Chapter Two, Identity

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"Hi, Rin!" Brooklyn enters my office looking all badass with her black leather jacket, white tank top, and dark blue jeans. "So, what personal matter do you need me for?" She casually sits down on my couch with her G-Pad.

"I am returning to Italy and will need a solid identity using my first name." I relaxed backward in my chair and fidgeted with my favorite pocket knife.

"Ok..." Brooklyn's eyes keep contact with the spinning knife, almost like she thinks I will throw it at her. "Do you have a specific surname in mind?"

"No, but I want it to be American, Brooklyn." I threw the knife at the door, hitting right on center.

"Hm... what about Elma Miller?" I shake my head no while getting up to retrieve the knife. "Olson?"

"Pick another one." I leaned against my desk and threw the pocket knife back at the door.

"O-o, I got a good one, Elma Edwards." Brooklyn sat up, crossing her fingers, hoping this surname would satisfy me.

"I will go with that." A smile came across my face as I kept repeating, 'Elma Edwards.'

Slam! Huston enters abruptly with his energetic smile that quickly turns into a feared don't kill me look. "Huston Stone Kight! What Have I Said About Barging Into My Office!" I stood up angrily and slammed both of my palms on my desk.

Not saying anything, he looks at Brooklyn, pleading for help. "Don't look at me, Dude." She raises her hands, indicating he is on his own.

"Oh, come on, Brooklyn!" He whines, making him extremely annoying.

"Huston, why are you here?" I could not help but rub my brow as I sighed.

"I heard a rumor that we are moving to Italy?" There was this glint in his eyes like Huston wanted something.

"Seriously, Huston, you interrupted me for a rumor!" My hand crossed my brow as I sat back down in the chair. "You know that the only reason I tolerate this behavior from you is that you are a friend, but Huston, don't you dare push my limits." I sent a death glare to him. "You got it?" Huston squirms under pressure before giving an obvious head nod.

"Now, for the rumor. It's true; we will be going to Italy." I confirmed, flashing back to the last moment I saw the three youngest Monti brothers, my older brothers.

It was an illegal race night, and I could not help watching it in the shadows. Just observing them made me sad but also happy, seeing the smiles on their faces. Despite that, those smiles were temporary; at least there was a smile, unlike my other brothers.

"Is there anything I can do?" Huston starts whining, trying to get himself out of the physical punishment.

"No, and your punishment for barging into my office is to run around the whole estate twenty times non-stop," I ordered a heavy physical punishment of at least ten to fifteen miles. Since if you give him the paperwork, it will definitely bite you in the ass later.

"Can't I do something else, like ensuring everyone is here for the meeting this afternoon or..."

"You can do both, Huston. Now leave before I give you more." I used my mafia tone, mentally shaking him to the ground.

Finally, Huston exited my office. "Now, Brooklyn, where were we?"

"Your background story." Brooklyn could not help saying it in a dramatic tone as sighed, seeing that the craziness never goes away.

"I was thinking of keeping my connections to the underworld a secret." I kept my neutral face trying not to think about what could happen if the plans backfired.

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