Chapter Nineteen, Trouble

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Approaching the office, I could see all the troublemakers on the cushioned bench outside of Principle Burton's office. Ted had an ice pack on his forehead, Raymond on the shoulder, Mateo on the cheek, Ilene on her right wrist, and Lloyd on his right knuckles.

Once the shadow team had seen Elma approaching, they turned pale. Remembering the confit in the cafeteria, which landed them at the principals. "Das erklärst du später, Veronica (You'll explain later, Veronica)." My voice was rough as I spoke in German, knowing that only Veronica speaks it out of all the troublemakers on the bench, especially my brothers.

"Ja gnädige Frau (Yes Ma'am)" Veronica's voice traveled back to me in fear.

"What are you doing here, Elma?" Mateo adjusted the ice pack on his face.

Standing in front of Mateo, having my hands on my hips. "Principle Burton sent for me." I didn't show emotions, not even to my brothers, just because I still could not pull my roots in public yet.

"The Prick called for you?" Elio puffed air, leaning back into the dark brown wooden bench.

"Prick?" As in a sharp point? Or someone that's extremely annoying and pokes into other people's business.

"Principle Burton," Mateo clarified for me.

"We gave him that nickname for being a 'Prick' about everything." Romeo clarifies with a dramatic eye roll.

"Ms. Monti, Principle Burton is ready to see you." Arlette didn't even look up from her computer screen.

Entering through the dark blue door, Burton stands up, buttoning the middle button on his suit. "Ms. Monti, thank you for coming."

"I wish it were under better circumstances, Mr. Burton." We shook hands above the modern white desk.

"No, please call me Byron." He gestured with his left hand to the furthest chair from the door.

"Now, Byron, I am not here a Monti but a Sakai." I played my cards like a business deal while Burton completely changed his attitude to freaking the hell out.

"Y-y-you're S-Sakai R-Rin!" He could not help but stutter out his sentence.

"Indeed, and your mouth is gonna stay shut," I threatened him not to share. "Capito (Understood)," I doubled checked with him.

"Y-yes!" Burton said in fear after me wanting a vocal response.

"Principle Burton, Mr. Monti is here." Teresa cracked open the door, peeking her head through.

"Please let him in, Teresa." Burton gulped, letting my older brother into the office. "Mr. Monti, Thank you for coming." He stands up with no real smile.

"Elma, what are you doing here?" Ricco contained his shock as he continued walking inside the office.

"I am responsible for Veronica, Ilene, Lloyd, Ted, and Raymond. In other terms, the party, our brothers, fought with Ricco." I didn't show one ounce of emotion toward my brother with Burton here.

"We will be talking about this later." Ricco searched for any emotion on my face.

"That's fine with me." I stare into my brother's eyes while keeping my presence calm without worrying about the questioning later.

After releasing our stares at each other, we turned our attention to Burton. "U-mm... since it's your party's first offense, Ms. Monti. They are suspended for two days." He gulped again but managed to stop shaking. "And for your brothers, they are suspended for two weeks for their thirty-second dispute." By the end of Burton's little speech, I could tell Ricco didn't want to hear any more of this by the way he presented himself, but at the same time, he covered it so well only an expert reader could see through him.

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