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Donte: 13/Jay: 33

Donte pov
It's been about a couple months since mama died and dad seemed to move on. He's been getting close with his partner from work, Erin. He doesn't know that ive noticed the subtle flirting when I'm at the district. It seems like he's forgetting mama and I don't understand how. It's only been a couple months. How can you begin to forget about someone you've been with your whole life?
I went downstairs to the medicine basket and noticed the ADHD bottle was empty so I took my seizure ones and put the empty bottle in the bin. I went upstairs to tell Dad.
Donte: Dad I'm out of ADHD meds and only have a few seizure ones.
No answer
Donte: Dad!
I knock on Dads door. I need to tell him I need more meds. I could hear his TV on and the shower running. I walked in and noticed his bathroom door shut. I guess he's in the shower. I then notice movement in the bed. I turn my head and see Erin.
Donte: What the fuck!
Erin: Shit. Donte
Donte: da fuck you in mamas bed
Erin: I stayed the night
Donte: i can fucking see that
Dad must of heard me because he came out of the bathroom with sweatpants on.
Dad: Donte
Donte: Don't fucking talk to me. Your unbelievable you know that? It's been a couple of months and you get with the next girl you see?
Dad: it's not like that
Donte: how is it not fucking like that?
Erin: I've been seeing your dad for a while
Donte: Huh am I hearing this right? How long?
Erin: A little over a year
I turned to dad
Donte: you were cheating on mama?
Dad: I'm sorry kid
Donte: is that why she did it? Because she found out?
Dad: I'm not sure kiddo. I guess we'll never know.
Donte: I'm tired of your bullshit. It's always something with you. Uncle James will beat your ass for this and I'm gonna gladly watch.
Erin: your being a little harsh
Donte: a little harsh? Your not the one that just found out that your mom might have killed herself cause your dad was having an affair with some hoe.
Jay: watch your mouth Donte.
Donte: or what your gonna hit me?
Jay: Donte
Donte: What it's not like you haven't done it before
Jay: I know and I'm sorry for that but I wasn't thinking
Donte: you know what I don't give a fuck no more. I'm outta here. I'm done with this bullshit.
Jay: Don't tell your brother he doesn't need to know
Donte: I'm done with you. I fucking hate you.
I went downstairs. Liam sat at the kitchen island on his phone.
Liam: What was that about?
Donte: nothing
Liam: where you going?
Donte: nowhere
I left and walked to a liquor store and got a random person to buy a bottle of vodka for me. I then went to an abandoned warehouse to meet a dealer. I handed the money in exchange for some weed. As soon as we made the exchanges we heard sirens. I sprinted around the building and hopped the fence. Cops were still running after me.
Cop: hey kid stop
I recognised that voice it was Adam.
I was way faster so used that to my advantage and ran out of sight. After about 20 minutes I finally lost them. I walked to a random park, rolled a joint and lit it up. I took a few drags and it was hitting harder than last time. I took gulps of the vodka till there was about 1/4 left. I was half way through the joint when I laid on the grass just letting the high take over. I just stared at the sky and all the pain and anger just faded away. Footsteps were approaching but I couldn't see who it was.
Hank: oh tigger
I sat up and just stared at him.

Hanks pov
We were tryna catch a notorious dealer who's had been going years without getting caught. But lately, he's been getting sloppy. We tracked him to an abandoned warehouse and was now waiting for him to make a move. A kid pulled up and he made the deal.
Hank: move in. Move in
Atwater: Chicago PD. Hands in the air.
The kid didn't turn around but the dealer did.
Hank: you're under arrest
Atwater arrested him while Adam went over to the kid. The kid took off so Adam ran after him.
30 minutes later Adam comes back saying he lost the kid.
Hank: I wanna set a 5 mile radius. This kid can't have just vanished. Find him.
I was approaching a park and notice a kid just laying on the grass staring up into the sky
Hank: hey kid you okay?
The kid didn't answer so I went over to him and that's when I recognised who it was. Donte. I saw a nearly finished bottle of vodka next to him as well
Hank: oh tigger
He sat up and just stared at me. I knew by his eyes that he was high as hell. I thought to not talk to him until he had sobered up a bit.
Hank: come on tigger. I'll take you to mine.
I helped him up and noticed half a joint next to him so I threw it in the bin along with the vodka.
I walked him to my car and just laid him across the backseats. Within 5 minutes of driving he fell asleep. I rang jay.
Hank: Jay
Jay: Hank
Hank: I've got Donte with me
Jay: how is he?
Hank: high as hell and drunk
Jay: Damn
Hank: what happened?
Jay: he found out that I moved on
Hank: I'm guessing he didn't take the news well
Jay: nope cause he found her in my bed and then he started cussing us out.
Hank: what do you expect? It's only been a couple months. Imagine how hard all this is for him plus he hasn't fully processed Rebecca's death.
Jay: I know I'll try talk to him
Hank: mhm
I put the phone down and pulled up to my house. I looked and he was still asleep so I just carried him in and laid him in Justin's bed.

