
718 14 0

Donte: 6/ Jay: 26

Monday 8:00am
Donte pov
Daddy: Hey Donnie buddy wake up
I heard Daddy leave my room to wake up Liam and make breakfast.
I slowly stirred awake. Just waking up made me wanna go back to sleep again. My head was hurting, my neck felt stuck and hurt to move, and I felt cold and weird. I stayed laying in bed until I heard footsteps towards my door. Daddy walked in and turned on the light. As soon as the light went on my eyes felt like they would explode.
Donte: light hurt. Off please
Daddy: Come on kiddo you got school and I have work
I quickly covered my eyes.
Donte: light hurt
Daddy: what you mean bud?
Donte: light hurted my eyes
Daddy looked worried and went and turned the light off. I sat up in my bed. For some reason the room started spinning. I just sat and hoped it would go which it did.
Donte: I don't feel good
Daddy: What's up?
Donte: Head and neck hurt and it cold
Daddy: It's not cold buddy imma check your temperature okay I'll be back
Donte: Mhm

Jays pov
I quickly went into my bedroom to get the thermometer. He really doesn't look good. I then noticed my phone, I'll bring this with me. Maybe I'll ring Will to see what he suggests. I then go to take his temp. He's struggling to stay awake I'm really worried.
Jay: Hey bud I need you to stay awake for me okay.
Donte: I'll try
Jay take his temperature. It read 103°. Damn
Jay: looks like you got a high fever kiddo. I'm gonna ring uncle Will okay.
Donte: mhm k
I then pull up Will's number.

Wills pov
It's been a hard night and I'm finally finished my shift. I grab my phone and begin my walk to the locker room. My phone begins ringing and Jays caller id appears.
Will: Jay
Jay: Hey Will you working? I'm really worried about Donte.
Will: Nah I just finished why what's wrong?
Jay: Well um he woke up with a headache and neck hurting and a temp of 103°. He's also finding it difficult to stay awake. He's also super sensitive to light.
Will: Shit urm I'm not liking these symptoms bring him in. Also check him for a rash
Jay: O-okay

Jays pov
I'm on the phone to Will and what he's saying is making me more anxious and worried. While still on the phone I check for a rash.
Jay: Hey buddy
Donte: Daddy hurts
Jay: I know kiddo. you wanna cover your eyes whilst I turn the light on?
Donte: mhm
I waited till his eyes were covered and then turned the light on. I begin to look for the rash
Jay: Shit
Will on phone: What
Jay: He has a rash on his arms and back
Will: Okay get a glass and place it on the rash to see if it disappears
I get a glass and does as he says
Jay: It's still there
Will: End the call and call 911 now Jay!
Jay: Okay
I shakily but quickly dial 911. I relay everything I told Will and they said an ambulance will be dispatched immediately and it will be between 2-5 minutes.

Dontes pov
Donte: Daddy I don't feel well
Daddy: I know kiddo I know but we will go to uncle Will's work and they will make you feel better
I feel like I'm gonna be sick. My stomach is cramping so hard so I hold my stomach. I try to warn daddy
Donte: belly hurt. Sick
I ended up vomiting everywhere.
Daddy cleaned me up and then the paramedics came.

Jays pov
Donte was just sick so I had to clean him up then the paramedics came. They took his vitals and they weren't good. His heart rate was high and his temperature increased a little more than the last time u took it. On the way I quickly rang Hank.
Jay: Hey Sarge I won't be able to come in
Hank: Why Halstead?
Jay: I'm on my way to med with Donte he's really ill and I rang Will and he was really worried about his symptoms so I'm guessing it's bad.
Hank: No problem hope little man gets well soon. Keep me updated kid
Jay: Will do thanks Sarge

We finally arrived at med.
Jay: hey Gabby can you take Liam back with you to the firehouse?
Gabby: sure come on bud

