Another Difference

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*Seans POV*
I did something really really bad.

*Arianas POV*
I just finished "One Last Time" and I can wait to show it to Sean. We are filming the music video next week! My schedule is jam packed! I just finished the second leg of my honeymoon tour so I have a huge break. Tonight me and my family and the honeymoon dancers are going out for a celebration dinner tonight. I tried to invite Sean but he won't answer his stupid phone. Which is surprising since his leg is finished too.

*Seans POV*
I can't tell Ariana. Holy fuck what have I done.

*Arianas POV*
At dinner Bryan was being so funny and gross! He was acting like a sloth and squishing his dessert berries out his mouth. Scott was even funnier. He laughed so hard at Bryan that he fell out his chair! Before we even knew it we were all on the floor in a fit of giggles. I really really really love my people.

*Seans POV*
What am I going to do!

*Arianas POV*
On the way back from the restaurant we stopped at a park and fed some stupid ducks. By stupid I mean really stupid. They ate the bread we tossed it then they smashed into each other. It was really cute! One of them climbed on land and bit me! Of corse it didn't hurt but it was tickly and weird. Bryan got videos that we later added to our snapchats and to the honeymoon diary videos. All in all it was an amazing night but now we have to return back to the tour bus so we can stop at the city I'm performing in to set up and be prepared.

*Seans POV*
I pull a cigarette out of my pocket pack, I reach into my drawer and pull out a blade. I can't belive I'm doing this.

*Arianas POV*
I've been trying to get in touch with Sean for a few days now. I though he had a break from his tour but maybe I'm wrong. I'll just have to try again later

*Seans POV*
She kept putting her arms on me so I had to tie her up while I strattled her. The zip ties on her feet were coming loose and I was worried she was going to escape. If she did I'd have the police on my ass and Ariana would find out. I put down my beer and picked up the blade. I hope she doesn't scream.

*Arianas POV*
Since I'm really missing Sean, and I need to pick up a few things from home my mom decided that I could make a quick trip home. Honestly they don't really need me in the city until the show night so I won't worrie about it. I'm on the plane right now and the skies are so beautiful. In 2 hours I'll be in the arms of my love.

*Seans POV*
I'm not going to be finished her for another 7 hours. Scary amount of time. I wasn't supposed to be the one to put it in her but since my buddy is down, I could pass off on this opportunity. What guy would? It's just manly nature.

*Arianas POV*
My flight landed and I'm just going through customs now. I can't wait

*Seans POV*
There's blood everywhere

*Arianas POV*
I'm in the limo and should be at Seans in 15m

*Seans POV*
She going to tell. I have to kill her now.

*Arianas POV*
I'm at his doorstep! Yay I'm going to surprise him!

*Seans POV*
I'm a cheater. She's dead now, I gotta get to a strip club

*Arianas POV*
I used my key to get in and I'm walking up the stairs to his room now

*Seans POV*
Sexy girls everywhere. Blood everywhere.

*Arianas POV*
I'm at the door of his room, I can't hear weird things! lol I'm going inside

*Seans POV*
Damn, if anyone saw this I would be dead! I heard the click of my door, assuming it was the cleanup I didn't turn around, until I heard her scream.

"SEAAAAAN!!!!" She screamed and ran

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