised him
Hank: promised who Jay?

He got up stumbling out the bar and towards his car.
Erin: Jay you're not driving
Hank: Jay gimme your keys
He was checking his pockets. He walked back into the alibi and Kev was holding them.
Jay: Kev give me my keys
Kev: No Jay you know I won't do that
Jay: give me the fucking keys
Erin: Jay
He looked at me and he looked so broken. I just held him and he broke down crying
Jay: he's dead and it's all my fault
Erin: who's dead Jay?
Jay: Mouse. He was killed on duty. I told him to go back. I should've convinced him to stay. He's dead because of me. It should be me
Erin: oh Jay
Hank: let's get you home kiddo
Erin: can he stay at yours?
Hank: yeah but why? Has something happened?
Erin: him and Donte just need some time apart
Hank: did something happen?
Erin: things just got heated
Hank: okay
Erin: I'll meet you there
Hank: okay
Hank took Jay in his car and I drove my car. We arrived at Hank's. Hank took Jay to the guest room. He came back down the stairs
Hank: he's out
Erin: he's gonna give himself a tough time in the morning. 6 months sober gone
Hank: he just needs support. That's all we can do the rest is up to Jay
Erin: I know. I better go and check on Liam and Donte.

Donte pov
I was just smoking weed and listening to music when Erin walked in
Erin: what the hell are you doing Donte?
Donte: what does it look like?
Erin: put it out now
Donte: no
Erin: I'm not playing Donte
I put it out and she took it
Erin: you got anymore?
Donte: no
Erin: promise me
Donte: I promise
Erin: I think we need to talk
Donte: talk about what? I pissed him off to the point he had to hit me to shut me up
Erin: he should've never hit you
Donte: but he did. Where is he?
Erin: hanks. I thought that you two could do with a break from each other
Donte: what was his problem today?
Erin: Mouse died
Donte: oh

Donte HalsteadWhere stories live. Discover now