A dogs life

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Arianas POV Dreaming about Telouses POV*
I don't get life. I also don't understand why people love my mom. Always people cheering when she walks around. I guess if they love her they love us too. I escape my mothers grasp and run into the street. I hear screeching of cars as a bus comes flying towards me.
I jump forward on my bed. I reach over and scoop Telouse into my arms. I was so afraid.

*Jones POV*
I heard Ariana screaming so I woke up and ran Ito the room she was sleeping in on the bus.
"Are you okay!?" I ask panicking
"Yeah, it was just a bad dream I guess" she replies
"Are you sure your okay?" I ask again
"Honestly, I don't know." She replies
We stay up all night talking to each other. She tells me about Sean and everything going on in her beautiful little life. I really like Ariana. Like really like her.

*Arianas POV*
Jones Crow stayed up with me and we talked about life, because mine is not so glamorous. Since me and Sean are cool now I decided to skype him.
S "Hey baby gurl"
A "Hi Baby"
For hours we just talked and talked and talked, until we had to get off the bus and go into the hotel. I recalled Sean and we talked again. Just as I hung up there was a knock at the door. I opened it and outside was nothing but a note, sealed with a kiss I opened it. Then I read it:
"Meet me in the lobby at 5pm"
At first I was creeped out but then I thought about the potential. I love mysteries and I love adventures. I mean the worst it could be is a murderer of something.

At 5 o'clock I went downstairs into the lobby. ALONE. No body guard and telling no one where I went. When I got downstairs the lobby was empty. The only thing there was a trail of rose petals. "Sean" I whispered to myself. I followed the petals to a fireplace just inside the reading room. I note was perched on top of a mantal "Your getting warmer" I put the note in my pocket and kept following the petals. The petals led me to a door with another note taped to it. "Enter for the best night of your life"
I smile and press my hands against the door, opening it I say
"Sean I can't eve-
I cut myself off as I saw Jones stiting at a candle lit table. He stood up at the sign of me.
"Good! You came, I was worried the note and pedals was too much" he says
"Jones" I said dragging my words
"Oh no. It was too much" he said rubbing his head
"No it's fine, it's just-
"Not fancy enough for Ariana Grande. I knew it" he cut me off
"Jones" I say again
"More flowers, I knew it." He says pacing
"Jones please" I say in agony
"Should of had a band, more champagne"
"STOP!" I yell
He turns to look at me. Surprised, he sits down. He gestures me to sit down but I shake my head.
"I have a boyfriend" I say
"I know I just thought.."
"Thought what? That because Sean can be a dick Sometimes that after you comforted me I would just come running to you? Your pathetic" I spat.
I storm out the room and call Lexi. After telling her everything I decide to call Sean. I don't know if I should tell him, I just really really miss him.

*Seans POV*
Ariana called me crying. She wouldn't tell me why she was upset but I knew I had to do something. Don't tell her but I'm planing to visit her next week. My tour has a break so I'm going to join her for 2 weeks of her tour. I cant wait to see my baby.

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