Trouble at school

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Donte: 12/ Liam: 14/ Jay: 32/ Rebecca: 33

Jay's pov
We always knew Donte was different to the other kids. Not that being different is a bad thing. I saw how things that are supposed to be easy for kids his age he seems to struggle with. Our oldest Liam never got into the amount of trouble that Donte gets into. When I was around his age I got diagnosed with ADHD. I was exactly like him. It doesn't affect me much now as I am medicated which reduces the severity of my symptoms but some days there medication don't make a difference. Me and Rebecca both believe that Donte has it to. We tried to tell the school but they keep saying he's just bad behaved and that ADHD would just be an excuse and without the school referring him for the test Dr Charles says he can't diagnose him.

At the moment he is on a reduced timetable. The amount of lessons he has in a day ranges but he's never in for a full day. We frequently receive phone calls from his teachers and he is constantly put on a behaviour report. Donte was given three main targets. 1) Don't get distracted. 2) Complete all work to the best of my ability 3) No disrupting. The report also has a section where the teacher can give details of what happened. Why would today be any different?

Donte pov
I looked at my timetable and right now I have English. On my way I realised I forgot by behaviour report. I made my way to the office to get it then I realised I was late.
10 minutes later I arrived to my lesson.
Mr Davies: Late Halstead
Donte: forgot my report sir
Mr Davies: put the report on my desk, get your overlay and sit down.
I was sitting in the most boring lesson in the world. What is the point? It doesn't even make any sense. The only person I talk to that is in this lesson is Diego Dawson and he is sat on the other side of the class. I am currently sat staring out the window watching all the cars drive by.
Mr Davies: Halstead!
Donte: hm
Mr Davies: I asked you a question
Donte: Can you repeat it?
Mr Davies: What is an adjective?
Donte: urm don't know sir
Mr Davies: pay attention
Donte: Sorry
Come on just focus. Just have to get through this lesson then it's gym the one thing I'm good at. I tried to copy what was on the board but sir changed to the next slide. Fuck sake.
Donte: sir can you go back a sec?
Mr Davies: No everyone else has finished so why should we all have to wait for you just cause you can't keep up
Donte: whatever don't be bitching when you see my work then
This made the whole class laugh
Mr Davies: Another word from you Halstead and you can go to the principal's office
Diego gave me a 'keep calm' look. I nodded at him and attempted to do my work. I looked at the time and realised I still have another hour of this torture. Fuck. I've being sitting for too long and was beginning to get restless. My leg was bouncing. I was cracking my knuckles and fidgeting with my pen and overlay. I was taking the pen apart and putting it back together. This only kept me occupied for five minutes until I found it boring. I began walking around the classroom. I ended up taking the spare seat next to Diego and we began talking.
Mr Davies: Halstead back to your seat
Donte: but I work well here
Mr Davies: Halstead I'm not playing back to your seat!
Donte: someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed
Mr Davies: Halstead enough
Donte: sorry
Sometimes I don't think before I speak and by the time I realise it's too late. I went and sat down in my seat. I then got back up to sharpen my pencil. I had to much energy. I felt as if i would explode if I didn't get it out. I was beginning to get frustrated. Why can't I just be like everyone else?
Mr Davies: why are you sharpening your pencil?
Donte: cause it's blunt why else?
Mr Davies: I have had enough of your comments go to the principals office!
Donte: fine don't want to be in this bullshit lesson anyway
He wrote my report and put it on my desk. I picked it up and made my way out the door. I read my report and it had three crosses next to my targets. The comment was not paying attention. Made rude comments. Swearing. Disrupting and distracting the class. Moving seats without permission. Will be ringing parents.
Mr Davies: ill be talking to your parents
Donte: fuck off
I walked around the school remainder of the lesson instead of going to the office. The bell went off so I made my way to PE. Today we were doing soccer. This was fun as I was a decent player. Coach was also my favourite teacher he would always push me as he said that I had potential. I excelled in any sport I played.
Donte: hey coach
Coach: what's up kid
Donte: here's my report
Coach: thanks kiddo go get changed
We all got ready and played a match. I decided to try goalkeeper as I was normally a striker or defender. I wanted to try something new. This lesson is by far my favourite. In the game I was doing save after save. At half time I decided to swap out to midfield as I was getting bored in goal. I was running up and down the pitch. Sometimes having so much energy is an and advantage. Coach then blew the whistle to signal the end of the game. My team won 8-2.
Coach: Well done boys. That was a great game.
All: Thanks coach
Coach: Right go put everything away then get a shower and changed.
We all went inside the changing rooms and had a shower then got changed. After we went to leave for lunch. As I was about to leave Coach called me over.
Coach: Hey Halstead
Donte: Yeah coach
Coach: good game today.
Donte: thanks
Coach: Here's your report. What happened today?
Donte: Nothing
Coach: If you say so kid. Go on go lunch
Donte: bye coach
Report- All ticks next to my targets and the comment was Did amazing in the lesson today.  Good energy. Was 100% focused.
I then made my way to lunch where the boys had saved me a seat. I was good friends with Diego Dawson as our dads work together we both end up spending time at the district.
Diego: Hey Donte
Donte: Wassup
Diego: What did coach want?
Donte: Give me report and talk about maths
Diego: oh that reminds me I got the notes for maths if you want to copy them.
Donte: thanks. You at the district today?
Diego: not sure you?
Donte: yeah I got one more lesson then my dad's gonna pick me up.
Diego: cool see ya.
The bell rang to signal the end of lunch and then it was time for my last lesson of the day. Maths. I get so frustrated in this lesson. If I understand it I'll be fine but if I don't then I won't try. My teacher is Mrs Boden. She is the nicest teacher I have besides coach. She is always trying to help me. When she sees me getting frustrated she lets me take a break then explains it to me in a different way. I walk in and place my report onto her desk. Today we have a maths test meaning Mrs Boden can't help. I open the paper and get started. LuckilyI don't need an overlay because miss printed the test on coloured paper. I do the first half easy. I thought I would actually be able to do it until I looked at the second half. Fucking algebra. What the fuck
Donte: why the fuck are there letters and numbers put together. I can't even read them when they're apart how the fuck am I supposed to do it when they're together. Fuck sake
I slammed my fist down onto the table.
Mrs Boden: take a break
Donte: can i go toilet?
Mrs Boden: Sure
I left and walked around for a bit. I returned to the class and sat down. I just sat there staring at the paper eventually daydreaming until I'm brought back to reality. Mrs Boden walked to my desk.
Mrs Boden: Donte
Donte: hmm
Mrs Boden: Get back to the test
She then walked back to the front of the class.
I started trying to work out the answers. While I was thinking I rhythmically tapped my pen against the edge of the desk.
Mrs Boden: Donte
Donte: sorry

