Chapter Seventeen, Language

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"Elma, You Need To Breathe." Dominic held me around the torso, preventing me from killing Bozhidar. As the rest of them just stood there frozen, seeing my deadly side emerge. Destroying the sweet innocent princess image I have been playing in front of them.

Finally calming down my nerves, I took charge of the situation exactly like my training has entailed. Knowing my family's past history from my disappearance. They are going to be ruthless, scaring the crap out of the underworld just like twelve years ago.

The Monti Family holds the values of family and loyalty to the core, unlike the other mafia families. When someone gets in the way, they have no fear of getting rid of them. Many people have avoided the bloodline of The Monti's for this purpose only.

Oh, Crap! I am really in deep trouble now... They all saw me kill those two men with no effort or hesitation. Going inside the house, I attempted to head straight to my room, but a pair of hands went on my shoulder. "Neonata!" Dad called me Baby-Girl as Mateo placed me on the couch between him and his twin.

Why am I freaking out? They are my family... will they force me to tell them what happened twelve years ago? I don't know what will happen, but they will not let it go this time. What could I tell them?

"Elma, my Neonata, it's time you learn about the real family business." You could feel the air in the room instantly change to fear, almost like they were afraid of me disappearing again from their lives or me rejecting them.

Finally, They Have The Damn Guts To Tell Me The Truth! I don't know how much longer I could act like I don't know Italian. It's literally the language I grew up speaking.

"We are The Sicilian Mafia, and I am The Don..."

"Sapete, famiglia, non sono un idiota (You know, family, I'm not an idiot)." I spoke in my native tongue, shocking everyone but Dominic, the brother who found out earlier.

"Che diavolo (What the Hell)!" Mateo shoots up, swearing in Italian.

"Devi prendermi in giro (You must be kidding me)!" Alonso rubs his temples.

"H-ow, did you find out?" Dad's voice sounded like a cricket.

A devilish grin mysteriously appears across my face. "Am I not supposed to know who The Monti Family is?" I pulled out my hidden knife and started fidgeting with it. "There is a reason why The Sicilian Mafia is still prosperous and gaining two new allies." They were completely stunned by my speech.

Clap. Clap. I heard someone clapping their hands from the hallway. "You are definitely my granddaughter and a Monti Leader." The old rusty voice comes out and looks exactly like Old Man from Germany but older.

"Old Man?" I questioned, hoping he was the same Old Man from my adventures.

He has given me so much advice as The Sixtieth Don Of The Sicilian Mafia. Many times I have suspected he knew I was his granddaughter, but even the moment it came up, he left it alone. I guess, thinking back to those moments, he could tell that I was not ready to return. But I was also in the current mess of integrating The Japanese and German Mafias.

"How are you doing, Elma?" Nonno smiles, opening his arms for a hug unexpectedly.

"I'm good, but how is your leg?" I gestured playfully toward him since it had been a year.

"It would have been better if you didn't shoot me," Nonno grumbles, creating a scene.

"You Did What!"

"Twin, did I hear our Principessa say she shot Nonno?" Mateo attempts to whisper but fails.

"Did you seriously forget you almost ran into a building that exploited seconds after I shot you?" I scowled at him like he was a child and not my Nonno.

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