Chapter Eleven, Disagreement

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Waking up and getting dressed in black cargo pants and a light gray sports T-shirt for the morning. Right now, I'm planning on going to the garden to practice. Luckily, my men dropped the rest of my stuff off last night. "Dov'è la dannata katana (Where is the damn katana)?" I mumbled in Italian as I searched through my boxes. Because The Dragon Blade was a katana passed down through generations, I practiced with a most identical one but a different color.

Now finally finding it after ten minutes of going through my boxes. For some reason, my men place my practice katana with my spare guns. After doing that, I made sure my makeup was on and grabbed my belt, attaching the Black Sageo. As I walked downstairs, I couldn't help holding the handle of my practice katana. Passing through the living room, I looked around and saw no one since it was only five a.m. I am guessing most of my brothers love sleeping or were up late.

Going out to the garden, I stumble across a lovely open grass area near a tall oak tree. Standing in the middle of the grass, I took a nice deep breath before unsheathing my katana from the saya. Now embracing my feelings, I imagine the katana as an extension of my body. From ten years old, Natsue raised me through Japanese traditions as a boy, which resulted in me learning two different kinds of Martial Arts and sword techniques.

Now I check my watch and see it's seven a.m. I stopped practicing for the morning and headed back inside. Opening one of the doors to the living room, all sweaty from practice, I looked around the room and found Dad was at the kitchen island drinking coffee. Romeo was cooking waffles as Dominic and Alonso were at the table.

"Good morning Principessa!" Dad looks up from his coffee, alerting my brothers that I'm here.

"Good morning to you, Dad!" I cheerfully responded, taking a seat next to him.

"Elma, is that a sword?" Dominic said in a harsh voice coming over to me.

"For your information, it's a katana, not a sword." I bit back, standing up from the stool.

Everyone watches Dominic and me approach each other. "Ok, then why do you have a katana?" He asked, standing his ground.

Now my hand goes over to the tsuka. I pull it out of its saya, holding it steady as my left-hand goes down the blade. "It's mine," I answered quietly, looking at my katana.

Watching the reaction and motions of everyone near me, I can tell they're freaking out because of the katana. "I see that, but why?" Dominic said, wanting to know why.

"Dominic, it's just one of my hobbies," I informed him, shrugging my shoulders and putting my katana away.

Dominic closes his eyes, and his face relaxes. "I'm sorry, I just...."

"It's ok; I understand you freaking out seeing your little sister with a katana." I cheerfully forgive him with a big smile, not holding a grudge.

"Thank you, Sorellina!" His deep voice comforts me as we embrace in a hug. Why does this hug feel so good? Resting my head against my eldest brother's chest makes me feel loved.

Now we both pulled out of the hug. "What are your plans for the day?" Dad asked, sipping his coffee from the kitchen island.

"I was thinking about spending the morning with you guys. Then leave in the afternoon for BlackGuard until around eleven." I shared, sitting down next to Dad and investigating his coffee.

"Why don't we go to the mall?" Mateo comes into the room, still wearing his checkered pants and pajamas.

"No Way!" I raised my voice, drawing the line. The mall always has those fake party bitches. They think they're superior to me, which I can't handle.

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