Mrs Boden pov
I saw that he was struggling and that the frustration was building up. He was getting restless as he was trying to make sense of what was infront of him. As I was marking workbooks I could hear Donte ready to leave.

Donte pov
I was still on the first question of the second half. I looked at the time and there was only twenty minutes left. My frustration was increasing. I knew it would get to the point I would end up walking out.
Donte: Fucking bullshit
I was huffing and puffing trying to make sense of it until I had enough. I crumpled up the test and pushed it in front of me landing on the floor. I stood up grabbed my coat and walked out slamming the door behind me.
Mrs Boden: Donte
I ignore her and make my way to the bleachers outside. I put my hood up so no one would see me but to my luck coach saw me.

Coach's pov
I'm teaching a lesson and noticed someone by the bleachers. I notice it being Donte. My class are currently playing a match so I head over to talk to him.
Coach: Halstead shouldn't you be in maths?
Donte: I was in maths
Coach: Why are you here?
Donte: Walked out
Coach: Why?
Donte: Frustrated
Coach: About
Donte: doesn't matter
Coach: who's the teacher
Donte:Mrs Boden
Coach: okay I'll message her and say you're with me. Go join in
Donte: thanks
He obviously doesn't want to talk about it so I'm just gonna leave it. There's 40 minutes left so I let him join in.
The bell goes and everyone leaves for next lesson.
Coach: Halstead come with me to apologise to Mrs Boden
Donte: okay

Donte pov
I've finished for the day but before I go coach is taking me to speak to Mrs Boden. Luckily she had free period so we entered the classroom.
Donte: Mrs Boden?
Mrs Boden: Hi Donte
Donte: I'm sorry about what I did in lesson
Mrs Boden: Thank you Donte. I know you get frustrated but we need to work on how to handle it as what you did wasn't okay. Walking out wasn't the answer.
Donte: I know and I'm sorry
Mrs Boden: That's all I'm gonna say today. Fresh start tomorrow. Here's your report your dads probably waiting outside.
Donte: thanks miss see you tomorrow.
I grabbed my report and coach walked me outside.
Coach: See you tomorrow Halstead
Donte: see ya
Dad was already there waiting for me. On my way to the car I looked at my report and it had 1 tick and 2 crosses. The comment was had a test today and did try his best but got frustrated. Told him to take a break. When he got back to doing the test frustration increased which resulted in him walking out.
I knew mama and dad were gonna be pissed when they saw todays report. Fuck. I reached the car and threw my coat in the back and sat in the passenger seat.
Dad: Don't just throw it into the car
I rolled my eyes
Dad: How was school?
Donte: Shit
Dad: Language
Donte: sorry
Dad: Lemme see your report
I gave him my report and he was not impressed.
Dad: Really kiddo
Donte: I'm sorry
Dad: I know kiddo, I know. Mum is gonna wanna talk to you when you get home.
Donte: I know. She's gonna be pissed ain't she?
Dad: We'll see. home or district?
Donte: District
Dad: Let's go
We made our way to the district and was greeted by Trudy at the desk
Trudy: chuckles and chuckles jr

Donte HalsteadWhere stories live. Discover now