Car accident Pt2

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TW: car crash, coma, suicidal thoughts
2 months later
Jays pov
It's been 2 months and there's been no change. The likelihood of him waking up is near to nothing. I had a lot of hope at the start but I'm beginning to think he's not gonna make it. That thought is killing me. Everyone has been coming to visit whenever they can. Out of everyone Kelly and Hank have been the ones to visit the most. There was a knock on the door. Connor.
Connor: Jay we need to talk about pulling the plug.
Jay: No no no Connor y-you can't just give him a few more days please Connor I'm begging you
Connor: I'll talk to Sharon but Jay I'll only be able to get you a couple days at most
Jay: thank you Connor
Connor left then kelly walked in

Kelly: hey man
Jay: hey
Kelly: any change?
Jay: nah it's not looking good for him. If he doesn't improve they are gonna pull the plug
Kelly: when?
Jay: In a couple days
Kelly: you can't give up now Jay. He'll wake up
Jay: I know but what if he doesn't?
Kelly: he will but we'll cross that bridge when we get to it.
Jay: I'll leave you two a minute imma see Will

Kelly's pov
Kelly: hey bud it's kelly. We need you to wake up kiddo. It's so quiet without you. We need your little bundle of energy that brings life into the firehouse. I need my little best friend back. I miss you bud. Shay's missing our movie nights and you teasing her about her movie choices.
After I spoke to him Jay came back and my radio went off
Kelly: I need to go but I'll come back after shift
Jay: okay no worries.

Jays pov
Will walked in
Will: hi Jay
Jay: Will
Will: you need anything?
Jay: can you stay here while I go check in on Liam?
Will: yeah sure
Jay: thanks man
I went home and up to Liams room. Liam was sat on his bed on his phone.
Jay: hey bud
Liam: hi dad
Jay: you okay?
Liam: mhm
Jay: talk to me Liam. What's going on in that head of yours.
I knew Liam would open up straight away. He's completely different to me and Donte in that way. He would gladly tell people how he's feeling and accept help from them.
Liam: the house is too quiet without him. I actually miss my hyperactive annoying brother. What if he doesn't wake up? I'll lose my best friend.
Liam then broke down crying. I sat down next to him and pulled him into a hug.
Jay: hey it's okay. Everyone's doing their best to help him.
Liam: it's been 2 months
Jay: I know but he had a severe head injury. These things take time. They can't rush it.
Liam: I know it's just frustrating. There's no sign that he's getting better
Jay: I know bud I know. You wanna go up and see him?
Liam: sure
Were made our way back to med.

Wills Pov
Will: hey trouble. It's uncle Will. I miss my little trouble maker. I miss the excitement and energy you bring. I miss your sarcasm and windups. Your dad and brother need you kiddo.
Jay: hey
I wipe my tears.
Will: hi. Hey bud
Liam: hi uncle Will
Jay gave me a look that said 'let's leave them to it'. I got up and followed Jay.

Liams pov
Liam: hey Donte. It's Liam. I never thought I'd say this but I miss you so so much. You always humbled me. I've never told you this but I actually looked up to you. Whenever things got hard you always found a way out even if it seemed impossible before. I know I'm the more toned down brother but without you life would be so boring. You bring the energy and it spreads to everyone in the room. I've got to go I've got practice but I'll come by soon.
I got up and left without saying anything to uncle Will or dad.

