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*Ariana's POV*
We finally announced our relationship. The media is blowing up but I don't care. I love him. I love him? I love? Love? Him?

*Big Sean's POV*
Ariana hasn't talked to me since the concert a week ago. She said she needed space. What does that mean? I'm worried. The concert was perfect! I miss her...

*Ariana's POV*
I thought I really loved him but this is so rushed. There is nasty stuff all over my Instagram photos and online. My anxiety is getting worse. Sometimes I wish I had never gotten famous...

*Big Sean's POV*
I checked Ariana's Instagram to see if she had posted anything. There is some pretty graphic stuff on there. I'm worried about her, I think I should go Check on her. I hop in my car and drive over to her house.

*Ariana's POV*
I've locked myself in my room for days. Frankie drops food through Ophelia's doggie door in my room. All I do is listen to sad music and cry. I'm so broken I don't know how to feel. I feel myself slipping away and there is nothing I can do. I've never felt this ways before, I've never had this much anxiety. What's happening to me?

*Big Sean's POV*
I arrive at Ariana's house to see Frankie outside
"She doesn't want to see you" he calls
"Why not?" I ask
"You broke her" he replies
"What?" I ask confused
"Just get out Sean" he says
"Can I at least see her?"
"Just go. Please"
I get back in my car and drive home. What have I done?

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