Dark Storms

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Pros and Cons. Part 1

When people tell you there's a storm coming you have time to prepare yourself. But when a storm just happens sometimes you loose everything. And half the time, you don't know what hit you.

*Ariana's POV*
*ring ring ring*
A "hello?"
S "hey"
A "hi"
S "bad news"
A "again?"
S "yeah, sorry can't Make it out to see you"
A "oh, okay"
S "bye"
A "bye"
*hangs up*

It all started a few weeks ago. I was supposed to meet up with Sean but he cancelled on me to go to some awards party. We haven't seen each-other in 17 days. We don't even talk. The only time he calls me is when he calls to tell me he isn't visiting again. We're growing apart. I call him every night but it always goes to voicemail. I cry every night. I don't want us to end but it takes two people to hold this together, I think I'm the only one who is still holding on.

I've been following his concert and I see the way he acts around all those girls at party's and his dancers. He even had to do a poor shoot with is hands all over a naked girl. I tried to talk to him about it but he doesn't talk. He doesn't even listen.

Our tours are dragging us further and further apart. I'm in LA again while he's all the way in Hong Kong. Neither of us are making efforts to see each other.

His new album just came out. Even before we were dating I loved his music. The was he talked about women just seemed like his style. Never did I even thing that he would end up rapping out me or our private things. I've become the target for his inappropriate rapping and the media is turning at me. People are getting the wrong version of us. It doesn't help that I one of Seans song he raps about my childish ways in bed.

I'm so angry, were falling apart. Here comes the storm.

*Seans POV*
She did it again. First it was sexually dancing with justin, the all the flirting with Jones, then kissing Paul and now slutting up again. Sure Honeymoon tour is comepletly different from listening sessions especially with the costumes but now she's practically dancing half naked in front of millions of people and all over those guy dancers. I just wish she'd save a little bit for me.

She's too jealous and stuck up. She's mad that I dance with female dancers seductivly at my concerts while she's doing the exact same fucking thing.

Now she's mad That I rapped about her the exact same way I rap about all my girls. So it's okay for her to talk about my dick on her Instagram and in interviews but I'm not allowed to rap about her that way? Fucking double standards.

She's mad that we never see each other. I'm busy performing in Hong Kong while she's just sitting in LA twiddling her thumbs. She expects me to always be the one to make the effort to see her.

I don't think our age difference is helping either. She's immature. It's like she doesn't even care about us any more. Not that I think about it I'm the only one who's ever worked for us. Spent the money, time, effort. It takes to half to make a whole. Too bad I'm the only half that's left.

I used to love her. But now I'm not so sure.

*ring ring ring ring ring*
S "hello?"
A "we need to talk"
S "it's going to have to wait"
A "NO! It can't wait"
A "you need to come back to LA tonight!"
S "why can't you come to Hong Kong?"
A "because I can't"
S "why"
A "your ass better be in LA tonight or I swear to god Sean Anderson"
S "fine, but don't expect me to be happy about it"
A "that's why we need to talk. We're not happy"
S "I'll be there"
*hangs up*

She's right. Love can't wait. This can't wait. This won't last.

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