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*Arianas POV* {Chapter dedicated to The Grande Family}

I was on stage when it happened. Halfway through the show they took moma out the audience and she never came back. At the next costume change she was crying and no one would tell me anything. "We will tell you after the show" they said. So I performed but I couldn't give it my all because no one would tell me what was going on. Right after the show I didn't even get a chance to change I was put on a plane back home to California. The whole way I was crying because they wouldn't tell me anything. The next 2 weeks worth of shows were cancelled. We got back to California and when straight to the hospital. My Grandfather has been battling Cancer for years but be has always be okay. Now everything has changed.

Grandpa Grande is sick. Like really really sick. He was hospitalized yesturday night and is getting worse by the second. The entire family flew back in to see him. He's grumpy and tired but he's stable. I hope he gets better, living in the hospital will suck.

I sit with MoMA, Nona and Frankie outside grandpas room while he sleeps.
"He's going to be okay right?" Asks Frankie
"He's a soldier he'll be fine" says Nona
"I love him so much" I say
"I know baby" says Moma
We sit huddled together.
"This is going to be tough but we are ALL going to get through it" says Frankie
I've been trying desperately all day to reach Sean but of corse he doesn't answer my calls, texts, emails, Skypes, instagram notifications. It's like he's gone, or ignoring me.

Before I could even blink the entire world new about grandpa. People stalked us outside the hospital entrance and windows. There was no peace. With body guards by our side me and Frankie went down to the cafeteria and the gift shop.
"Aw look at this" I said pointing to a pink fuzzy blanket with sleeves
"We should buy it for gramps" Frankie Suggests
We pay for it and pick up some flowers. Mom texts us to tell us what everyone wants to eat and we bring it upstairs. Me and Frankie present Grandpa with the pink blanket and his face lights up. We wrap it around him and I lay next to him. Frankie takes a photo of us. I decide to put it up on my Instagram. caption: a slightly less grumpy gramps.

Grandpa has been in the hospital for a week and I half now. He's been super grumpy but he's getting better! The nurses said that his cancer is shrinking and he might be able to leave soon! Since grandpa is doing so well my agent decided that I should get back to my tour as soon as possible. I get two more nights with the family then it's back to performing! I don't know why but I miss performing a lot.

2 days Later

Grandpa was released this morning and taken back home. I kiss him goodbye and I got picked up in a limo with moma to be taken to the airport. We didn't re schedule any of the shows so I have 3 days off. I wanted to stay with grandpa but we couldn't get a flight back soon enough to make the concerts and it will be good to have a few days to sleep and not be stressed out with getting to where we need to be on time. Frankie took some time off to stay with Nona and gramps so he has been sending me picture of grandpa like every five seconds. I post most of them on my Instagram cause my fans eat em up and I love seeing grandpa. My grandfather has shaped my entire life and my career. He inspired me to make music and he has always be by my side suporring me. I decided to add him to my show, I had this old video of us where he he gave me this huge pep talk about how I should always be myself and should always make music. So I make it my back screen and I'm going to play it at every show. I hope he likes that, I'll make it a surprise and I won't tell him until the first concert we use it at.

Sean hasn't talked to me in weeks but I'm still following his tour. Since I have a break coming up soon between Canada and France I'm going to try and fly out and see Sean. I will always love him.



It's funny how within five seconds your entire life can end. Like a plan crashing to the ground. It's like you have everything under control and everything is fine and the suddenly, your crashing to the ground.

We were at dinner when moms phone ran. At first it was laughter and smiling then it was crying and screaming. The restaurant was empty for us coming so my mom took no mercy at making a big scene. I can still hear her words and how bridle it felt. How my heart dropped from my chest to my toes and she said:
"Grandpa Died"

At first I didn't know how to feel and then the emotions hit me like a truck. Crying, screaming. I fell to the floor in tears and every gathered around me. Hearing those words broke me into tiny pieces. For a split second I wanted her to be joking. I wanted Frankie to call back and say "kidding". I just wanted grandpa to hold me in his arms one more time. I wanted to go back in time and never get famous and spend every second with him. I wanted to take back every fight we had. Every time we hugged I wanted it to last longer. The world stopped again when I finally gave into the fact that he was dead. The world went silent and the people around me disappeared. It was just me. I could hear my heart beating out of my chest and the fatal cries of my mother. I looked up into the lights and closed my eyes. I saw grandad face. I let my body go limp then before I knew it I was gone. It was just black.

RIP Grandpa Grande 1923-2014

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