Chapter Twelve, Shiver

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Luckily after my uneventful breakdown, my family let me drive alone with guards. Which I had intentionally lost on purpose and then the secret tracker. Brooklyn hacked and made it look like I was in the city. I can't have them finding out I'm twenty minutes away from the mansion. What's bothering me is how big is the Monti property? There is a forest on the property with the main house in the middle. The other two houses seem to be near the front, and the warehouse is in the back. What else is on that property? I will find out soon, but I need to get my head in the game.

Now I press the brake stopping my Back SliverCross Ranger NR45 right before the metal gate. The guard takes one glance at me and bows down for a second before opening the gate. Respect and fear are core elements of controlling a mafia.

Getting out of my car and walking through the front doors. "Who is here?" I commanded Caleb in a deeply pissed-off tone as we started walking into the meeting room.

"Nakagome, Stefan and Mark are onlin-e... But Destiny and Asher are nowhere to be seen." Caleb informed, clicking different buttons on his G-Pad. Destiny and Asher must have made up with each other.

"Find them!" I ordered, demanding they be present at the meeting.

Coming in with my big entrance, banging the wooden door open. Everyone stood up and bowed as I walked down to my chair. Now I sit down, giving everyone the nod to sit. Looking around the room, I see all thirteen chairs are filled, but for four.

We all sit in silence, waiting for the last two people who aren't here. D-i-n-g, the laptop Brooklyn manages for the people online, went off. "Um, Donna. They are just wondering, why is there silence?" Brooklyn speaks up, interpreting the message from the laptop.

"We are waiting for Asher and Destiny." I addressed everyone in a pissed-off tone to the online people since they could only hear us.

Trying to be patient, I start tapping the table with my finger. Finally, the door opens, and everyone looks at the two people who delayed the meeting. Both Asher and Destiny sat down, not speaking a word. "Now that everyone is finally here, we can start," I said to them in a threatening tone that made everyone shiver in their seats.

Once I gave Zachary my head nod. He told everyone about the warehouse between Bergamo and Milan. Then he also informed them about the one casualty, nine critical, and thirty-one injured. There were some faces, but they quickly masked them up. We all don't like our comrades dying; nevertheless, that's the life we chose.

"What's the damage to the warehouse?" Stefan speaks up first.

"The whole warehouse is toast now," Mark answered the question from his evaluation of the damage. Earlier, I had Mark and Roger drive out to the warehouse to manage things.

"Roger, what's the status of the armory?" I asked, leaning back in my chair.

"We were cleaned out except for the batch of GLOCK 17." Roger clearly responds back through his phone.

"Why would they leave all the GLOCK 17?" Nakagome blurts out from three chairs down from my left, not watching his mouth.

"It's a very common gun," Asher comments back to Nakagome.

"It's also not the latest model." Monica joins the conversation with her knowledge of weapons.

Seriously almost every time, Asher distracts us from the meeting topic. "We Are In A Meeting Here!" I shout out, abruptly standing up from my chair.

"Sorry, Donna." Everyone who spoke in the distraction apologized.

Now the next step is to appoint Roger, Yoshioka, Zachary, or Clover in charge of the incident. Zachary and Clover are busy moving headquarters to Italy. Roger is busy with the gun deal. But Yoshioka isn't doing anything significant right now. "Yoshioka, you're in charge of this incident." I declared to the room.

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