Back To Routine

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*Ariana's POV*

I feel almost as if my life is devided into parts.

Finally my life is back to routine! I'm back on tour (performing in Paris tonight) and I'm on set once a week to film scream queens. Me and Sean have weekly visits and everything in my life is fine.

Since Paris is my all time favourite place I've decided to stay her for four nights instead of one like usual. Right now everyone is going out for lunch before the show.

I ran into a lot of fans here in Paris. Like every 10 steps I took a fan was waiting for pictures and autographs. Well I guess that's the risk you take when walk out in public. Luckily I'm not one of those stuck up stars, I really enjoy meeting with my fans. They are my everything.

Ever since I got snapchat I've been obsessed with updating my story with everything I'm doing. From concerts to dinners, to parties to dates. My fans eat it up and I love it. It's nice to finally be in the middle.

I ordered strawberry salad for dinner and can I just say, delicious! I snapchatted all the weird stuff that people did at the table and I took lots of photos or France things for my Instagram. We're taking a limo home because I need to get ready to perform so we don't have time for fan meet ups. Sad face.

We got back late so we had to rush. Costume change, Starbucks, makeup, onstage, perform, costume change, Starbucks, perform, costume change, perform, final, end. I love performing so much!

We packed up and headed back to hotel. I'm sharing a room with Lexi, Yasss. We jump on the bed and laugh until 2am.

At 4am I went outside onto the balcony to watch the sunrise. Lexi fell asleep at around 2:30am so it's just me. It's kinda freaky beautiful. It makes me think about my entire life. How my life would be totally different if I had never gotten into that Broadway show, or never become famous. What if I had never met Sean? Never met Lexi? What if I was never famous? I guess in a way things would be different in a good way but again I would be missing out on my life. I'm living every kids dream! Crazy though, imagine if I had never been born? Who would Sean be dating? What would Frankie be doing? What would my family and friends life me like? Scary thought, I wonder if would have gotten famous still if I had a twin sister? The grande twins, huh.

The lack of sleep and obsessive amount of coffee is messing with my brain. I have no idea how my brain got there, all I know is I never wanna go there again!

*Seans POV*
I was just about to head onstage when I got a call from Ariana.
S "Hey babe. Shouldn't you be sleeping?"
A "can't sleep"
S "what's up? Ps I only have 5 mins, gotta get on stage"
A "oh yeah, time change"
S "are you okay?"
A "yeah I just miss you"
S "I miss you too *fucking I know shut up I'm on the phone*"
A "who was that?"
S "just one of th dancers"
A "oh, okay"
S *muffle muffle music noises*
A "Sean?"
S "sorry babe, gotta go"
A "by-"
*call ended*

I felt bad for having to hang up on Ariana but I'm already behind schedule for This show. I've been working on some new beats so I'm hoping to finish my new album "Dark Paradise" this month. Anyways gotta get onstage!

"All these singing bitches know me like doe Ray me!" I spit to the mic

"First time I met Oprah that was motivation, went from standing in a courtroom to starting up a corporation" I rap

I tried to call back Ariana but she must have been sleeping. I'm pretty sure it's 7am in France. God I fucking miss her.

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