Sick pt3

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The next day
8 am
Donte pov
I woke up and daddy was still asleep. Uncle Will walked in.
Uncle Will: hey trouble
Donte: hi uncle Will
Uncle Will: how you feeling?
Donte: better
Uncle Will: that's good. Jay?
Dad didn't move.
Donte: let him sleep a bit uncle Will. This the first time he slept.
Uncle Will: he hasn't slept?
Donte: I don't think so
Uncle Will: has he eaten?
Donte: don't know
Uncle Will: thanks bud
Donte: hey uncle Will
Uncle Will: what's up trouble?
Donte: can kelly come and see me?
Uncle Will: we'll see
I just nodded my head. We heard dad groan.
Uncle Will: morning sunshine
Daddy: Will shut the fuck up i just woke up
Uncle Will: damn someone woke up with an attitude
Daddy: I hate you
Uncle Will: love you too brother
I just laughed at their stupidness.
Daddy: hey bud how you feel?
Donte: better.
Uncle Will: Donte got something to ask
Donte: oh yeah can kelly come?
Daddy: I'll ring him okay
Donte: mhm

Jay pov
I went outside to call kelly. I realise that I haven't told him what happened.
Jay: hey kelly
Kelly: sup Jay
Jay: I forgot to tell you but Dontes in med at the moment.
Kelly: what's going on?
Jay: well the other morning he woke hella ill to the point he was struggling to stay awake and the symptoms he was showing were worrying so I called Will and told him and he straight up told me to ring an ambulance.
Kelly: so what's up with him?
Jay: he's got bacterial meningitis.
Kelly: damn. How is he?
Jay: his brain swelled which resulted in a seizure so they gave medication to bring it down. Right now he seems good. He's talking a lot more and is showing a bit more energy.
Kelly: I'll swing by after shift
Jay: cool he was actually asking after you
Kelly: I'll message when I'm on my way
Jay: that's cool
Kelly: bye
I walked back in and shortly after Nat, April and Connor followed.
Connor: how we doing today little man?
Donte: good
Nat: we're just gonna check your vitals and April will take your blood.
I saw him get a little nervous
Jay: it will be the same little scratch as last time
Donte: scared
Jay: it's okay bud. How about I sit with you?
Donte: mhm
I went and sat with him while April took his blood.
April: all done. Well done superman. You were so brave. You were way braver than when i take your dads blood
I rolled my eyes and everything laughed
Jay: thanks April
Nat: vitals look good
Connor and Will got paged and left
Nat: so as long as he keeps improving he should be out end of the week.
Jay: you hear that bud?
I turned to him and he was just staring out the door. He weren't even blinking but his face was twitching slightly.
Jay: Nat what's going on?
Nat: he's having an absent seizure.
Donte then started blinking.
Jay: you okay bud?
Donte: yeah. Can I get something to eat?
Nat: sure what do you want?
Donte: er just chips please
Nat: I'll get someone to bring up some
Donte: thank you
Nat: Jay can I talk to you outside?
We went outside
Nat: Jay-
Jay: it's looking like epilepsy now isn't it?
Nat: I'm afraid so.
Jay: okay. Will this affect when he's released?
Nat: It shouldn't but-
We were interrupted by beeping coming from machines in Dontes room. We rushed in to see him seizing. Nat pushed some medication and then seizing began to slow down. Nat page Dr Abrams.
Dr Abrams: seeing as this is his second seizure after the swelling it's looking like epilepsy so I'll do a CT and EEG to confirm
Jay: okay.
Donte got taken up for the CT and was brought back.
Dr Abrams: the CT was clear so I'm gonna book him in for the EEG. I have to warn you that the EEG may trigger a seizure.
Jay: mhm

Dr Abrams walked in to take Donte for his eeg
Donte pov
Dr Abrams: we're gonna do a test and it will help us see more about your brain okay?
Donte: mhm.
Dr Abrams: I'm gonna put these sticky things on your head to see your brain waves and it will show up on this screen over there.
Donte: Will it hurt?
Dr Abrams: it won't hurt. It might make you feel uncomfortable.
Donte: okay
He put the things on my head and told me to look at a screen. It was blank.
Dr Abrams: can you breathe really fast for me?
I breathe fast and got a little dizzy
Dr Abrams: good good now you're gonna close your eyes and there'll be some flashing lights that will get faster. It might make you feel weird and that's okay just let it happen
Donte: okay
I closed my eyes and the flashing lights started. The slow ones were fine but as the speed was increasing I felt weird like I did earlier. My brain felt all fuzzy and glitchy.
Donte: m weird feel
Dr Abrams: it's okay just let it happen
Dr Abrams laid me down and everything just went black.

Jays pov
I was watching the test from the window and it was going well until the flashing lights. Deep down I knew this would confirm it I just kinda didn't want to accept it. He was fine with the slow lights but as the speeds increased I could see him getting agitated and uncomfortable. Dr Abrams laid him down and a few minutes later it started. His fingers started twitching. His whole body tensed up and he just began convulsing. His eyes were rolling. Dr Abrams moved him onto his side and he began roaming at the mouth. After a couple minutes it slowed down eventually coming to a stop. It took a while for him to come to. Dr Abrams took him back to his room.
Dr Abrams: Mr Halstead can we talk outside?
Jay: sure
I went outside
Dr Abrams: so after the outcome of that test I'm gonna confirm the diagnosis of epilepsy and prescribe some medication that would decrease the amount of seizures he'll have. Just beware that they won't completely stop the seizures. He'll have good times where he may have one or two a week or maybe none to having bad times of multiple a day. Look out for the different types of seizures he may have. From what I've seen he'll mainly suffer from absent and grand mal seizures. If a seizure lasts longer than 5 minutes or he's having seizures back to back with little to no recovery period then call an ambulance.
Jay: okay
I went back into the room and Donte was fighting his sleep
Jay: you okay bud
Donte: sleep
Jay: go on then bud you can sleep
He didn't need to be told twice. Will walked in.
Will: so what happened?
Jay: long story short he has epilepsy
Will: damn
Jay: he can handle it though he's a strong kid. He ain't gonna let it stop him.
Will: Imma go check on a patient real quick imma be back tho
Jay: that's cool
Will: you want food?
Jay: chicken and chips please
Will: cool
Will left and I was just on my phone. My phone starting ringing. Hank
Jay: Hank
Hank: Jay how's he doing?
Jay: he's had a couple seizures. They confirmed epilepsy
Hank: damn. He know?
Jay: he's got some idea but doesn't fully understand yet
Hank: fair enough. When they discharging him?
Jay: hopefully end of the week

The rest of the week not much happened. He responded well too the antibiotics and he's been getting used to the seizure meds. He's only had a few seizures. I've explained to him about epilepsy and what it means for him and he seems to understand.

Today is the day we go home.
Connor: Hey Jay. Donte you can go home after your dad signs the papers
Donte: Daddy sign quick. I wanna go home
Jay: alright buddy
Connor: I'm offended bud
Donte: I love you Connor but I hate this place
Connor: haha your just like your dad
I signed the papers and Donte jumped out of the bed and ran down the hall.
Jay: hold up bud.
Nat: where's my goodbye?
Will: hey trouble
He ran back and said bye.
Donte: daddy come on let's go home
Jay: okay but we gotta pick up Liam on the way.

Donte HalsteadWhere stories live. Discover now