The End

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Finally: Part 2

And this is how it's ends. Two people that walked the earth fell in love. They spent more and three years of there life together. They gave themselves to each other. You never know what the future holds or what the world Is going to throw at you but most people know that they will be okay. Some relationships survive but sadly most don't. When you fall in love it may see, like you've found the one. The one you'll marry, have kids with, spend the rest of your life with. Heck, you could even have those feelings towards someone you saw on the street! Or maybe even someone you made up in your head. If your young you'll be falling in love right now. Maybe one or twice and maybe a million times. Little do you know is that the person your destent to be with is on this planet, maybe even I love with someone else. All I know is that nothing lasts forever, especially love. Two people could be perfect for each other but there is always going to be something wrong. Nothing ever lasts. Nothing.

*Seans POV*
I dropped everything for her and got on a plane. 14h on a plane.
I arrived at the airport at like 2am so I checked into a hotel. Ariana kept calling me. I picked up and threw it off the balcony.
"MOTHERFUCKER!" I yell. I'm so angry!
Mu hotel room has a mini fridge, I threw it open and drank everything in it. The I ordered more beer on room service. I smoked and broke stuff.
"FUCK!" I scream
I haven't acted like this since my divorce. I've never seen Ariana bring out the worst in me, she usually brings out the best. This is how I know something is wrong.

*Ariana's POV*
Seans plane was supposed to have landed 3 hours ago and he won't answer his fucking phone. It's just like him to get petty and ignore me. He's such and asshole.

*Seans POV*
It's just like her to ruin everything. After everything we went trough! How easily she can just throw everything. What a bitch.

*Ariana's POV*
I turned off the TV and cried myself to sleep. Why is love so hard?

*Seans POV*
I threw up from all the drinking and fell to the floor. Before I blacked out all I could think about was my heart, and how much it had been broken.

*Ariana's POV*
I wiped another tear off the skin of my cheek. It must be around 5:30am but I can't fall asleep. The other day was think about past and future and what life would be if I hadn't met Sean. That way I wouldn't have to deal with this heartbreak. Although most of my relationships end in pain, I guess it's just un avoidable for me. I'll never win in love, and I'll never find anyone who loves me like Sean. What if I'm never happy again? These past years with Sean have been the best years of my life. I mean I've been happy in relationships before but never one quite like this one. Maybe I can save us?

*The Next Day*

*Seans POV*
I woke up at around noon with a massive hangover. I used my laptop to get the info off my phone (that I smashed) and there were about 50 missed calls from Ariana 100 texts and 20 voicemails. I listened to one of them and lost control. We're going to meet at 2pm so I decided to get drunk again.
I checked out and went over to the liquor store. I parked my ass behind an alley and drank up. Then I walked over to the hotel room. where I'm meeting Ariana.
I saw her walking towards me down the hall.

"HEY SHAWTY!" I yelled

*Ariana's POV*
Sean called out to me as I walked over to him. No one is around and I don't see any press, I think we're safe. I run inside the room and Sean follows

"Heyyy look who it is" says Sean
"Sean, your drunk" I say
"And your a bitch" he answers
"I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that" I reply
"Wow that's just like you"
"Excuse me?!" I spit
"Did I fucking studer? I thought with your four ears you could hear" he replies referring to my cat ears (that I wasn't wearing)
"What's wrong with you?" I ask
"What's wrong with you" he mocks
"I can't do this" I say
I pick up a beer and chug it.
"Yeah! Like you ever worked to come to me!" He yells
"Maybe I would have if you would answer YOUR FUCKING PHONE! I scream
"Well excuse me for ignoring my clingy girlfriend!"
"I'm not clingy I'm worried! I reply
"ABOUT WHAT!?" He screams
"Damn, should have rapped about that, maybe it would have pissed you off less than when I rapped about you V" he snards
"Fuck you!" I snap
"Fuck you too!" He snaps back

We stand in silence for a moment then we both run to each other and kiss. We fall into bed and the rest is a blur.

*the next morning*

I woke up in bed with Sean. I had an awful hangover. Sean woke up and looked at me. I got dressed and kissed him.

"What now?" He asks
"It has to end" I say
"Forever?" He wonders
"Maybe there hope for us after our tours but now there is just too much distance between us. I don't think we can fix this" I reply
"So we're breaking up?"
"Yeah, we're breaking up" I say.
A tear rolls down each of our faces
"I love you Ariana Grande"
"I love you too Sean Anderson"
We stare at each other for another moment. I kiss him for the last time, our kiss lasts long.
"Well I guess if I'm not the one"
He takes my hand
"Then I'm the best mistake you ever had"

I let go of his hand and leave the hotel. I cry in the taxi all the way home. I get back and Frankie comforts me. I cry and cry and cry. I wish I could of saved us but it was too late and the damage was done. To keep holding on would only hurt us more. I'm going to miss him. So damn much.

*Seans POV*
I imagined my entire future with her. Kids, marriage, everything. I look down at the photos of us in my wallet. I have to start my future now, I have to let go. I'm going to miss her so fucking much. I might never get over this.

*Ariana and Seans POV*
I loved her/him
I'll always love her/him
But I'll always be right there for her/him. Like we said, if I'm not the one, them in the best fucking mistake you ever fucking had.


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