Chapter Sixteen, Taken

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Spending time with my brothers or Diego is very fun. It makes me feel loved again. What's sad is that it's the beginning of a new week, which means my brothers must return to work. But Dad said we still have the evenings to spend quality time together.

"I'm Home!" I yelled, coming into the mansion after finishing my work for the day.

"Welcome home, Farfalla!" Dad gives me a friendly big hug in the living room.

"How was your day, Dad?" I questioned, seeing how tired he was.

"It was good, but how was yours?" He sends the question back to me.

"I hate paperwork," I grumbled, sitting next to Dad at the kitchen island counter.

Then Ricco entered the living room wearing gray sweats and a bulky hoodie, as he announced. "Dad, it's two-thirdly; we should get going soon for the game."

"Thank you, son and Principessa? Are you able to leave in five minutes?" Dad asked, setting a time to leave for the twins and Elio's soccer game.

"Yes, I just need to grab my purse...." I get off of the stool and look up from my phone. "And then meet you at the car," I finished my sentence. Now eyeing Dad's coffee which I wanted, or you could say I need to stay awake for my evening meeting.

"I would stay away from that, Principessa," Ricco warns me, seeing that I am eyeing the coffee mug.

Then, when Dad realized what was happening, I snatched the coffee and raced upstairs at the right pace to avoid spilling. Now, I wish I had seen Dad's reaction when taking his coffee. Ok, so what purse do I wanna bring? I want to be a professional, but definitely not a business professional. Oh, what about my black shoulder bag? It will fit my gun but also matches my dark gray suit and navy blue dress shirt.

"Hey, Dad? What time does the game end?" I asked, coming down the central staircase.

"If the game starts on time, then three p.m., Principessa!" Dad Informed me, not talking about the coffee I had taken earlier.

"Ok, thank you. I just have a meeting at five, Dad." I explained while making sure I had everything in my purse. My gun, five knives, work phone, personal phone, spare makeup, air pods, and wallet.

"Just remember we are going out to Casa Nostra after...." Dad shares with me again.

"Yes, I know the game, Dad." I interrupted him as I saw Alonso running down the hallway.

"Ricco! Do You Know Where My Phone Is?" Alonso yelled as he came into the entryway. Leading dad to sigh as he saw one of his older sons yelling, trying to find his phone.

"The Kitchen, Alonso," Dad shouted in return.

"Thank You, Papà! And Sorella? Why are you dressed like you're going to a meeting?" Alonso points out my professional outfit, which makes me look like a mini dad.

Now responding back to his observation. "Because dear brother. I am going to a meeting after the game and Casa Nostra."

"You are definitely a mini, papà," Alonso mumbled under his breath, earning a chuck from me.

"What took you guys forever?" Ricco leans against his black Dynamic RN56. I just love cars. If you ask me what type of car, the majority of the time, I can tell you what it is from my monthly car magazine.

"Ricco lost his phone, Dom," I informed my eldest brother as I got into the front passager seat.

"Nope, you're sitting in the back seat, Farfalla!" Dominic gave me a playful glare with hands on the hip.

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