Hospital Bills

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*Arianas POV*
I woke dazed and confused. My head pounding and every piece of my body in pain. White shadows stood over me, huddling and moving. I tried to move, or at least speak but nothing came out. I got dizzy, the world was spinning around me and I couldn't even remember what happened. And then I did...
I remember everything. The horrifying sites, me screaming, I even remember the impact. Although I passed out very quickly during the crash I still remember hitting my head on something and watchi- "SEAN'" I scream. I couldn't mange to get any other words out my mouth and I couldn't move. I was so scared and in so much pain. The vision was still blurry but I could see shapes, I searched around frantically with my eyes. I couldn't see Sean anywhere. The people disappeared and flashes of white swirled around me. I heard cars honking and people screaming and I switched back to reality.

I was on the road. Lying there. I looked at my hand that were covered in blood and had glass sticking out them. People got out there cars and ran over to me. Kids screamed and people flashed pictures as they realized who I was. I, Ariana grande were dying. Pain kept hitting me in heavy waves, I heard sirens and tried to look around again. I saw Sean's car, smashed into peices, crumbled into a blob. I saw the car we hit with barely a scratch. A man with a purple shirt neeled down next to me trying to help me while his friend in the green shirt pushed the crowds of people and fans away.
"Sean" I said weakly
"The other guy?" He asked
I managed to nod, he just frowned. Tears rolled down my face, the ambulance rolled up and took me to the hospital. Once we got through the hospital doors I passed out again.

I woke up in less pain lying in a bed. I looked at my hands that just had stitches on them. Using all my strengths I sat up. I nurse saw that I was awake and told me what happened.
"You were in a car accident. The impact of the crash sent you flying through your windsheild and out your car. Luckily you didn't break any bones. You had a lot of cuts so we took you up to the O.R and stitches you up. Once your cuts heal you'll be perfectly fine." She said
"What about my boyfriend?" I said crying
"He's still in surgery. He got most of the impact, but I'm sure he'll hbe fine" she replied smiling at me.
"Is there anyone I can call?" She asked
"My family" I said
She handed me a pen and I wrote down my house number. And hour later Frankie showed up.
"ARIANA OH MY GOD" he yelled running into my room
"WHAT HAPPENED?" He said practically crying
"Me and Sean got into a car wreck" I said
He hugged me, being careful of my injuries.

*****1 week later******
Me and Sean were released from the hospital. Him with a broken arm and some cuts and me with more cuts everywhere. My stitches were almost healed. I might have a few scars but once they heal they should dispear.

*Seans POV*
Frankie drove us home from the hospital. Dropping me off first and not letting me touch Ariana. I think he's mad at me. I mean I'm mad at me. If I had payed more attention to the road me and Ariana would have never crashed. It's my fault my baby got hurt. When her family came to visit her, her mom slapped me. I deserved it. I just wanna go back in time. Or a least get the visions out my head. I remember eveything.

I was staring at Ariana the whole time. I wanted to look at the road but I couldn't stop staring at her. I saw her scream and for a split second I looked at he road then back at her. I felt the impact and watched as she flew through the windsheild. It was the most horrifying thing ever. Ariana says she barely remembers but I still can see it in my head. After she was out the car I looked down to see that the car was squishing me. I passed out after that but woke up when the firemen were trying to help me out. I saw people staring at Ariana and of corse the press was there before the ambulance. I passed out a lot but finally woke up in hospital. They said I had to go to surgery because there was part of my car in my chest. I still have a lot of scars and a broken arm but luckily Ariana is fine.

I have to make it up to her. But first I have to pay these damn medical bills.

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