Will, Connor and Nat were stood waiting. They then rushed Donte in and got him admitted straight away.
Jay: What do you think is wrong with him?
Nat: By what Will has told us my guess is  meningitis but we need to do some tests to confirm.
Connor: Because we all assume it's meningitis and he has the textbook symptoms we're gonna start him on antibiotics now to increase his chance of a full recovery.
Jay: Okay um can I stay?
Will: Of course
April came in to put in an iv and take his blood. Donte shared Jay's hatred for hospitals and needles and began panicking when he realised what April was about to do.
Donte: No n-no no want it
Jay: It's okay buddy it's to help them make you better
Donte: No I'm scared. They'll hurt me.
Jay: How about I sit with you? Would that make you feel better?
Donte: mhm
I sat with him and he watched SpongeBob on my phone. April then began the IV and blood test. Throughout he whimpered abit but was too focused on my phone
April: All done little man. You was so brave.
Nat: To confirm meningitis we also have to do a lumbar puncture.
Jay: Okay but can you put him under cause he won't be able to stay still?
Nat: Of course we were going to anyway due to his age
Jay: Thanks
They do the lumbar puncture.
Nat: He'll begin to wake up in a few hours
I decide to ring Hank and update him.
Jay: Hey sarge
Hank: Hey Jay. How is he?
Jay: Suspected meningitis. They had to do blood tests and a spinal tap.
Hank: Damn kid.
Jay: I know
Hank: How are you tho kid?
Jay: Fine
Hank: Jay
Jay: Sarge
Hank: Imma ask you again and I swear if you say fine your off duty for the foreseeable.
Jay: Damn sarge
Hank: I'm serious. How are you?
Jay: Scared, anxious, everything at the moment.
Hank: It will be alright.
Jay: I hope so
Hank: We'll swing by after shift

Wills pov
Nat: Results are in bacterial meningitis. Seeing as we started him on antibiotics early he has a fair chance. He will have to stay in a few days tho.
Will: Alright thanks Nat
Nat: No problem I'm just gunna push more antibiotics then I'll leave yous to it.
Jay sat in silence zoned out beside Dontes bed. I noticed and my worry was only increasing. He tends to shut down when he's worried or anxious.
Will: Jay
No answer
Will: Hey Jay
Jay: mhm
Will: you okay
Jay: mhm
Will: What were you think about?
Jay: Um nothing
I knew not to push Jay would speak when he's ready.
They sat in silence for another 10 mins.
Jay: How bad can it get?
Will: What?
Jay: How bad can it get? Like would it have any long term effects.
Will: Possibly.
Jay: Like?
Will: Um hearing loss, seizures, memory and concentration problems etc.
Jay: Mhm
I notice Jay zone out again but this time his breathing started to increase and his eyes became glossy. I knew straight away what this was. Panic attack.
Will: Jay I need you to take deep breaths
Jay: Can't b-breathe
Will: Your okay follow my breathing
I grabbed his hand and put it on my chest and began exaggerating my breaths. He began unconsciously copying me. He slowly began to breath normally.
Jay: I'm sorry
Will: Hey you don't need to apologise.
I went to get some sleep in the break room and Jay just sat down next to Donte holding his hand slowly drifting off to sleep.

Jay's pov
Will had brought me a coffee and something to eat even though I wasn't hungry. While we were talking we heard a groan and some movement. It was Donte.
Jay: Hey buddy
Donte: D-daddy?
Jay: You okay?
I looked at him and he was just staring into space.
Jay: Donte
No answer
Will: Hey Donte
Will was clicking his fingers infront off him. No response
A few seconds later he started blinking
Will: you okay?
Donte: Feel weird head hurt
Will realised what this meant and then called for Nat and Conner. Everything seemed to be moving in slo mo. At first he began twitching then he was fully convulsing.

Donte pov
I woke up but felt weird and my head hurted bad.
Everything felt slow and fuzzy. I saw daddy and uncle Will. I told them how I felt and uncle Will quickly called the doctors. Suddenly everything went black.

Donte HalsteadWhere stories live. Discover now