The next morning
Donte pov
I woke up with a massive headache and my stomach was just churning. I ran to the bathroom and threw up. I threw up about 3 times before I laid down on the cold floor.
Hank: tigger you ok?
I didn't answer so he walked into the bathroom
Hank: oh kiddo. How about you take a shower and I'll make breakfast
Donte: mhm
Hank left and I took a shower.
How could dad move on that quick. He acts as if mama didn't exist. He's still been acting weird since he blew up at me at the funeral.
I finished in the shower, got ready and went downstairs
Hank: here you go kiddo
Donte: thanks
I started eating and zoned out.
Hank: talk to me kiddo
Donte: hmm
Hank: What's going on in that head of yours?
Donte: nothing
Hank: come on kid I know somethings up
Donte: Dads seeing Erin
Hank chocked on his drink.
Hank: Erin. My Erin
Donte: yep
Hank: do you know how long?
Donte: a little over a year
Hank: but then that means...
Donte: yep
Hank: damn kid. Anyone else know?
Donte: nope
Hank: how did you find out?
Donte: found Erin in Dads bed
Hank: jeez. He could have at least sat yous down and spoke to you
Donte: that's what I'm saying. I'm done with him anyway
Hank: you don't mean that
Donte: i do
Hank: just give it time kiddo
I was getting frustrated and tried to calm myself down.
Hank: He has to move on at some point
Donte: he moved on ages ago that's the reason mamas dead!
I stood up and walked out the house heading to Antonio's gym.
Antonio: hey kid
I ignored him and started on the punching bag. I was punching for about 10 minutes until Antonio walked over.
Antonio: hey bud your gonna hurt yourself
Donte: I don't care
I kept punching and blood was dripping down my hand.
Antonio: hey let's take a break
I weren't listening and kept punching.
Donte: I hate him. I wish it was him. Everything is his fault.
Antonio: hey calm down
Antonio came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me tight so I couldn't punch. He then pulled me into a hug. I broke down almost instantly.
Antonio: hey hey it's okay
I slowly calmed down
Donte: I'm sorry
Antonio: it's fine kiddo. Who were you talking about?
Donte: er dad
Antonio: why?
Donte: it's nothing I'm sorry
Antonio: if you need to talk I'll listen you know that right?
Donte: yeah
Antonio: okay
Antonio's phone rang so he went to take it and I zoned out. I don't know how long for but I was brought out my thought by a familiar rough voice.
Hank: hey kiddo. I heard you've had a rough time

Hank pov
I think of one place that Donte goes when things get to much. Antonio's gym. I ring Antonio
Hank: Antonio
Antonio: Hank
Hank: is Donte with you?
Antonio: yeah but he's not doing good
Hank: what do you mean?
Antonio: he was just punching the bag until his knuckles were busted. I told him to take a break but carried on and started saying 'i hate him. I wish it was him. Everything is his fault.' I restrained him so he wouldn't hurt himself anymore and it all got too much for him. he instantly broke down. He's finally calmed down.
Hank: okay I'm on my way
I made my way to the gym.

Dontes pov
I don't know how long I was zoned out for but I was brought out of it by a familiar rough voice.
Hank: hey tigger. I heard you've had a rough time
Donte: mhm I'm sorry for walking out
Hank: hey you don't need to apologise. you ready to face your dad?
Donte: I guess. Can you stay tho?
Hank: sure tigger. I'll just message your dad to tell him we're on our way
We made our way home and entered the house where dad was waiting for us at the kitchen table. We all took a seat at the table to talk. Me, dad, Hank, Liam and Erin
Dad: I'm sorry kiddo I should have told you
Donte: did you love mama?
Dad: of course I did bud she was my first love I will always love her
Liam: then why'd you do it?
Dad: we just drifted apart and there was no way to fix it but we chose to stay together for you boys.
I zoned out for the rest of the conversation
Hank: Donte
Donte: hmm
Hank: Erin was speaking
Donte: sorry
Erin: it's fine I was just saying that I'm not here to replace your mom.
Donte: good cause you'll never be like her. You'll never be my mom
Dad: Donte!
Erin: No it's fine I understand. Donte, Liam I will never try an replace your mom. Your mom will always be your mom and no one will ever be able to replace her.
Donte: mhm
Liam: okay
I got up and went outside and dad followed me.
Dad: Hey Donnie. Can I talk to you?
Donte: What
Dad: I'm so sorry for everything
Donte: you should've told us
Dad: I know kid I'm sorry
Donte: dad did mama know?
Dad: Donte
Donte: Did mama know?
Dad: yeah she did
Donte: why didn't she leave you?
Dad: she wanted us to pretend that we were okay for you boys. We didn't want you boys to get hurt.
Donte: I'm sorry
Dad: I know kiddo
Donte: I don't hate you. I'm sorry for everything I said.
Dad: it's okay kiddo
Donte: So this wasn't the reason she did it
Dad: I'm sorry
Dad hugged me and i hugged him back.
Donte: i guess i should apologise to Erin
Dad: okay bud
I went downstairs to Erin
Donte: Erin I'm so sorry
Erin: hey it's okay.
Donte: I'm ready to give you a chance
Liam: Me too
Erin: thank you

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