Chapter Six, Crash

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The target today is Kelven Vernon, a forty-two years old man. He has short black hair and a height of six two. Kelven also has about eleven bodies under his name and is a member of Le Vili Tigri (The Vile Tigers), a small gang in Venice, Italy. He owes about twenty-five thousand Euros to my anonymous client Mr. Beck Clark who needs to hide his identity better.

This assassination will be different because I will use this opportunity to test Veronica, Ilene, and Lloyd, three members of my future Alpha Dogs Team. My last crew died a few years back. It was the fucken Brazilian Mafia. They claim it was an accident that one of their bombs went off. The only reason we are not at war is that The American Mafia got involved and is keeping us from going to war.

"Terror target is approaching the ally," Lloyd says into my earpiece.

Then Ilene whispered into the earpiece, "Got it, Zero."

Now Lloyd starts counting backward, starting from five. "One," Ilene sprints out of the alley pulling Kelven from the sidewalks. She held the knife to his throat while telling him to shut up. Once, Ilene had dragged Kelven deeper into the alley. She shoved him against the mossy brick wall keeping the knife at his neck.

"You know that; you don't have to do this, beautiful." That slimy creature compliments Ilene, trying to get out of her grip.

"Kelven Vernon, you owe money, don't you?" Ilene plays with Kelven drawing a sliver of blood on his neck.

"Yes, and who are you?" He asked while looking at her body. Man, now I have a shower after this.

"Let's see, Kelven. Have you heard of The Terror?" Ilene starts playfully teasing him.

"No-o Ple-ase I Am Sorry!" He started to beg her, but she just raised my knife higher, making him stop.

"Nice try." Ilene slit his throat, getting blood all over.

"Snake, target eliminated; send in the clean up," I commanded, pushing my earpiece as I come out of the shadow, double-checking Ilene's work.

"Yes, Butterfly." Veronica obediently responded back to my command.

"Dice. Pull up," I commanded, going on to the next part of the test.

"Got. Butterfly," Ted responds as he pulls up in a Gray Dynamic Ranger NR45. I quickly look around and then dash to the car with Ilene, getting into the back seat behind the passenger seat. "Butterfly received."

"Snake, Butterfly, Terror, and Dice out," I say into my earpiece.

"Got it; see you at HQ," Veronica confirms over comms.

We sat in the car for a little bit in silence until Ted panicked, saying, "Um, we have two tails."

Wait, we haven't passed the bridge yet? And isn't their spouse to be three tail in the test?

"Cazzo (Fuck)!" I swore in Italian, banning my hand on the dashboard. Ok, calm down. Elma, you have been in worse situations before. "Ted, keep driving like you don't know that...."

"Yeah, I got it." Ted just interrupted my instructions.

Now I picked up my phone and dialed Veronica, aka Snake. "Abbiamo due code su di noi Veronica (We Have Two Tails On Us Veronica)!" I yell in Italian in utter frustration.

Then Ted yells at me, "Donna, They're Speeding Up!"

"Then Step On It!" I snap back, having my adrenaline rush.

"Deploying The Bloody Bandits Attack Squad," Ilene informed me of her action.

Now I'm watching where Ted is driving. He comes up to a red traffic light until I yell at him to turn right. Then I asked through the phone. "Veronica, How Far Away?" I held on to the car as it swayed back and forth, trying not to get hit by bullets.

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