Chapter Eight, Home

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What time is it? Ug, I remember yesterday we got back home past midnight. Last night or actually this morning, I remember briefly waking up to Dad carrying me inside and putting me in my own bed. I can't wait for the adventure this family will give me. Now it's time to be a Monti again, and I will never forget Mom.

Now waking up again, but this time it's from footsteps entering my room. "Ehi, dovevo svegliarla io, non tu (Hey, I was the one supposed to wake her up, not you)." A whisper in Italian came from the right side of the bed; guessing it was Elio's voice.

"E allora perché sono venuto (Then why did I come)?" The person on the left said in Italian, making me guess that it was one of my other brothers.

"Volevi solo accompagnarmi (You just wanted to accompany me)." Elio bits back angrily.

Listening to them is so much fun, but I need to go to the bathroom. "You know you guys woke me up. When you entered the room." I rubbed my eyes as they both jumped back in shock.

"How? W-We were very quiet!" The unknown brother switches to English with a shocked voice and face.

"No. you opened the door, and it creaked." I gave them a serious look back.

Then Elio swore, "Amico, pensavo fossimo tranquilli (Man, I thought we were quiet)!"

"Excuse me, English? Please, I don't speak Italian." I waved my hands in the air, getting their attention back.

"Oh yeah, sorry, Sorellina!" Elio said as he scratched the top of his head.

"Name?" I look him in the eyes like I am serious.

"La mia sorellina non si ricorda di me (My little sister doesn't remember me)?" Mateo said in Italian with a disappointed look for a second. Then he eventually answered my question, which I already knew. "I'm Mateo, your fourth oldest brother and the computer person around the house." Mateo gave me a welcoming smile.

"Mine is Elma, but of course, you know that." I smiled back, giving him a nice warm feeling of love.

"Why don't we let you get dressed for breakfast to meet the others." Elio points out, seeing that I'm still in my pajamas.

"Ok," Mateo said, accepting the fact that I needed to get dressed for the day.

What should I wear to impress my brothers? The first impression always matters because we don't want any of our brothers to think the wrong way. What about a black T-shirt, tennis shoes, light blue jeans, and a leather jacket? Yes! A-a I almost forgot about my necklace; I hope they see it.

Now exiting my room, I started for the dining room, which took me only a short time since I had memorized the blueprint of the mansion beforehand. "Who brought this one home?" Alonso, my third eldest brother, spoke his mind from his seat.

Then I couldn't help myself put him into place. "That wasn't very nice." My face twitched a little bit as I approached him.

"Why don't you leave." Alonso bites back at me.

Looking around the room Mateo and Elio were ticked off, but I motioned to them I would take care of it. "Why Don't You Watch What Your Big Mouth Says!" I punched him square in the face, making his nose bleed.

"Hey, Stop This Immediately!" Dad comes running into the room, stopping Alonso from hurting me.

"You should know that he started it." I started pointing the finger at Alonso.

"Elio? Mateo? What Happened Here?" Dad used his robust and demanding tone.

Now Mateo speaks up, explaining what happened. Saying that, Alonso called me one of our brothers one night stands, and I punched him in the face for it. Alonso provoked me by saying I was basically one of our brothers' 'whores.' I can't believe he could not recognize me as his own sister. You could say I'm Dominic's twin but younger, smaller, and female.

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