First words

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Donte: 1.5/ Liam: 3.5/ Jay: 21

Jay's pov
Rebecca had already left for work so it was just me and the boys. I went and woke them up and got them ready. Liam had daycare and Donte had a sitter. I was making breakfast when my phone rang.
Jay: hello
???: Mr Halstead it's Rachel I'm sorry but I can't watch Donte today as I have a last minute exam. I'm so sorry I know this is last minute notice.
Jay: it's okay Rachel no worries. Good luck with your exam
Rachel: Thanks Mr Halstead. Bye
Jay: bye
I plated up breakfast and gave it to them.
Liam: fanks daddy
Jay: your welcome bud. Donte say thanks dada
Donte: babbling
Jay: We'll get you talking bud.
We finish our breakfast and I take them up to brush their teeth. I do Liams first then Dontes.
Jay: right shoes on bud
Liam went and put his shoes on while I put Dontes on
Liam: done daddy
Jay: right go wait at the door
Liam went to the door and we followed him shortly. I put the boys in their car seat and drove to daycare to drop Liam off.
Jay: right let's go bud
I got them both out the car and we walked Liam to the door and said bye. I watched him walk in and then we headed back to the car making our way to the district.
Jay: looks like your coming to work with me bud.
Hopefully it's just paperwork today.
We made our way to the district being greeted by Platt at the front desk
Platt: How are we today chuckles?
Jay: Peachy sarge and by the way it's detective chuckles if you don't mind
Platt rolled her eyes and laughed
Platt: bring your kid to work day?
Jay: ha ha. Sitter cancelled so...
Platt: mhm Hanks waiting
I made my way to the gate and scannned my palm and went up to the bullpen.

After greeting everyone Hank gave use the run down of the case. So much for a paperwork day I thought. I sat Donte down on a blanket in the middle of the bullpen with a few toys and a sippycup of water. Within 30 mins we had to roll out.
Hank: Ruzek, Atwater stay here you're both on Donte watch and paperwork seeing as you couldn't do it when I asked yous to.
Ruzek, Atwater: Alright sarge
Jay: imma warn you he has started walking abit
Ruzek: don't worry Jay we got this
Jay: I'm trusting you two. No mischief understand?
Ruzek: Understood
Atwater: For sho

1 hr later
Adam pov
Hank left us with what looked liked a mountain of paperwork. Donte was just crawling and walking around the place.
Kevin: hey careful bud
I went and picked him up and sat him on my lap while we did paperwork seeing as we could keep a close eye on him and do paperwork.
Adam: hey kev pass over a toy
Kevin brought a toy over and gave it to Donte.
The amount of paperwork was overwhelming and I was getting frustrated.
Adam: There was never this much fucking work to do last time
Kevin: Yo swearing in front of the kid man Jay will kill you if Donte ends up saying it.
Kevin walked up behind me and hit me upside the head.
Adam: what the fuck man! He can't even speak yet he probably doesn't even know what I said.
Donte: Fuck
I went wide eyed and Kevin started laughing.
Adam: No no we don't say that bud
Donte: fuck
Kevin: told you dawg
Adam: what do I do?
Kevin: ion know

15 mins later
No ones pov
Intelligence arrives back to the district. Jay walks over to Donte.
Jay: you been good buddy?
Adam: like an angel
Donte: Fuck
Jay death stared both Kevin and Adam.
Kevin: Ay yo it weren't me dawg
Adam: oh shit
Donte: shit
All of the intelligence unit all turned to the father and son looking shocked. Jay was furious. If looks could kill Adam would have dropped dead right there and then.
Jay: Adam you have 3 seconds to run

Adam didn't have to be told twice, he ran like his life depended on it and by jays reaction it did.
Everyone else burst out laughing at Adams reaction
Jay: How are they his first words?
Erin: Good old Ruzek never disappoints
Everyone started laughing even Hank and Jay.

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