Anger pt2

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I strolled home taking gulps of vodka. It was helping keep the emotions down. Before I knew it I had finished the bottle and was now stumbling to the front door. I turned the key and walked in throwing my bag down.
Donte: Anyone here!
No answer. I went up to my room and went through the family photo album. Pictures of all of us. New York to see Uncle Sam. Med family. District family. Firehouse 51 family. Everyone. I focused on the recent pictures with mama. She looked so happy. How could someone be hurting so much but still have a smile on their face to hide their thoughts and emotions from everyone else?
Everything got too much so I went to dad's office to look for another bottle. I know he hides them in here somewhere. I was searching everywhere and got a message.
Diego: party in 20 bring drink.
Donte: ight bet.
I continued searching dads office and found a bottle of whiskey and his car keys. I picked them up and heard a creak by the door. It was Erin. She walked closer to me and stopped. When did she get back?
(Argument inspired by the film Waves)
I walked past her
Erin: stop. What you doing Donte?
Donte: I need to go
I begin walking towards the door
Erin: you're grounded you're not going anywhere
Donte: I'm not your kid you can't ground me
Erin: why do you smell like alcohol?
No answer
Erin: turn around and answer me
I turn
Erin: have you been drinking?
No answer
Erin: did you take the bottle and keys from your dad's office?
Donte: wow Erin your detective skills are on point. Well done.
Erin: give them to me
Donte: No
Erin: Donte give me the bottle and keys
Donte: I need to go
Erin: you're not going anywhere. Give me the bottle and keys
Donte: Bullshit watch me
Erin: watch your mouth!
Jay: what's going on?
Erin: Donte took the bottle and keys from your office and he's been drinking
Donte: this is bullshit
Jay: don't talk to your mother like that
Donte: She's not my mom. alright you're not my fucking mom. My real mom is dead! Alright. She doesn't talk to me like a fucking condescending bitch like you bitch.
Jay: shut up right now
Erin: I am your mom
Donte: No you're not my fucking mom. All right?
Jay: Donte!
Erin: I am
Donte: you're pathetic Erin!
Jay: Donte ease back
Donte: you're pathetic
Erin: i am ...
Donte: You don't really love me. I hate you.
Jay: Donte you need to...
Erin: I am your mother
Donte: your not my real mom
Erin: i am your mother Donte
Donte: your just the fucking replacement. You think he really wants to be with you. You just feel the gap that mama left.
Jay: say one more thing like that to her I'm gonna come over there and I'll lay your ass out
Donte: Fuck you! Fuck you! Yeah, fuck you. I fucking hate you man. I fucking hate you. I can't stand you man.
Dad started walking towards me
Jay: is that the case? You hate me huh?
Donte: come at me bruh. Just fucking come at me. I swear to god
Jay: you're drunk?
Donte: yeah I'm fucking drunk! What you gonna fucking do about it?
Dad pushed me. So i pushed him back and he fell.
Erin: Stop it! Stop it!
Donte: i fucking hate you man.
Jay: Donte enough
Erin: calm down
Donte: Don't tell me to fucking calm down
Jay: what's your problem?
Donte: what's my problem? What's yours? Huh. You act as if she didn't exist like she didn't mean anything to you
Jay: what do you mean?
Donte: what day is it today?
Jay: er 13th
Donte: mhm and?
Jay: 13th of may
Donte: you really don't know
Jay: I'm sorry
Donte: your fucking unbelievable you know that. I'll give you a fucking clue. It's been 3 years.
Jay: oh shit. Donte I'm so sorry.
Donte: forget it
I picked up the whiskey and keys and left the house. Dad went after me but I got into the car and drove off.

Jays pov
I can't believe I forgot. How did I forget? I'm so fucking stupid. I rang Hank.
Jay: Hank I need your help
Hank: Jay?
Jay: it's Donte he took my keys and he's driving. He's drunk. I need you to track the car.
Hank: fuck. Okay. Adams tracking it now. What happened?
Jay: I don't know I heard him blowing up at Erin and she told me that he stole a bottle of whiskey and my keys from my office. He blew up at Erin again and then me then stormed off. Hank I forgot that today was 3 years. I really fucked up.
Hank: yes you did. How can you forget?
Jay: it's just been hectic. Donte and school. Getting Liam ready for college. Work. Erin. Just everything was getting too much that I ended up just forgetting. It's like time is just one huge bundle. I have no sense of time that I genuinely didn't know that today was the 13th. I haven't even been taking my meds cause I can't remember when I last took them.
Hank: damn kid. You need to make it up to him. Maybe take him to lay flowers tomorrow for Mother's Day and explain everything you just told me to him. I think you should see Dr Charles also.
Jay: mhm. Have you got his location?
Hank: mhm. He's at an abandoned warehouse. We've just received multiple complaints to this address. We're gonna hit it are you coming?
Jay: yeah yeah I'll meet you there

Donte pov
The party was at an abandoned warehouse and it was swarming with people. There was alcohol and drugs. I know I shouldn't have but it made me feel good. Me and a random guy were doing lines on some old table. I felt amazing.
Diego: Donte what have you taken?
Donte: ket I think. I feel amazing
10 minutes later it fully kicked in. I was sat on the floor feeling so dazed and out of it.
Mama: Donte
Donte: mama?
Mama: I'm sorry Tay
Mama then drifted away
Donte: mama come back
Diego: hey hey Donte come on man.
Diego stayed with me until dad and Hank turned up.
Dad: oh Donte
Donte: mama was here
Dad: what?
Donte: mama
Hank: Jay he's just hallucinating.
Dad: Diego what has he taken?
Diego: he did a few lines of ketamine
Hank: shit kid
Dad: come on bud let's get you home to sleep it off
Hank told everyone to leave and dad carried me to the car. He laid me in the back seat

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