Donte pov
I've heard what everyone was saying and I'm trying really hard to fight but it does get tiring. I just can't wake myself up. Stupid brain. For the past 2 months I've been able to drift out of my body and see everything in the room. Kinda like a ghost. I've seen dad break down more than ever and it hurts me to see. I try to comfort him but my hands just goes through him. Today feels like the day my body might give up. It feels harder to fight to stay but imma do what I can. I don't wanna leave.
???: Donte
Donte: who's there
???: Tay
Donte: mama?
Someone began walking towards me. I couldn't believe my eyes.
Donte: mama
Mama: hiya Tay
Donte: I've missed you so much mama
I went to hug her but I couldn't.
Donte: why can't I hug you?
Mama: cause your not dead
Donte: oh
Mama: I'm so proud of you and your brother
Donte: I try
Mama: I know you do. You never give up. I'm sorry for leaving the way I did.
Donte: why did you?
Mama: at the time it was the only way I thought could stop the constant pain I was feeling. My mind was constantly telling me that everyone was better off without me and I hurt everyone. No one would miss me. Killings myself would be better for everyone. Just know it wasn't your fault. Your just a kid. I'm sorry that you found me like that.
Donte: you could have gone to Dr Charles.
Mama: I know I'm so sorry
Donte: why didn't you leave dad?
Mama: we wanted to stay together for you boys. I know what it's like having divorced parents and the kids always get hurt in the process.
Mama: how's your dad?
Donte: he's happy with Erin but he does miss you a lot. He blames himself.
Mama: I know but it wasn't his fault. It was no one's fault. I just couldn't do it anymore.
Donte: I'm sorry
Mama: I've seen what happens when he drinks
Donte: it's fine mama it's nothing
Mama: Tay you ended up in hospital
Donte: mama it's fine uncle Will made him get help.
Mama: mhm. How's Liam?
Donte: he's alright. He knows when to ask for help and he talks about his feelings. He's playing varsity right now and is one of the best players on his team. I'm still better tho.
Mama rolled her eyes and laughed.
Mama: have you seen much of your Uncle Sam?
Donte: sometimes. Whenever he's in town he will always come see us and take us to dinner or a game.
Mama: that's good
All of a sudden we heard dads voice.
Jay: I miss you kiddo. I miss your laugh, the mischief you get up to. You bring so much light and energy and it spreads to everyone in the room. Adam told me about the first time he saw Hank smile. When he called me into the office. You made a joke about it saying I was in trouble. The district hasn't been the same without you. Hank hasn't been the same without you. We all miss you kiddo. I miss my trouble maker.
Mama: Donte you have to go back
Donte: but I don't want to leave you
Dad: I want you to live. I want that more than anything in this world. I want you to fight like hell to stay with us. It might be too hard for you to keep fighting so if you wanna go. I want you to know it's okay. It's okay. I uh. I understand. If fighting is causing too much pain then it's okay you can go find peace. Mama would look after you.
Dad then broke down crying. All that could be heard was his heart breaking sobs. Will came rushing in to comfort him
Mama: Donte you need to go back. It's not your time. Your dad needs you bud
Donte: but mama you're here
Mama: Tay I'll always be here watching over you. We'll see each other again when it is your time.
Donte: I love you mama
Mama: I love you too Tay more than yours ever know. Tell Liam and your dad that I love and miss them
Donte: bye mama
Mama: Bye darling
I tried to wake up. I tried to squeeze dad hand.

Jays pov
I was laying my head on Dontes bed holding hide hand when I felt a slight squeeze.
Jay: Donte bud if you can hear me can you do that again?
He squeezed my head again but as bit stronger this time
Jay: Will! Go get Abrams and Connor
Abrams came and did an examination
Dr Abrams: his pupils responded to the flashlight. He's actually beginning to regain consciousness.
I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding in
Jay: hey bud can you open your eyes for me. Lemme see them blue
He opened his eyes slightly allowing them to adjust to the light. Connor took him off the ventilator and he began breathing on his own
Connor: well would you look at that
Jay: hey bud
Donte: h
He struggled to speak. He began closing his eyes.
Connor: don't worry he's just falling asleep.

The next day
Donte pov
I looked around and saw dad on his phone.
My throat felt very dry and scratch so i coughed a little.
Dad: hey bud drink some of this
He gave me a cup of water.
Donte: th-thanks. It wasn't you
Dad: huh
Donte: mama. It wasnt your fault. She said that at the time it was the only way she thought could stop the constant pain she feeling.
Dad just nodded
Donte: she loves and misses you

Donte HalsteadWhere stories live. Discover now