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*Arianas POV*
Let me catch you up a bit on my life. We've been on tour for 9 months. I wrote a new song called "Problem" featuring iggy Azaelia. My second album "My everything" came out a while ago and it's filled with amazing new songs. I recently worked with Niki Minaj and Jessie J on a song called "Bang Bang" I also worked with Zedd on a new song called "Break Free". I'm working on a new song right now called "One last time" let's just say I've been busy. everything in me life is going great! Except me and Sean. We have been so distant lately because we are both on tour and we don't talk much. I'm sure once our tours are over it will all be fine but it's just hard. But who cares? I'm famous.

I miss my dogs. We have been performing every night and sleeping less than 2 hours on the tour bus. It's all go and I'm so tired, but it's all worth it. Tonight I'm performing in Vancouver. I'm a little sad that they didn't put in a VIP meet up in this city because I love meeting my fans. Tonight my opening band is rixton. They are a cute little band from England and I picked then up from Ed sheerans tour.

Sean will just be finishing up his performance in L.A so I give him a call.
That's funny he usually picks up on the first ring
S "hello?"
A "hey Sean it's me"
S "Ari?"
A "yeah"
*girls laughing in the background*
A "where are you?"
S "oh, just a little after show party with the dancers"
A "fun"
S "are you okay?"
A "yeah, I just miss you. I'm about to perform"
S "in Vancouver right?"
A "yeah"
S "nice"
S "well I gotta go, have fun"
A "I will, I lo-"
*Hung up*
Despite my awful phone call with Sean I'm still going to have a great time performing. Speaking of which I better go get my Starbucks because I perform In 3 hours.

I looked outside my dressing room in the arena and out the window I saw millions of fans lined up waiting for me. I did my makeup and put on my first outfit. Lexi my best friend carried down the rest of my performance outfits. I wasn't comepletly ready but I have another mirror with all my stuff under neath the stage. We make our way through secret rooms to get downstairs without any fans seeing me. I sip my Starbucks and throw on my red sparkly heels. For the first few songs I'm wearing my black short dress with the plastic window skirt sides. I warm up my voice and spray on some perfume. With my makeup, hair and wordrobe done I'm ready to go onstage.

Rixton finishes there last song and the countdown starts. We elevate onstage and the people go wild! "BANG BANG INTO THE ROOM! I KNOW YOU WANT IT BANG ALL OVER YOU!" I belt out. I dance around and sing my set. Half way through singing my song "my everything" I wrote for Sean I started crying. I'm so sad and so home sick that I just lost it. The crowd tried to cheer me up and the piano guy just smiles and plays. No one understands how hard it is to be famous. I get lowered down stage to collect myself.

"What happened!?" Asks Scott
"I miss Sean" I say

I try to call Sean but he doesn't answer. I have to go back onstage anyways so I get it together and sing again. I walk across stage and sing tattooed heart. I was about to loose it again when I looked up into the crowd and saw a little girl. The lights flashing off her eyes she looked so adorable. She was so happy to see me! She was wearing the tour shirt and she had cat ears shining on the top of her head. She was waving her hand above her head to the beat of the music and mouthing the words to my song as I sang. We made eye contact and I blew her a kiss. Her face lite up and a tear rolled down her face. The song finished and I knew I needed to see that girl. I sang my last song "Problem" and was lowered backstage.
"WAIT!" I screamed
"What?" Asks the dancers
"There was a little girl. In the crowd, I need to see her!" I say
"It's too late Ari. The crowd has cleared and it's not safe for you to go out there. I'm sorry" replies Bryan

I change and get onto the tour bus. I check my Instagram and try and find the girl. It was an amazing show. I can't wait to perform again.

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