The First Song.

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*Ariana's POV*
I'm excited for my new music video "RIGHT THERE" my agent said I might have some other singers staring in it. Now I just have to finish the song!!! All I need is the guy part. Mac Miller was supposed to be in this but after our breakup he bailed. The only person I can think of is Big Sean. I met him at the Grammys this year, he is an amazing rapper and super cute. Why would he want to be in a song with me? *sighs* I'll just have to ask! To the phone!

*Big Sean POV*
"Ring" "ring" "ring" My damn phone hasn't shut up all day! Oh, it's Ariana. Play it cool.
B "Go for big"
A "Big Sean?"
B "The one and only"
A "I was wondering if you wanted be be in a song with me?"
B "I would love to! *cough* ugh I mean I'll think about it, I'm kinda busy"
A "okay. If you change your mind I'm emailing you the audio"
B "k"
A "okay... Bye!"
B "Call ya later"
*hangs up*
Wow. The song is so good! I think I could right something for it. To the studio!

*Ariana POV*
My phone call with big Sean was so awkward. I'm so shy I probably scares him off! I sent him the audio so I hope he likes it. To be honest I have a big of a crush on him. For the music video I'm planning a Romeo and Juliet theme. I love that sort of thing! Maybe big Sean could be Romeo? No. Big Sean could be... The parents? Yuck! Maybe the priest? Urg! I like him so much.

*Big Sean POV*
~in the studio~
"This one is for my number 1 girl got the title spot title spent an hour in the bathroom walked out looking like a model"
That's a good rap! All it needs is more lyrics and another chorus and I can use it! I'll call ariana and tell her I'll do her song! I kinda like this girl, she's a little bit younger but who cares. Maybe I'll ask her out! Her music is pretty amazing!
"Ring" "Ring"
A "Hello?"
B "hey! It's big Sean!"
A "what's up?"
B "still want me in your song?"
A "absolutely!"
B "Well good because I got some lyrics you might like!"
A "send me the audio!!"
B "sent"
*moments later*
A "Big Sean! It's amazing! I love it!"
B "Glad you like it!"
A "I can't wait to start working on it with you"
B "then why wait? Come on over to my studio and we can start right away!"
A "really? Awesome! I'll be over soon!"
B "sweet"
A "sweet"
A "Well see you soon!"
A "Bye!"
B "By-"
*hung up*

*Ariana POV*
I can't believe it! I'm going to his house! I better put something nice on. How about black shorts, black tank top and my favourite blue and white sweater that hangs off my shoulder. I put my hair up in a ponytail and put on some cat ears. I look great. I smear on some makeup and perfume and get in the limo. We drive for a while then arrive at big Sean's house, or should I say MANTION! Woah. We pull in the drive way, big Sean waits for me at the door. I run up the steps and meet him.
B "hey!"
A "hi" *giggles*
B "We should get to work, did you bring the audio?"
A "Right There, err I mean Right here. In my hand" *giggles*
Big Sean grabs my hand and leads me through the house to his studio. Both our agents are already waiting.

Big Sean's agent: "so ariana hey! How this is going to work is your going to sing your song. The when you see the red light turn on you finish your verse then stop so big Sean can rap. Then when the light is green again big Sean will finish and you can say your verses. The faster we record the faster we can make this video, we will do harmony after. Okay?"
A "Okay"
B "let's do this"

*Recording* *Ariana and Sean POV*
"This this this for my number one girl who got title spot title spent and hour in the bathroom walked out looking like model girl doing what you you do got me right her in the parlour on the moon movie genies in the bottle girl they already got you"
"Boy you make me feel so lucky. Finally the stars alight! Never has it been so easy to be in or give the love of mine. You know what I mean I know what you like. So could be alright! How can this be wrong? When it feels so right, I really love you I really love you oh, and I'll never let you go-"
"You should know! I'm never genna Change, I'll always be the same, you call for me I'm right there right there! Cause you listen and you care, your so different no one compare, and if you wanna change I'm genna stay right there I'll always be right there." .........

That's a wrap! Great job! Let's get this edited fixed up and harmonized!

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