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Donte: 10 / Jay: 30
Donte pov
I was sitting in English. I was only 10 minutes in and I already wanted to leave. We were reading out loud. I would rather stand on hot coals that read. When I read everything just gets so jumbled up it no longer makes sense. I was currently counting how many people were before me until it was my go so I could try practice it in my head. Now it was Diego's turn and he was next to me meaning it was my turn after. Great.
Miss Wilson: Donte your turn
For fuck sake
Donte: What page are we on?
Miss Wilson: page 53
I flicked the pages to 53 and oh my god of course I get the biggest paragraph. I guess this is it.
Donte: th-the olb man
Miss Wilson: old
Donte: sorry. The old man t-tu-tum
Miss Wilson: tumbled
Everyone started laughing.
Donte: Fuck this
I threw the book down and walked out the class
Miss Wilson: Donte get back here
Donte: No fuck off
Miss Wilson: where you going?
Donte: home
I walked out of school and headed back home.
Donte: Anyone home?
No answer. I went to my room and laid on my bed.

Jays pov
We just finished the case and headed back to the district. My phone started ringing.
Jay: detective Halstead
Teacher: mr Halstead I'm Dontes teacher Miss Wilson he walked out of school today.
Jay: he did what? Why?
Miss Wilson: We were reading aloud in the class and it was Dontes turn. He seemed to struggle with this and the class laughed so he swore and walked out. I called him back and he proceeded to swear at me. Said he was going home.
Jay: okay I'll talk to him. I'm sorry for how he acted.
Miss Wilson: there's also something else I want to speak to you about.
Jay: okay
Miss Wilson: his work. It's not up to the standard of the other kids his age. Currently he is working at the same level as 2nd grade. It is concerning that he is this behind. Looking at his work you would think 6/7 year old wrote it. His schoolwork and homework both always look rushed and like there was no effort.
Jay: well his mum does help with his homework as he does find it very difficult to understand.
Miss Wilson: do you help with the homework?
Jay: not often
Miss Wilson: can I ask why?
Jay: I'm dyslexic and have ADHD which make it hard for me to sit with him to help him compete the tasks he has to do as it normally ends up in frustration.
Miss Wilson: hm okay.
Jay: hmm what do you mean hmm?
Miss Wilson: well having a parent with dyslexia increases the child's chance of having it so I would like for Donte to be evaluated if that's okay?
Jay: sure when?
Miss Wilson: After class tomorrow. He only needs to come in for the test. No lessons
Jay: okay no problem.
I make my way home to speak to Donte

Donte pov
Why are the basics so hard for me? I hate my brain. I'm so stupid.
I hear the front door open and close. I hear footsteps ascending up the stairs. The steps stop at my door.
Dad: Donte
I don't answer
Dad: Donte I know your there. I just want to talk about what happened today
I open my door and give dad a hug
Donte: I'm sorry I didn't mean to cause any trouble. Everythings just a huge mess.
I went and sat on my bed and dad followed
Dad: what do you mean kiddo?
Donte: your gonna think I'm stupid
Dad: No I won't
Donte: promise?
Dad: promise
Donte: well when I read it's like the letter move around the page and then it gets all scribbled together and doesn't make sense. When we do creative writing I have good ideas and can tell them to the teacher but when I try to put it on paper my mind goes blank and I can't find the words.
Dad: oh kiddo, how long has this been going on?
Donte: since kindergarten?
Dad: how come you didn't tell anyone you were struggling?
Donte: I didn't want you to think I'm dumb
Dad: I could never think your dumb you know why?
I shrugged my shoulders
Dad: because it was the same for me
Donte: really?
Dad: yep, tomorrow your teacher is gonna go a little test with you to see if you have dyslexia?
Donte: okay. What's that?
Dad: it might be the reason as to why you struggle with reading, writing and spelling. It just means that your brain works differently to others which isn't a bad thing in a way. Those with dyslexia tend to excel in other things like sports.
Donte: so it's like a superpower?
Dad: yeah kinda
Donte: I'm sorry for walking out of school
Dad: it's okay just maybe next time ask me to pick you up so then I don't have your teachers on the phone
Donte: alright

Next day
Today was the dyslexia test. The teacher had me read off these cards and then do a spelling test. She then gave me these coloured things that changes colour of the paper. Using each colour I had to read a few sentences from a book. For some reason the peach colour made it easier to read. After the test she brought dad into the room and told him I was in fact dyslexic and said she would create a support plan which will make things easier for me. She also gave me an overlay that would make the paper peach and it will make it easier to read.

Donte HalsteadWhere stories live. Discover now