Chapter Three, Travel

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Where are the frickin twins! They are twenty minutes late, and I have a commercial flight at six thirdly. Last night I woke up abruptly, realizing I needed to take a commercial flight to Italy to keep the act up. "Zachary, if the twins don't come in five more minutes, we leave them. And they can take a commercial flight to Italy." I grind out of my mouth in frustration.

Then to my surprise, Zachary even agreed with me, except that he wanted to leave now. Out of my boredom, I went to the bedroom to relax my muscles. Then after a little bit, Zachary knocked on the door. "Come In" I just shouted, knowing it was only Zachary.

"The twins are still not here, and the jet is ready to take off." Zachary makes his statement, and I nod in accepting it.

"I will call Clover and implement their punishment," I said. Not watching my dark tone as I left the bedroom with Zachary behind me. Right after my statement, I could tell I had scared the crap out of my number two. I genuinely try to control my anger but can't handle it forever.

Now I pull out my phone and dial Clover's number. "Donna. The twins got into a fight," Clover says over the phone. Making me more pissed off.

"What Those Little Shits Do Now?" I just openly swore in a low tone.

"Donna. After you left, Huston fought with another trainer named Wyatt." Clover informed me as Zachary shrunk in his seat. Although Zachary can boss me around. He still fears me when I go full-on boss mode.

"And Brooklyn got into the middle trying to protect Huston but did more harm than good." I guessed from the history of the different fights. Brooklyn is a very responsible young adult, but... when it comes to her twin Huston, she gets in deep trouble. Even if they are two years older, they create many problems that I must clean up.

"Yes, from what I have learned. The fight was about Huston not being a 'man.' There have been some minor incidents in the past, but nothing major." Clover pauses for a second. "The other trainees pick on Huston because he is always around Brooklyn. Who fights his battles. They see Huston as weak for not training in the open space. It's obvious at the warehouse that Fierce Falcons are getting bullied, including Huston, for not fighting back." After Clove's ranting, it just made my water boil. For the past year, I have been fast-tracking The Fierce Falcons Support Squads' training so they could become my Support Squad.

"Thank you for pointing this out to me. Bullying is unacceptable because the Falcons are following my order to train behind closed doors." I growl into the phone, not caring about freaking Zachary out, sitting across from me.

"Oh, Donna, you should know that Huston does not fight back against the bullies. From what I can see, he sucks it up, destroying his confidence in the process." Clover makes this statement to justify Huston's actions.

"Since you know what's going on. I want you to deal with it." I command Clover, giving her the task knowing she will be the highest-ranking member there for a while.

"Yes, Donna," Clover says confidently before ending the call.

Now I glance down at my watch and see it's about thirty more minutes before we land. I should put those orders in to move The Fierce Falcons to Italy. Right now, I want to see how much progress they have made and if they are ready to do a mission for me. It's been at least three months since I last saw them.

Veronica is also known as Snake, the team leader, and the sniper. Ilene is the field hacker known as Terror for creating chaos wherever she goes. Then there's Lloyd, known as Zero, who fills the role of HQ coordinator. Then there is Raymond, aka Razor. The street fighter, muscle, and medic. Finally, there is Ted, known as Dice. Who takes on the role of investigator and is a famous street racer.

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