Chapter Four, Internship

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Today I terrorize people, hehe. It's my first day being an intern at BlackGuard. I made some quick arrangements, like choosing my 'boss.' Sylviana Marcello is a single working mother who works in the IT department. The thing about Sylviana is that she doesn't want an intern.

Hmm, I like these black dress pants and black heels. They go perfectly with the white blouse and black dress coat. Now for the final touch, my silver butterfly necklace. That my father gave me when I was only four. For some reason, I hope they notice the chain. It's my favorite and prized one out of my whole collection. It's time to accept my past and push forward.

Once I finished getting ready, I grabbed my fancy leather black Satchel bag, which had my computer and the paper files. Right now, I plan to be at BlackGuard for work. Truth be said, I spent almost all night getting things set up. I only needed more time to put together my office and cars but also informing my the head of The Italian Branch that I was coming today.

"How long does it take to get an Uber here?" I mumble as I start tapping my foot on the concrete. "Now I regret not buying a car on the fly," I say as a Blue Imperial Cruz GK4 finally comes into sight.

"Hi, are you Elma Edwards?" The Uber driver lowers his window.

"Yes, and make this ride quick. I am late for a meeting." I grumble out, not caring if I scared the crap out of this poor guy.

It took about thirty minutes to get from my apartment to BlackGuard. The Damn guy took the main road even if the road was blocked up because of several accidents. After he dropped me off, I gave him four stars since his driving could have been better. Now it's time to be Badass! No one tells me what to do!

Being me, I walked into my company with my heels clashing down every step. I came in acting like I was the boss with my emotionalness face. Everyone in the hallways just looked at how cool and badass I looked. I approached the black marble front desk, "Welcome to BlackGuard Technologies. Is there anything I can help you with?" The lady stands up from behind the counter.

"Hi, I am Elma Edwards. I'm Miss Sylviana, new intern who starts today." I stated my purpose and intent for being here. Then Mafalda, I think that's her name? It's what her name tag said; she picks up the office phone and dials some number. Give or take a few minutes of me just standing there being impatient as always, I stand in front of the counter and tap my foot. Ding, one of the elevator doors from the right hallway opened.

Now a middle-aged white man wearing a black and white suit starts walking in my direction. "Hi, I'm Lothario Bellucci, the head of The Italian Branch. If you don't mind, you can follow me to my office Miss. Edwards." Lothario gestured his hand to the elevator. We go into the elevator, and he clicks the button for the ninth floor.

Once we got up there, I saw the view of the city, which looked so beautiful with Mont Blanc behind it. "Mr. Bellucci. if you don't mind, tell me what you know about me?" I sat in one of the chairs in front of his desk.

"Y-es, of course." Lothario trembled nervously as his forehead started sweating. "You came from Japan for an internship with Sylviana Marcello, and Madam S says that you can do anything you like while you're here." Seriously, how is he the head of the Italy branch? A director should be confident and reassuring even when not in the best situations.

"Good, and I will like it to stay that way." I made sure to say in a more stern voice than before. Lothario looked at me with fear. Now realizing what was happening, a creepy smirk crossed my face. Making him sink right into his chair more.

"Now, if that's all. I would like a tour of the building and see my office." I stand up professionally as he guides me out of the office.

"This is my assistant Cinzia." Lothario stops in front of a black desk right next to his office. "Cinzia, if you don't mind giving Miss. Edwards a tour? And don't forget to show her where her cube is." His voice was still nervous, but he gave Cinzia wide eyes, signaling her not to mess this up.

"Of course, Mr. Bellucci." Cinzia gets up from her seat, pulling down her short skirt above her knees. What is with these young assistants trying to seduce their bosses? It's absolutely gross and unprofessional. Mr. Lothario will now get a talk about the unprofessionalism around here and the dress code. This is an embarrassment to BlackGuard to be seen this way. It's a big slap in the face.

My previous plans were to understand the layout, but I needed more time. So it never got done. Then after observing things, my mouth was shut. "Miss. Edwards, here is your office." Cinzia stops and opens the door to a good-sized office with a window. Looking around, I see only a black desk, work computer, rolling office chair, keyboard, mouse, and the simple welcome box full of basic office supplies.

Now noticing that Cinzia was still standing at the door waiting for something. "Cinzia, if that is all you can go." I expressed in a brutal way back towards Cinzia. Which she didn't take in a good way and left. Man, that girl doesn't know when it's too much.

What do I want my office here to look like? From the room size, I could fit a mini couch against the wall and a mini fridge with still room for the desk. That also reminds me to change the door handle to fingerprint and paint the walls black to fit my theme better. I should also get rid of this standard computer today and order the tinting for the window. Before I finish setting up my office, I should work from my apartment.

"Do you know how much I have been missing you, Black?" I whined, into my phone, taking a seat on the couch.

"Too much from this reaction." Diego chuckled, seeing my separation trouble from him.

"You know it's been a day. But it hit me more than ever." I melted my feeling like never before.

"Rin, did you forget we are engaged? You will always be Mine!" Diego says the words making my heart skip.

"Diego..." There were no words.

"You don't have to say anything, Red." He makes my heart melt into many different pieces. "Has Clover or Zachary left for Italy yet?" Diego brings him up at random, pondering on something.

"Zachary, yes, but not Clover?" What is he planning now?

"Why don't I send you a gift?" You could hear the mischievousness in his voice.

"Diego, I want you to give it to me, not one of my subordinates, just because we are thousands of miles away." I lectured him, wanting the moment to be sentimental.

"Ok then, I will see you in Itay, my love!" Diego opens my heart even bigger.

"I will see you too, my king!" I called him king since I am The Reining Mafia Queen. 


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