Trouble In Paradise

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*Arianas POV*
I lost my grandfather. I'm loosing Sean. My family is falling apart. People think that just because we're rich and famous that our lives are perfect. They're not. But, Dispite how upset I am I can't cancel anymore concerts. I can't do that to my fans. Especially because I don't have time in the tour for make up shows so when I cancel they get nothing. Everyone has been really helpful and supportive. Bringing me gifts and Starbucks, cheering me up. Today me and Lexi are going to the gym. I don't know why, but she thinks it will help me. I doubt it but okay.

*Seans POV*
Ariana keeps trying to call me but I always decline. I heard her grandad passed away from cancer a few weeks ago. I wanna be there for her but I don't know what's wrong with her. Freaking out on stage? Dancing sexually with other guys? I'm just so mad.

*Arianas POV*
I went for a run and it was fun at first but now I'm just so tired. I take a shower and head for more Starbucks. I'm addicted. I walk my dog Telouse around town with fans following my every step. I love my fans to death but I wish I had more privacy. Thems the costs of being famous. I young girl who couldn't have been more than five years old ran towards me. She was wearing cat ears and a red spotted dress. She held out a piece of paper and a pen towards me. I took it from her hands and wrote down my name with hearts. I handed it back to her a patted her on the head. It was so cute but I just wasn't in the mood to be super lovey Dovey. She ran back over to who I assume to be her mother. That's when all hell broke loose. I was walking by myself with just one body guard to keep the crowd back but after they realized that I gave an autograph to the little girl they all chased after me. My body guard grabbed a few people but dozens were still chasing after me. I picked up Telouse and ran for my life. Luckily I was wearing my sneakers, if I had been wearing heals I would have been dead.

*Frankies POV*
I was the last person to talk to grandpa and the one who found him. He's been dead for almost three weeks now but it still hurts to think about him.

*Seans POV*
Tonight I was invited to my boy Trevons party. It's a super big drunk bash with hot girls. I've been pretty down lately so I could use a pick me up. And since Ariana decided to fucking dance all over justin what's the harm of girls dancing all over me?

*Arianas POV*
The couple dozen people turned into a couple hundred within 5 minutes. Still running with Telouse in hand I reached a crosswalk. The traffic was super busy but I knew I was dead if I didn't run. I find a small gap and ran right threw the street. I almost got hit by 7 cars but I made it. The mob got closer to me. I was almost in the clear when I tripped, spraining my ankle. I let Telouse run, he found a safe spot in a bush, hopefully no one saw him. Before I could even scream the mob was at me. Snapping picture, grabbing my clothes and my hair. Screaming and touching me. My shoes were taken. My socks, my earring, my necklace and my hair elastic. Grabbed right off me. People were scratching trying to get a piece of fucking Ariana Grande. My purse was gone too. Luckily all I had in it was a towel, a brush, some makeup and 10$. Someone must of seen my pain because shortly after he police arrived and I was saved from the mob. I grabbed Telouse and I was taken into the police car. Robbed, scratched and beat, with a broken ankle. I was cryin my eyes out. The police drove me to the hospital where I met up with my mom and all my friends. I got medication and my cuts cleaned up.
"OMG Ari are you okay?" Asks Lexi
I told everyone the story and we hugged it out. Dispite loosing some things and getting beat I think I'll recover. I think I lost some of my hair.

*Seans POV*
Sitting at the party my phone lit up with texts from Ari. She had been attacked and sprained her ankle. I found the photos people took while attacking her and they were awful. As much as I hate Ariana for what she did I still love her. I step outside and give her call.
A "Sean"
S "yeah it's me"
A "I'm really glad you called"
S "are you okay?"
A "yeah, just a little shocked"
A "I really miss you"
S "we should meet up. I can fly in tomorrow"
A "that would be great"
S "aight. See you tomorrow"
A *sniffles* "see you tomorrow"


*Arianas POV*
My performance tonight was awful. My singing was bad and I looked like crap. Also because of my ankle I couldn't move around onstage. Worst performance ever! Well at least I have Sean to look forward to. My limo drives me to a restaurant where I meet up with Sean.
"How have you been" I ask
"Fine" he replies sarcastically
"That's good" I say almost crying
"Do you think it's carma?" He asks
"What?" I say
"You slut up then you get mobbed" he says
"Excuse me?" I say angrily
"I saw the way you danced with justin. What happened after the show?"
"Nothing!" I scream
"Prove it" he yells
I reach over the table and start kissing him. More intensely than before. Our kiss last longer than usual. I grab his shirt in anger. Pulling him even closer to me. I broke off our kiss and got up and limped out the restaurant. Sean followed after me.
"Just don't do it to me again, o-okay?" He says
"Fine. Don't call me a slut ever again" I say
"I'm sorry" he calls
He said something else but I couldn't hear it since I was limping away so fast. The limo picked me up and I headed home.

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