Chapter Fifteen, Influenza

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Creek, the door of my room opens and wakes me up. "Sorellina? Do you want to go swimming with the family?" Romeo comes into my room without knocking. Only wearing Hawaiian swim trunks and a plain black shirt.

"Dude! Do you know what knocking is?" I groaned out. Wanting to have my beauty sleep since Nakagome made a big mess last night. Causing me to stay up almost all night to fix it.

"Do you want to go swimming with the rest of the family?" My brother wondered as his footsteps came closer to my bed.

Then abruptly, Romeo removed my nice comfy warm covers. "Ah, What Did You Do That For?" I yelled, wanting my sleep since I felt absolutely crappy.

"Wow, did you not get any sleep last night?" He approached my bed with now worried and concerned emotions since he noticed the crappiness all over my face.

"Only one damn hour." I groan out while Romeo puts his hand on my forehead, seeing if I have a fever.

Once Romeo's hand broke away from my head. His face pitied me for being sick. "Hey, Sorellina. Why don't you stay in bed while I go get papà?" My brother's question was more like an order than an actual suggestion.

"Are you sure? I can sleep in?" I made sure to ask. So, Romeo doesn't think I was a spoiled brat who wanted money.

"I am sure, Elma." A soft smile appears on his face. "Now, I will be right back." Romeo lifted my covers and tucked me.

It's been years since someone actually tucked me. No, it's been over a decade.

"Hey, Principessa. Romeo is saying you have a fever. Can Ricco check you out?" Dad comes in with Dominic and Ricco. And looking at their outfits, I am guessing they were gonna surprise me by going to the pool this morning.

Not giving them a response, they come up to my bed, and Ricco takes my temperature. From his facial expression, it's clear that I am definitely sick. "It looks like you got the flu, Principessa."

"You got to be kidding me." I groaned, snuggling more into my covers.

"Who is this?" Dominic picks up Butter, a purple, blue, and black monarch butterfly, from the floor.

"That's Butter! My stuffed butterfly, Dom." I started making grabby hands for my stuffie, which ended up with everyone in the room chuckling at me.

"So, how long has Butter been with you?" Ricco wonders as he sets the thermometer on the nightstand before lying next to me.

"Five years ago, my mentor gave me Butter." I held Butter in the air while letting out a big yawn.

Five years ago, Natsue had come back from a trip to Germany. I remember being excited to show him the new moves Tsuchiya had taught me. It shocked me at first when he gave me Butter. I had a million things going on in my head. Why my mentor gave me a stuffed animal butterfly. Finally, when he explained that emotions are a powerful tool but also can be my downfall if I don't learn what's the right balance. Then he further divulged that kids my age are playing with Barbie dolls, not learning how to fight or run a mafia.

From there on out, it became one of my goals to learn the right balance of emotions. So I could use my emotions to my advantage instead of them becoming my downfall. Natsue used the stuffed butterfly as an example to basically say that it's okay to be a child and to express feelings.

"It looks like someone needs a nap." Dad when around the bed to kiss me on the forehead. Then Dominic and Ricco gave me a kiss before leaving me in my room.

Once they were gone, I immediately got my phone to call Zachary. "What do I owe the pleasure of this call, Donna?" I guess he is in a good mood today. Oh yeah, I forgot he was about to leave on vacation for two days.

"I am stuck with the flu." I sneezed over the phone, not on purpose.

"Ok, I am canceling all my plans." A now grumpy Zachary also swore under his breath for not leaving earlier for his vacation.

"You know that you're the best underboss ever, Zachary." I tried sweetening him up for taking over my duties.

"You're definitely sick." He commented plainly over the phone.

"Oh, come on, it was only a compliment." I over-exaggerated, getting up from my bed to grab one of my hoodies.

"Elma, you only give compliments when you're sick, want something, or are extremely grumpy." Zachary bits back like an overprotective guardian/parent. "Are you even listening to me?"

I rolled my eyes at him before commenting, "I am, Zachary."

"It doesn't sound like it." He sounded like a cranky gorilla.

"Oh. Fuck. You. Zachary! I am sick with the flu! What do you think I am gonna do?" I let out my anger in words while punching the bed. So, my family doesn't come into my room and make another red fag.

"If there is anything else, I must start working again." A calm Zachary stated in a non-emtional tone.

"Nope, that's..." The call abruptly cuts my sentence off. Wow, he is in a grumpy mood.

Now, checking the time and see it's still about an hour plus until lunch. I guess it would not hurt to take a nap...

R-i-n-g! R-i-n-g! My phone wakes me up from my peaceful nap. "Speak!" I shouted into the phone.

"Who pissed you off this time?" Diego's deep voice came out of the phone.

"You woke me up, Dude." I groaned, sitting up in my bed.

"Oh, sorry, Red." The boy I love apologizes for the interruption of my nap.

"It's ok, Black." I put him on speakerphone as I got out of my bed.

When we met for the first time, Diego called me Red. I was completing from soaked in blood, head to toe, after killing four associates of my mafia who didn't follow the rules. I gave Diego the nickname Black because he loves wearing all-black clothes.

"Elma Farfalla Monti, will you go on a date with me?" Diego dropped the boom.

"Do you even have to ask?" I raised my voice, putting my hands on my hip. "Of course, I will go on a date with you, Diego Ramos, but aren't you in Mexico?"

"Nope! I had convinced my father to let me come with him to Italy." Black surprising shocked me that he is coming to Itlay.

"Seriously, Diego!" I scream into the phone with joy.

"Yes, and I plan on staying after the alliance is finalized, Red." A fantastic smile appears on my face upon hearing that Diego is moving to Itlay for me.

After talking, sneezing, and blowing my nose, I was utterly sick with the flu. But chatting with the boy; I love makes it not so miserable. We talked about him transferring to Alta Montagna University, where he could finish his business degree in person, and the different things we wanted to do with each other.  


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