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Age 7
Dad: Donte wake up bud you got school
Donte: no
Dad: come on
Donte: head hurts
Dad: I'll give you some medicine now come on
I got out of bed and went downstairs. Liam was already sat at the table eating.
Dad: here you go
I started eating and finished after 20 minutes
Donte: where's mama?
Dad: at work
Donte: oh okay
Dad: meds
Donte: mhm
Daddy helped me take them and then I went and got ready for school.
Daddy: right come on let's go
We went to the car and arrived at school
Daddy walked us in
Daddy: right be good and have a good day. Love you
Both: love you to
We made our way to our classrooms and went and sat down.
Miss Sharpe: morning class
All: morning
Miss Sharpe: right today is going to be a really chill day seeing as we're ahead of learning this semester.
We were just doing small activities until half way through the lesson the fire alarm went off.
Miss Sharpe: right I need you all to stay calm. I want you all to make your way outside with Miss Greene
We were walking down the hall when the fire alarm went off again. It was too loud and overwhelming. I ran off and hid in a cupboard with my knees up and my hands over my ears rocking backwards and forwards
Donte: too loud. Very loud

No one's pov
Everyone had evacuated the building getting to safety and firehouse 51 arrived to the scene. The teachers were all doing a register for their calls when Miss Sharpe had realised that she had a student missing. Donte Halstead.
Severide: is everyone out? Are all students encountered for?
Miss Sharpe: all but one boy from my class
Severide: okay what does he look like?
Miss Sharpe: curly hair, blue eyes, he's mixed race, about 4ft 1
Severide: name?
Miss Sharpe: Donte Halstead

Kelly pov
I ran over to Chief
Kelly: Chief we have one boy still in there. It's Donte Halstead.
Chief: right I need someone to contact Jay
Hermann: I'll do it
Kelly: Chief I need to go in there
Chief: we need to wait
Kelly: Chief I can't just stand here. We need to do something.
Chief: you have 5 minutes
Kelly: Cruz, Capp with me
We went in and began clearing classrooms.
Kelly: right let's split up. Stay on your radio
After a few minutes there was no sign of him
Chief: Squad 3 out now
Cruz and Capp left but I kept on looking
Chief: Severide
Kelly: Chief I'm not leaving until I find him
I turned off my radio and kept searching
Kelly: Donte call out! Donte! Where are you kid!

Dontes pov
The smoke was creeping under the door and it was getting a little harder to breathe. I was breathing heavily.
Kelly: Donte call out!
Donte: here!
The fire alarm was still going off and it was too much. I just burst out crying covering my ears. I was breathing faster and faster. The cupboard door opened and everything began moving in slo mo

Kelly's pov
I heard a faint voice and made my way towards it. I began to hear crying and followed the sound which lead me to a random cupboard.
Kelly: Donte you in here?
I opened the cupboard and saw Donte sat there with his hands over his ears breathing quickly
Kelly: imma get you out kiddo
I kneeled in front of him and I could see him becoming confused and unaware. Warning signs of a seizure.
Kelly: hey hey kiddo I need you to focus on me okay. I'm gonna get you out
After a few seconds he just began staring and his face began twitching a little. A few seconds later he stopped and began screaming
Donte: it's too loud. Loud. Hurt
He began shuffling further into the cupboard and held his hands over his ears.
Kelly: hey hey it's okay.
Donte: no no no
Kelly: hey it's me Kelly. It's okay bud. I need you to calm down so I can get you out.
I turned the radio back on
Kelly: Chief I found him but he won't come out the cupboard. Is Jay there?
Chief: yeah he's here
Jay: Kelly
Kelly: Jay I need you to calm him down he's having some sort of meltdown
Jay: okay okay. Donte bud everything will be okay. Just let kelly get you out and you'll be away from the loud noise. I'll tell everyone to turn off the sirens so when Kelly gets you out it won't be as loud okay?
Donte: the sound hurt
Jay: I know bud and it's scary isn't it?
Donte: yeah don't like it
Jay: how about you let Kelly get you out and you'll be away from the noise?
Donte: pwomise?
Jay: I promise bud
Donte slowly made his way over and I carried him outside. I held my hands over his ears and the sirens went off.
Kelly: see kiddo it's way more quiet out here. I need to take you to Gabby and Shay okay
Donte: it was very scary
Kelly: I know kiddo. Just know I will always help you
Jay followed us over. I sat him on the stretcher and Shay began checking him over.
Donte: Kelly
Kelly: sup kid
Donte: weird don't like it.
Kelly: what's weird
Donte: head. Weird. Stop
Kelly: hey it's okay just let it happen. I'm right here
Shay laid him down and he started seizing. His seizure reached around 4 minutes so Shay gave him some medication to stop it.
Shay: Jay I would like to get him checked at med.
Jay: okay
Kelly: I'll follow
Jay jumped in and I followed them.

At Med
Jay pov
Maggie: What we got?
Shay: Donte Halstead. 7 yrs old. Epileptic. Was caught in a fire at school. Minor swelling of the throat. Had a seizure when we was checking him over. Still hasn't regained consciousness.
Maggie: Connor, April treatment 1!
Connor and April came over and transferred Donte to the treatment room.
Connor: I would like to get a chest x-ray just to make sure there's no lasting damage
They did the X-ray
Connor: He has minor irritation of the lungs and throat so he may experience episodes of excessive coughing and shortness of breath.
After a few minutes we heard groaning
Connor: Hey kiddo. How you feeling?
Donte: mmm
Jay: hey bud
Donte: d-daddy
Jay: how are you?
Donte: hurt
Jay: what hurts?
Donte: everything
He started having a coughing fit and struggling to breathe so April put him on oxygen.
Jay: hey bud your okay
Connor: I think it would be best for him to stay in overnight just for observation. When we discharge him we'll send him with an inhaler just until the symptoms subside.
Jay: yeah that's fine

Throughout the night he had multiple coughing fits but Connor still allowed him to go home.

Donte HalsteadWhere stories live. Discover now