Paris Baby

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*Ariana's POV*
I've done all my shows here. I've been here for Three nights so tonight is my last night to go an explore, yesterday I went up the tower and we already explored everything there was in Paris. My mom says that maybe after my tour we could come back here for a vacation and exploar the rest of France. It's really beautiful here! . Tonight I don't have any shows so I've decided to explore Paris with my girls.

First we went shopping. I got a ton of souvenirs and some new clothes. Of corse I bought more shoes! I fucking love shoes. Then I bought some doggie clothes for my puppies! Then we stopped in a little Market village and got self portraits done, they were so cute! After that we went for lunch at La Petit Bouchon. I had baked cinnamon squash with Tofu, so good!

After that we took my dogs for a walk and bumped into a ton of fans. My fans are so cute! We were walking back to the hotel when Lexi came across a panner.

"Who?" I asks
They looked at me with such dismay
"He's a French singer, super cute and super good!" She replied
"Never heard of him" I repeat
She pulls out her phone and I take a listen to some of his music.
"So good!" I say
"He might be sold out but I'm sure Miss Ariana Grande could get us in" says Chantelle.
They look at me and beg.
"Fine, I'll do my best" I say
"YASSSSS" they both cheer

We get back to the hotel and I make some calls for tickets:
? "Aloh?"
A "bonjour"
? "Ques-ce que je pourais fair pours vous Mme?"
A "um anglais?"
? "How can I help you?"
A "I'm calling about Stromae tickets"
? "Sorry Mme he's sold out"
A "I know, I was just wondering if there was anyway me and my friends could get in, since I'm Ariana Grande"
? "Non you are not"
A "*laughs* yes I am Ariana Grande"
? "Sing something"
A "If you wanna keep me you gotta gotta gotta got to love me harder!"
A "so is that a yes?"
? "You'll have to come in and I'll set a meeting with Paul, come alone"
A "okay. Text me the address (insert number here)
? "Aurevoir"
A "merci, aurevoir"
*Call Ended*

"So what did they say?" Asks Chantelle
"I have to go meet with some guy named Paul" I reply
"What?" I ask
"STROMAE IS PAUL!" They scream
"You have to let us come with you!" Lexi squeals
"I'm not allowed" I say
"NOOOOO" Chantelle wines
"I'll try and smooth talk my way into VIP tickets or something" I say
"You better" Lexi demands
"Okay okay!"
*phone beeps*
"That's the address, I have to go" I say
"If he says no at least get us autographs!" Chantelle calls as I leave

I walk outside and take a cab to the address. The cab takes me to a music studio far away from main traffic, how sketchy. I get out and knock on the door. A guy in a polo shirt with a hat, shorts and a bow tie opens the door.

"Je peux t'aider?" He says
"Um I don't speak French but I'm here to see Paul" I say
"*laughs* Comme tous le monde, Mauvais pour vu" he says
He attempts to close the door with I catch it
"I'm Ariana Grande, I'm supposed to be meeting with Stromae!" I yell
"whats going on?" I hear someone speak from the distance
"Mme Ariana Grande Vu te voir, je luis dit de marcher"
The guy from the banner, obviously Stromae walks to the door.
"Cest dacore, cest vrai" he says to the guy from the door
"Sorry about that, he though you were a crazy fan" Paul says
"No problem, I guess I'm not famous enough for France" I say
"I knew who you were, I'm kind of excited you wanted to meet me" he says
"My friends are crazy fans" I say laughing
"Please come in" he says opening the door more
I walk inside and we both sit in a booth in a private room.
"So what's up?" He asks
His accent is super cute
"As I said, my friends are big fans and wanted to know if there was any ways we could get into your sold out concert?" I ask
"Of corse!" He replies
"And of corse VIP passes!" He adds
"Awesome! Can't wait" I reply
"Of corse this will be free of cost so, I have a favour to ask" he asks
"Sure, anything" I reply
"Will you perform a song with me? The song of your choice" he asks
"I can't speak French though, only little words" I say
"I have the perfect song of mine, it's half English!" He says
"Okay" I say smiling
"It's called Peace or violence, I'll do the French rap and you can sing the English chorus, you'll have to learn it and we can sing it tonight" he says
"Sure!" I say

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