Chapter Thirteen, Shadow

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Lurking in the hallways, being in the shadows. I'm scared to trust them entirely, but it does feel nice not to run from them anymore. Something that I did every time my brothers or dad had a birthday. I would light a candle and blow it out. Wishing them a happy birthday. Now I kinda feel bad for acting like I don't remember them.

Thump, Thump, two people stop right before the corner. "Papà, sono preoccupato per Elma (Dad, I'm worried about Elma)." A deep voice says, which is Dominic's in Italian.

"Figliolo, non possiamo spingere di più (Son, we can't push any harder)." The second man said, guessing it was Dad's voice.

"Ma papà. È la mia sorellina; Voglio proteggerla e nasconde cose che mettono in pericolo la sua vita (But dad. She's my little sister; I want to protect her, and she's hiding things that endanger her life)!" Dominic protested against Dad. Did he just call me little sister? He actually cares that much about me.

"Dominic, devi capire la privacy, o perderemo la fiducia della nostra principessa (Dominic, you must understand privacy, or we will lose our princess's trust)." Dad warned my older brother about cause and effect. If you push me, I will push back.

"Sì, papà (Yes, dad)." Dominic replies.

"Ora Dominic, cosa hai trovato nel controllo dei precedenti (Now Dominic, what did you find in the background check)?" Dad asked my eldest brother Dominic. Do you really think you will find the information I'm not giving you? I have spies everywhere, and you will find nothing connecting me to the underworld since Brooklyn is known as Midnight, one of the top-ranked hackers/tech people.

"Elma Edwards è nata in Giappone. Si è recentemente trasferita in Italia per uno stage presso BlackGuard dopo essersi diplomata alla K-Prep High School (Elma Edwards was born in Japan. She recently moved to Italy for an internship at BlackGuard after graduating from K-Prep High School)." Dominic told Dad like he was reading a script. Is that all they found? I thought I had given them more information. But there is the fact that my men can find more information than other mafias since it's one of the skills we specialize in.

The Rose Dragons Mafia, my mafia, specializes in information gathering and business deals. The Sicilian Mafia, my family's mafia, is known for its fighting methods and skills. The French Mafia made its name known for being the wealthiest mafia. The Spanish Mafia and The Castellano Mafia specialize in drugs. The Russian Mafia does guns, while The American Mafia does weapons. The Chinese Mafia does trafficking. The Bulgarian Mafia is known for being the second-best in the money game, and The Turkish Mafia is known for its unique torture methods.

"C'è niente altro (Is there anything else)?" Dad asked casually in Italian.

"No, ma come ha fatto Elma a ottenere uno stage presso BlackGuard con così poche informazioni? Tutti i dipendenti della BlackGuard vengono sottoposti a un controllo dei precedenti molto eccessivo, papà (No, but how did Elma get an internship at BlackGuard with so little information? All BlackGuard employees go through a very excessive background check, dad)." Dominic said in a concerned tone for me. Oh yeah, I forgot how far we go into background checks. Ug, I keep messing up this way at that way.

"Buon punto, figliolo (Good point, son)." Dad agreed with Dominic.

"Pensi che Elma sia nei guai con Madame S (Do you think Elma is in trouble with Madame S)?" Dominic points out another theory. It is funny to watch them guess, but I also do feel bad for not telling them.

Thump, Thump, someone else joins in the conversation. "Potrebbe essere, ma ti ricordi quando Clover Heart e Caleb Dalton si sono presentati all'appartamento di Elma (Could be, but do you remember when Clover Heart and Caleb Dalton showed up at Elma's apartment)?" Dominic brings my third in-command and assistant to the discussion.

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