Chapter One, Decision

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Italy is my birth country and the place where my biological family resides. Should I even give them a chance to accept me? It has been so many years since my kidnapping. I am not the same innocent five-year-old princess anymore. My name is feared throughout the Legal World, not just The Underworld. Just the mention of my name gives people chills.

"Clover, Zachary, I need your opinions on something." I enter the living room, where my Underboss and Consigliere are sitting.

"Why does it sound like 'you're gonna kill yourself?'" Clover rolls her eyes at me.

"Because... I kind of want to return." I hesitate, wanting the approval of my two trusted advisors and best friends.

"You want to become The Sicilian Princess again?" Zachary sits up on the couch, giving me his full attention, knowing this is a personal and vital topic.

"Yes, but I wanna ask your guys' opinions first before I fully decide," My head continues running wild.

"Rin, remember what I told you last time?" Zachary looks me straight in the eyes, not fearing me.

I give myself a moment to recall what Zachary had said in the past. "If I ever wanted to return, both of you and Clover would support me," I answer my own question.

Walking over to the kitchen island and grabbing a nice large red apple to eat. "So, Rin, have you decided how to meet your family again yet?" Clover starts talking, destroying the plain silence in the room.

"Clover, didn't I just say I haven't fully decided things yet?" I growl back while giving her a serious glare.

"Sorry," She yields.

"I think the first thing we should do is put The Sicilians under twenty-four-seven surveillance." Zachary started searching the kitchen cabinets and drawers.

"That's actually a good idea." I acknowledged before taking a bite out of my apple.

"Rin, it's already three pm. Don't you have dinner with The Ramos'?" Zachary looks at the clock while grabbing Kinoko no Yama, a mushroom-shaped snack that combines the crunch of a biscuit with a white strawberry chocolate and chocolate cap from the kitchen cabinet.

"Good point." Crap! Crap! I am going to be late for the meeting...

Today would mark the one-year point when Diego asked me to be his girlfriend. Is he ever gonna seal the deal? If he does not, I will ask him to marry me. I love him so much; I don't know what to do without him. He is my King, my root that brought me out of the darkness. Diego was the one who showed me, true love, not love from a guardian, brother, or parent but partnership.

Stepping into フィッシュオンプレート (Fish On Plate), one of the fancy restaurants I own in Toyko. "こんばんは (Good Evening)," Ryūzaki, an older woman in her thirties dressed in a light pink Homongi Kimono, bowed from behind the hostess stand while speaking in Japanese. "マダム S、ゲストが到着しました (Madam S, guests have arrived)." She recognizes me immediately, and being a good hostess, she shows me all the way to the top high-end private VIP room.

Seeing Diego... just stunned me with his strong muscles popping out of his black and white suit with the dark green plain tie complimenting it all together. "Love, you l-l-look amazing!" He stutters for a second, taking my appearance.

It took me so long to fit together the Dark Blue Halter Neckline Shirt and Black HIGH/LOW Skirt to match my signature silver dragon necklace. I am so glad he is mesmerizing.

"You do too, Black." My cheeks blushed pink as Diego wrapped an arm around me, guiding me to the table as he sat me next to him and in front of Diaz.

"こんにちは (Hello)," A young teen dressed in a light pink Homongi Kimono and bowed before introducing herself in Japanese. "Welcome to フィッシュオンプレート (Fish On Plate). My name is Uchida." She switches to English fluently as she clicks her ballpoint pen, ready to accept orders.

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